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The car thread 2.

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    Nice Celica!
    I'll have to have a look at these S2Ks when I eventually tire of mine. It was mentioned by several including Colin when I was initially looking. Quite the endorsements for it on this site!


      Saw a GT86 the other day driving past...

      Made my head turn, guess I don't think it is that bad then.


        My car has tons of scratches!


          I guess it depends where you are in the world but I rarely see them on the road. There's a black and a ginger one around here that I see now and then.

          Just been looking at S2000 photos. Love the stock look but also some of the pimped out ones are really nice too.


            I keep seeing a blue BRZ around where I live and I really like it, GT86's seem fairly popular as I know a few in the area. That Irn Bru colour is actually pretty cool in the metal.


              Yes, the one I saw was the Irn Bru colour.


                The ginger seemed too extreme at the time but if I was to buy now then I'd probably go for it. Or the yellow Giallo

                I saw a white 911 yesterday. The back looked different to normal. Must do a search and see what it was that I saw. I liked it anyway.

                EDIT: It was a GT3!

                Last edited by Brad; 12-06-2015, 13:00.


                  I just want something I can thrash the crap out of without replacement parts costing the earth. (The ?3k clutch for the Aston was a strong lesson!) Also that I don't look stupid in it at the ripe old age of 41, which rules most hot hatches out.


                    A roadster or a coupe seems the ticket then. Saw a black 370z the other day that looked really nice. Don't know enough about them to know if it had been modded in any way or was standard. I'm guessing a GTR falls into the same category as the Aston regarding repair costs?


                      The GT-R looks like a 10 year old should be driving it. I mean, I know it is technically impressive an' all that but visually it isn't the prettiest car you've ever seen. Probably be a little cheaper than an Aston to maintain though.

                      The 370Z just looks like a riced 350Z too, not a huge fan of those either. Stock 350Z are pretty nice though, especially in gold.


                        It's a puzzler to be honest, there aren't many fun cars that you don't look a twonk in as a man. I'm going to have the XF as the car with a bit of refinement and class, so looking at the fun car being sub ?20k preferably*.

                        *Charles, this is your invite to start posting a bazillion pics of weird modified Japanese boy racermobiles.
                        Last edited by charlesr; 12-06-2015, 13:51.


                          350 vs 370 is a big debate!


                            I'd rather a 300ZX over either of them any day.

                            The 370 is just a 350 with more though, to my eyes.


                              240Z is the only Z car worth getting excited about IMO.


                                I'd agree. I like the 300 but it's not exactly a brilliant car. Heavy and not that reliable. 350 is decent and handles pretty well.

