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The Photography Thread 2

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    Like that shot of the ducks Marty, looks like they are swimming in ink.

    ...unless of course they are!


      Thanks, just low key lighting

      I got some extension tubes for the Nikon - had a quick try with a D70 and 18-55mm kit lens that I keep at work as an emergency DSLR

      They work far better than I was expecting, so it'll be good to try them on my proper macro lens, it should produce some larger than 1:1 shots.


        Any good camera review sites? I've been looking at a Nikon Coolpix L340 as I can cover all but $30 and taxes with points.


          I'm not a huge fan of Nikon compact cameras, Canon and Fujifilm produce better ones imo. There doesn't seem to be a lot of reviews around for that particular model atm.


            It seems it only came out March 31st so is rather new. They'll be selling off the L330 for $140 tomorrow so I could cover the whole thing with points...but I'm going to see what else they have I think.


              What you using it for Kryss? You want to come and post more photos on here or is it more general use?


                Well I got the Nikon Coolpix L340, hoping they fixed some of the complaints about the L330. And it only cost me $41.49 after points so w/e.
                Mainly for Japan next month (next week!?) as I can update photos of my old haunts. The lighting won't be an issue as it'll be 90% outside, and resizing should fix other picture issues. I'll still have my 14MP Canon compact to general carry around, and my Nexus 4 for random quick pics.

                Yes! I would like to post more pictures here, although there's not much I'm going to be seeing any time soon.


                  I find it bizzare going back to non SLR cameras, where's all my dials!


                    Never had one so not going anywhere!


                      You can get nice pics with any camera; where smaller sensor / compact cameras tend to be weaker is in low light situations and control of depth of field, possibly speed of focus. If these aren't a worry then I'm sure you'll get on fine with it.

                      I've been playing with my 105mm macro lens with the extension tubes added - you can get super close.


                        It doesn't to be a DSLR to have dials !

                        I seem to have dropped out of photography for some reason, but starting to get the urge again, and buying a new compact to go alongside my D90 - the LX100 has a few dials...


                          These are all straight from the camera with no resizing:

                          I do like the colour separation mode.



                            I'm guessing that "macro" mode just opens up the aperture to blow the background out to create a sort of macro effect. Can you get any closer in than that?


                              Yeah I don't think I was using it properly. I'll try again.


                                Oh I wasn't saying you weren't using it right, was just wondering what kind of minimum distance that kind of camera offers compared to something like my Canon f1.4 50mm - which isn't a macro lens.

