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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
    I got a micro hifi from eBay cheap a few months back cos the cd player didn't work. Decided to open it today to find out why and the problem was this Phil Collins CD stuck inside!

    It's being ripped right now for my walk to work tomorrow.

    Them blank cd's jamming sure is a bugger (sorry phil fans)


      This tshirt


        Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
        Maintenance guy at work gave me some hardcorps rat poison that they use in the hotel. Might give that a go although I'm worried he'll eat it, go walkies and die somewhere terribly inconvenient and I'd have to locate him through sense of smell...
        I would definitely be cautious about this, have yet to see a poison that acts fast enough to prevent them wandering off, and it may die in an unreachable place. You can't beat a decent mechanical trap, you might get a few near misses with the odd bodypart going missing but eventually it will get him. If you release him outside he'll eventually just become someone else's problem, don't forget they're vermin and it's not like they're endangered or anything.


          Exactly. I'm in no particular rush right now(one flat mate is really excited and has started calling it our pet. The other is less so. Neither seems like they'd scream if they saw him).


            It will **** in your floorboard cavity and behind kitchen worktops. It will also have one particular place it wees in and it stinks. Get rid of it.


              Went to Robert Dyas just now and bought four traps(the type that traps it but doesn't kill it) and some super sexy bait, although it turns out the traps are pre-baited, probably with the same stuff, so may leave it sealed for now or may just add the super sexy bait and nip it in the bud.

              I'll lure him out with my lovely piano playing again.


                This guy at work, he was nuts, needed a head CT but was scared the machine was going to kill him, so asked me to go in and hold his hand (he only trusted me, for some reason). When it becomes apparent I can't stay in the scanner with him, he starts writhing like a baby and says he's going to rip his eyes out and starts clawing at his face, so me and the CT radiographer have to restrain his arms. We eventually calm him and watch him having the scan, him lying on his back, punching the machine multiple times upwards in a benchpressing motion. It was oddly hilarious. Guy ended up asleep behind a police car in the main car park.

                How could you not say that was a fun day?


                  He didn't damage the machine did he? Do you work at LGI then?


                    Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                    This guy at work, he was nuts, needed a head CT but was scared the machine was going to kill him, so asked me to go in and hold his hand (he only trusted me, for some reason). When it becomes apparent I can't stay in the scanner with him, he starts writhing like a baby and says he's going to rip his eyes out and starts clawing at his face, so me and the CT radiographer have to restrain his arms. We eventually calm him and watch him having the scan, him lying on his back, punching the machine multiple times upwards in a benchpressing motion. It was oddly hilarious. Guy ended up asleep behind a police car in the main car park.

                    How could you not say that was a fun day?
                    Why are all your nhs stories ace. I worked for them for 5 years and never had an eventful day sigh


                      ^hehe, tbh, truly eventful days are often very few and far between, so it's always good when something weird/notable happens.

                      Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                      He didn't damage the machine did he? Do you work at LGI then?
                      Yeah, LGI but occasionally at Jimmys. I don't think he did any proper damage, those things are pretty robust, and this guy was pretty weedy. He reminded me a bit of a wizened Jamie Oliver.


                        Nanie Guanlao has been running an informal library in Manila for 12 years - and he's determined to share his books with as many people as possible.

                        The man who turned his home into a public library

                        If you put all the books you own on the street outside your house, you might expect them to disappear in a trice. But one man in Manila tried it - and found that his collection grew.

                        Hernando Guanlao is a sprightly man in his early 60s, with one abiding passion - books.

                        They're his pride and joy, which is just as well because, whether he likes it or not, they seem to be taking over his house.
                        Guanlao, known by his nickname Nanie, has set up an informal library outside his home in central Manila, to encourage his local community to share his joy of reading.

                        The idea is simple. Readers can take as many books as they want, for as long as they want - even permanently. As Guanlao says: "The only rule is that there are no rules."

                        It's a policy you might assume would end very quickly - with Mr Guanlao having no books at all.
                        But in fact, in the 12 years he's been running his library - or, in his words, his book club - he's found that his collection has grown rather than diminished, as more and more people donate to the cause.


                          Good find!


                            I've been looking into a few web hosting companies the last few days and using their online chat pages to grill them.

                            After asking a load of serious, technical and boring questions, I like to finish the conversation by asking them a few unusual questions...

                            QC: last few questions

                            QC: you ready?

                            Selina Brown: Sure.

                            Selina Brown: Please let me know.

                            QC: How do you grow seedless grapes?

                            QC: Once they make styrofoam, what do they ship it in to stop it getting damaged?
                            QC: If you're in a spaceship travelling at the speed of light and you turn the headlamps on, what happens?

                            QC: Can you help with those?

                            Selina Brown: Why you are asking like this questions? We are shared hosting provider and provide support for hosting only.

                            QC: Boo, you didn't even try!

                            QC: thanks anyway

                            Selina Brown: I am sorry.


                              my daughter again - she is starting to be a little person now

                              shrgs her shoulders and smiles like butter wouldnt melt when she is naughty

                              when you raise your voice because she is doing something naughty she smiles and says hi in an attempt to deflect her being naughty

                              everytime she feeds her dolly and grabs it by the neck to give it a cuddle

                              puts her bag on her arm and walks to the door and shouts bye and if she is off out

                              just awesome but srting to push boundries and being naughty


                                It is hilarious and makes disciplining them sometimes incredibly difficult. I was telling my daughter off yesterday and she just starting poking me in the nose which made me laugh.

