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    ohhh, can't rmoxon leave instead?



      I agree with a lot of what charlie says cos I too have been flamed on here many a time just cos someone didnt agree with my views, but I dont think you should go mate. I'm still here............somehow

      No seriously, dont go mate.


        Lol, I was sure I hadn't seen you post (EDDIE) for a while actually and was wondering if you were still around. I guess you are!


          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
          Charlie needs to lighten up a tad. He said something that was not ideal and got a few moans, deal with it and keep posting because it is often entertaining and something interesting.

          Meant to be a compliment!
          Maybe I do need to lighten up. But I was really quite cheerful when I wrote my post. And I still feel cheerful now. And it's not that people moaned. If people don't like/get upset by something someone says, I think it right they voice their feelings. I genuienly believe everyone should be much more forthright in communicating their feelings, even when it's criticism. It's the method they choose when voicing their vexation that I dislike because it's usually done in a very rude and disrespectful way which is not only hypocritical (as they complain about being offended then react with purposely petty and offensive remarks), but, due to the strict rules and the way they're implemented, their behaviour invariably means the thread is either locked or a warning is issued advising everyone to leave the subject alone. In other words there's never the chance to explore and understand the issue, never a chance to resolve it, and that means we never learn from it, and subsequently the scenario and the silly reactions it stirs up are destined to be repeated at some point again in the future.

          In the same way when one is lonely or depressed they shouldn't look for something to end their feeling but should instead dive head first into their loneliness or depression and explore it, turn it inside out and understand it, the same is true of heated issues and debates. We should explore it, we should understand why people think the word 'rapist' cannot be used lightly, understand why some people allow strangers on the internet who use words like 'rapist' to hold so much sway over their emotions and effect their immediate sense of well being, understand why some people are willing to trade their freedom of speech for the illusion of security, understand why some people rather than seach for truth regarding the issue at hand would rather resort to rude personal comments which never do any good. Ultimately, what I'm saying, in my usual long-winded way, is their rude behaviour coupled with the rules create an environment where knowledge and understanding are difficult to achieve, yet knowledge and understanding are key to our growth as human beings and help us react to things wisely. We ignore them at our peril.

          Anyways, cheers some of you for your kind comments (and good book recommendation). But I didn't write my post so anyone could talk me out of it. I posted it because I've been posting here for (I think) 6 years now and I didn't want to just vanish. I wanted to bid fairwell and explain why I'm leaving. Or maybe it's because I'm just a charlatan - a pretentious, attention-seeking whore masquerading as something else.... haha


            I try not to gush on message boards, but that post is another example why you are one of the forums most important ingredients. Like any spice, you might not be the best addition to every meal, but the kitchen (forum) is all the richer for having you none the less. So, you're staying?


              Nah, I'm still leaving. But maybe I'll come back one day, we'll see.




                  Bye Charlie, seems like you have made a sensible decision and I wish you well in your onwards Internet journey. I would think Rllmuk would be a good place to try, based on your concerns prestented. If not you can always come back.


                    Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                    Rapi... nah I won't say it. Haha. :P


                      I like ur documentary links.


                        Did Flabio leave? I remember a post saying he was (or at least might) but just haven't noticed him post for a while...


                          Yes, Flabio left a few weeks back when the "Man files lawsuit about Mass Effect 3's ending" thread went a little silly:

                          Originally posted by Flabio View Post
                          What has Peter got to do with this? Why drag him in? Why drag ME in by saying 'well its all YOUR bosses fault', like I've ever had anything to do with what he does.

                          It's the way so many people on this forum seem to think I'm some kind of industry spokesman that they can have a go at, it's starting to really wind me up. You're like the fourth person on here this month to do it, and I'm tired of it.

                          I'm out. I don't think any of you actually want me here anyway so I doubt you'll miss me.
                          I'm genuinely upset he chose to leave as I liked him and it's great we've got people on the forum who actually make games too.

                          When you complain on the phone to a company, it's the person at the end of the phone who gets the brunt of your wrath and it's usually not their fault, but as the point of contact, it's them you sometimes take it out on.

                          Flabio, you're welcome back any time! Try to realise that most people are just asking for your opinion as somebody working in a job most of us would love, rather than blaming you for everything listed in the "gaming irks thread"!
                          Last edited by QualityChimp; 14-04-2012, 19:29.


                            Damn I liked Flabio, not least because he is another Guildford resident which might sound stupid but yeah


                              That is lame


                                I liked Flabio too.

