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Women (woman) issues!

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    Women (woman) issues!

    Hi all,

    I rarely, if ever, post on topics such as this, but feel in a bit of a bind.

    I’ve been seeing my fianc?e for about two years now and she was the one who proposed to me about 3 months ago – which was lovely. However, we’ve always had our arguments like all couples but recently I cannot understand where she is coming from (and yeah I know that is women by their very nature!).

    We’ve been spending a bit of time apart recently, just 2-3 days or so, so I can clear my head etc. and I have started de-cluttering my place and getting everything sorted – selling much of my old stuff as I tend to put a lot of energy into my past and past objects, which obviously need to go, and now have. For the last few months she has constantly been complaining we don’t have fun – although every attempt including one today to surprise her and take her out, including one today – she seems to enjoy at the time then begins complaining about the same thing when we get back!?

    I’m doing a bit of supply teaching at the mo. While I get my head straighter and am hopefully going into business with my uncle next year, as well as currently doing the books/accounts for her business, but at least three times now she’s called me a jobless prick (as I do bits of work, enough to keep me ok but not have a lot of cash), yet encourages me not to do anything I don’t want to – which is not only paradoxical, but very confusing! I was undertaking a PhD but that is currently on hold and can tend to get a bit cerebral with problems/issues, read the psychology of things and read up on lots of ways to improve life etc. I also used to be a great writer (or so I was told!) and am currently working on my book and have had some bits and bobs published in the past, which she seems to think by not doing I hold myself back – another thing she suddenly blurted out tonight. Although I feel I’m pretty ok at the mo, and was actually feeling great until she went mental! I have been known to display signs of depression the past but can usually keep it under control and have been in a really chipper mood the last few days, so I’m unsure why she wants to argue all the time.

    I know without a lot of context this all may seem a bit vague but I’m kind of at a loose end here. I’ve been out with a lot of women in my day (I’m such a handsome rascal! :-D) but only 2-3 serious relationships, the last of which lasted 7 years, but I’ve never encountered someone so hot/cold – or someone that seems to turn on a dime as it were. She seems to complain she is unhappy, but yet seems unwilling to end the relationship, and again tends to get very angry then calm down and reassess it – her favourite phrases being ‘I just want us to have some fun’ and ‘I didn’t do anything’ the latter in relation to starting arguments etc.!

    Anyway I understand there could be a myriad of issues etc. here but I thought I’d post asking for opinions as cannot sleep at the mo so seems like a constructive thing to do…hopefully!
    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

    Gah, sounds so much like me and the ex.

    Funnily enough, now we've split up she's all over me like a rash and constantly makes a point of how much she misses me etc., how there is a JazzFunk-shaped void in her life and whatnot. Since I'm out of her life, all she's done is cry and mope. Love her to death, she's great, a wonderful person, but prone to being unreasonably proper f*cking insane with the people she shouldn't be.

    Seems you've got to the point where that old phrase goes "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em".

    My ex used to have strange moodswings. Still has them, 'cept I'm not about to witness them. Bar my often odd work hours, I worked my arse off to make her happy, spent thousands on holidays etc. All it took was one little thing and she was off at me, venting her frustrations in quite an unfair, overly acerbic manner. This in turn led to me feeling like I should 'walk on eggshells', then when that turned to resentment and when she tried to argue with me again, I'd turn into "Terminator Paxman", would verbally rip her apart over the unfair way she was treating me, then I'd become the 'baddie', would feel TERRIBLE about it the next day, totally guilty, I'd atrophy into a testicular version of myself, chugging around the base level, a slug, all meek and quiet, and the pattern would persist 'til the next attack.

    I'm a mellow type of guy, and it's like her pent-uppedness led her to get all crazy with my mellowness (which upset my 'flow'), and she used to get frustrated when I wasn't as het up as she was. Now we're apart, we are back to being bezzie mates again, 'cept we only stay in touch by phone.

    Don't know if there's an answer. Women are often mad. Is she on medication, antidepressants or whatnot? Or HAS she been but isn't taking them anymore? Abused in her past?? Have her previous partners been 'bastards'???

    Think the answer I finally came to was that she wanted me to be kind of a father figure, 'cept one she could rebel against and truly hate when she wanted to, she wanted someone to control her but also flip out on. With me, she got someone who understood her, someone she could talk to, spend quality time with, someone with a massive glans (FACT), but got frustrated with me because she couldn't be frustrated with me because I was too soft and mellow to be that father figure, she couldn't justify WHY she was getting mad with me, I wasn't 'bastard' enough (her previous partner was a quite massive bastard, they had virtually nothing in common). So she got frustrated even more because I wasn't that! Nuts!!!!

    I ought to ask yourself if you'd be devastated if the relationship ended. Also, try not to argue with her and see what happens, it's very easy to get into tit-for-tat slagoff speak, and that only exacerbates matters.

    My commiserations, it's a horrible place to be.


      Think about what you're going through with her now. Then imagine that for the rest of your life. Not gonna work. So you need to just come out with it to her "what is your bloody problem?". Tell her you will no longer put up with A, B and C.

      Possible outcomes are:

      1. She tells you what the real problem is and you:
      a. sort it all out
      b. the problem can't be sorted out and you split up


      2. She leaves you without saying what the real problem is

      If scenario 1.b or 2 happen, well, it was gonna happen eventually, but if 1.a happens then you're golden.

      Option 3 is to do absolutely nothing and watch as the pair of you become more and more resentful toward each other until you end up having to go through the above process anyway.

      Best of luck mate. I know it's tough but silence is the worst option IMO.


        I would get rid of her. I know that's easy to say about someone else's life, but still.

        Arguing is one thing. Sometimes things get said in the heat of an argument that are regretted later. But calling someone trying their best a "jobless prick" once, let alone on three occasions is totally unacceptable. It shows that she has no respect for you at all, and that she doesn't care at all about hurting your feelings instead of trying to solve whatever problems you have.

        The issues you two have about not having enought fun are the sort that should crop up after years of marriage, if at all, when the magic has waned somewhat and it needs a bit of thought and work to keep things lively and unpredictable (in the positive sense). Not when the two of you should be excitedly planning a wedding, honeymoon and married life.


          I've got a feeling that she regrets proposing to you. Things seem to have taken a dip since that point. Maybe is isn't ready for all that? How old is she if you don't mind me asking?
          And I agree, calling you a "jobless prick" is harsh. You seem to be working, and writing a book, and doing a PHd; doing all three is not a walk in the park.


            Could be a bit of insecurity. It's possible that after the excitement of her proposing time has passed and it's gotten a bit serious and real for her and she's becoming anxious about having a secure future with you, especially if you've started spending more time apart than you previously were. My GF gets anxious on Sundays when I head home after staying at hers... and we work together! Maybe have a look at what you both do during the time you spend together too. Taking her here, there and everywhere to entertain her and meet that 'fun' she's looking for likely won't work as she's probably using the term as code for wanting something more couply and reassuring. I guess it also depends how she was before the engagement came about also and since then whether you've discussed your long term plans as a couple (she might have been expecting wedding plans)


              Before I start, just remember that this is all speculation from other people, because they dont know you or your missus, so dont take what they say to be completely the truth, same as with me too!

              You do need to sit her down & just speak to her about why things have suddenly changed. I've learnt this from my previous relationship.

              My current gf & I have been good but her nice side seems to have disappeared & Mrs Hyde has finally been unleashed. I guess she couldnt keep the act up any longer, & we've been arguing & shouting at each other for about 6 wks now, but after talking & getting to the bottom of the issue (cos lets face it, women dont tell you outright, leaving you guessing or give you the silent treatment so you're wondering what the hell is going on) I seem to have found a lot of issues within her & a lot of stress surrounding her due to family/money/work that she never tells me about.
              I'm not perfect & realise that sometimes I'm the problem & I fix that, but there are things going on in her head that I have no idea where she got them from.
              I've told her about stuff I'm not happy with & we've sorted it (for now!!). Supposed to be moving in together soon so we'll see what happens then

              Calling you a lazy prick is totally uncalled for, & I wouldnt let a woman speak to me like that with 'avin a few words' (shakes fist in agressive manner ).

              It could be some kind of stress, paranoia, money probs, worries, depression, doubts, fear or 'fallen to the communists'

              Anyway, thats just my 2 cents.
              Good luck with it all mate.


                I thought this thread was going to be about periods.


                  I think that fancy dress thread is about the closest you'll get to that


                    I always find it a terribly good idea to ask my partner if she's on her period when she's having a strop. Sends her into an absolute rage but funny as hell.




                        The oldest joke in the book but it pretty much always gets a response!


                          Originally posted by tomato View Post
                          I would get rid of her. I know that's easy to say about someone else's life, but still.

                          Arguing is one thing. Sometimes things get said in the heat of an argument that are regretted later. But calling someone trying their best a "jobless prick" once, let alone on three occasions is totally unacceptable. It shows that she has no respect for you at all, and that she doesn't care at all about hurting your feelings instead of trying to solve whatever problems you have.

                          The issues you two have about not having enought fun are the sort that should crop up after years of marriage, if at all, when the magic has waned somewhat and it needs a bit of thought and work to keep things lively and unpredictable (in the positive sense). Not when the two of you should be excitedly planning a wedding, honeymoon and married life.
                          I agree with this 100%, the "jobless prick" comment is so out of order.


                            Originally posted by tomato View Post
                            I would get rid of her. I know that's easy to say about someone else's life, but still.

                            Arguing is one thing. Sometimes things get said in the heat of an argument that are regretted later. But calling someone trying their best a "jobless prick" once, let alone on three occasions is totally unacceptable. It shows that she has no respect for you at all, and that she doesn't care at all about hurting your feelings instead of trying to solve whatever problems you have.

                            The issues you two have about not having enought fun are the sort that should crop up after years of marriage, if at all, when the magic has waned somewhat and it needs a bit of thought and work to keep things lively and unpredictable (in the positive sense). Not when the two of you should be excitedly planning a wedding, honeymoon and married life.
                            I'm with this man too.


                              Smash her sister/best mate/mum.

