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Little things that irk you 2

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    Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post
    Had the same treatment this week after finding a bit of bone in a chorizo slice...the slow drilling they do is dentist reckons you need the nerve to 'get used' to the filling so expect a few days of pain. Mine is just very sensitive to cold, had to climb down off the light fitting when I rinsed after brushing my teeth this morning

    My irk is that after having my tooth done and the rest getting the all clear, the same tooth on the other side just broke on some muesli! Thats all 4 of my 'number 6' teeth that have broken without ever having a problem with the rest!! Luckily its not as severe as the last 3 times though.

    Mine is exactly the same bloody sore indeed it is, did he say how many days it takes hoping its not too long


      Obligatory irk at this time of year: Christmas. Totally pointless if you're not a Christian although having time off work is good. The Christmas 'traditions' are especially laughable. 'Oh, but you've got to do 'x', everyone does'. Why should I do something some European aristo-t**t decided it would be a good idea to introduce a hundred or two hundred years ago that has absolutely no real significance? Yes, all your favourite ones, Christmas trees, cards, turkeys, all that.

      I especially enjoy the false 'let's pretend we all like each other' vibe. It's ridiculous.

      One of the few positives though is that a lot of the people have woken up to the 'buy more ****' Christmas message and are doing things like secret santa for the family, caps on spending, etc.


        ^^ Be nice to each other! Ha ha ha it was nearly World War 3 in the supermarket today women fighting over sausagemeat, arguments over cases of fosters and milk and the car park was chaos itself. I only went in to do my mums lottery but thought I would have a mooch, you would think the stores would never open again not shut for a day.


          Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
          arguments over cases of fosters
          If I ever reach that nadir I'm going to off myself. Promise


            Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
            Obligatory irk at this time of year: Christmas. Totally pointless if you're not a Christian although having time off work is good. The Christmas 'traditions' are especially laughable. 'Oh, but you've got to do 'x', everyone does'. Why should I do something some European aristo-t**t decided it would be a good idea to introduce a hundred or two hundred years ago that has absolutely no real significance? Yes, all your favourite ones, Christmas trees, cards, turkeys, all that.

            I especially enjoy the false 'let's pretend we all like each other' vibe. It's ridiculous.

            One of the few positives though is that a lot of the people have woken up to the 'buy more ****' Christmas message and are doing things like secret santa for the family, caps on spending, etc.
            I have passed the grumpy baton.


              The lives of imaginary people in Downton Abbey are now more worthy of front page news than real people. World is broken.... Daily Express


                Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                Obligatory irk at this time of year: Christmas. Totally pointless if you're not a Christian although having time off work is good. The Christmas 'traditions' are especially laughable. 'Oh, but you've got to do 'x', everyone does'. Why should I do something some European aristo-t**t decided it would be a good idea to introduce a hundred or two hundred years ago that has absolutely no real significance? Yes, all your favourite ones, Christmas trees, cards, turkeys, all that.

                I especially enjoy the false 'let's pretend we all like each other' vibe. It's ridiculous.

                One of the few positives though is that a lot of the people have woken up to the 'buy more ****' Christmas message and are doing things like secret santa for the family, caps on spending, etc.
                I told everyone I was giving ?150 to charity instead of xmas cards this year.


                  Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                  Obligatory irk at this time of year: Christmas. Totally pointless if you're not a Christian although having time off work is good. The Christmas 'traditions' are especially laughable. 'Oh, but you've got to do 'x', everyone does'. Why should I do something some European aristo-t**t decided it would be a good idea to introduce a hundred or two hundred years ago that has absolutely no real significance? Yes, all your favourite ones, Christmas trees, cards, turkeys, all that.

                  I especially enjoy the false 'let's pretend we all like each other' vibe. It's ridiculous.

                  One of the few positives though is that a lot of the people have woken up to the 'buy more ****' Christmas message and are doing things like secret santa for the family, caps on spending, etc.
                  Do you have children?


                    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                    I told everyone I was giving ?150 to charity instead of xmas cards this year.
                    ...but secretly spent it on your Faberg? egg addiction?


                      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                      Do you have children?
                      Nope, not planning to either.

                      My current irk is those EE adverts with Kevin Bacon. I'd like to find the 'creative' who came up with them and smash them repeatedly in the face with my fists. I just don't understand why they chose him, at least pick someone who has a chance of understanding what the words he is saying mean. He may as well be speaking Klingon.


                        They chose him because of the massively famous game of Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon, which is the concept of the ad. I like it. Especially when he says 'kinda weird' about the guy gaming with someone in Peru.


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          The lives of imaginary people in Downton Abbey are now more worthy of front page news than real people. World is broken.... Daily Express
                          Not as good as this killer story

                          KIRSTIE Allsopp, 41, earned some Brownie points with her godson after getting rid of an unwanted pressie.

                          A journalist's wet dream, surely. Four whole sentences! And three of them are from a quote! They must be working overtime at the Express.

                          Can I also say, I'm going to shotgun the next journalist who quotes a tweet from some ****muncher in an article. Right. In. The. Balls.


                            Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                            Obligatory irk at this time of year: Christmas.
                            What a terrible attitude!

                            Just for this, I'm banning you from celebrating Christmas until next December!


                              The exploding christmas lights at the top of this site. Good God, I'm trying to listen to my chunes with the volume up and all of a sudden I get a massive *CRASH* because my cursor has hovered over one of them because I'd moved back to the forum front page. Please bring them back next year by all means, but can we have an option to toggle the sound effect too?


                                Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                                They chose him because of the massively famous game of Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
                                Ah, I've never heard of it. Explains why I don't get the ad

