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Little Things That Irk You 3 1/3: The Final Insult

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    To be honest, it's like a cheap visa. It costs ?30 for a single visit visa to China for example.
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Turkey sting you for a tenner at the airport too....

      My irk is my credit card being cloned.
      Only ever been used in 3 places though...

      So either videogamesplus, lootcrate or Google Play are to blame.
      To be safe I won't use any of them again.


        Of the three, my guess would be Videogamesplus:
        Update: has begun emailing customers to inform them of the site's apparent security breach. VGP admit…


          Bought my 5th suit in the span of two years. Wore each one once or twice... My weight fluctuats more than currency.


            Crikey shaffy that is some fluctuation, you never heard of elasticated waist trousers

            I feel bad having to buy a bigger size about once every 18 months.


              Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
              To be honest, it's like a cheap visa. It costs ?30 for a single visit visa to China for example.
              But, but, but... THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP!


                Been bit on the face by a ****ing mosquito. Look like something you'd shoot in singularity now. ffs.

                Do mosquitos serve any purpose at all!?

                Like flies are annoying but they eat trash. WTF do mosquitos do other than bite my legs and face.


                  Originally posted by Brad View Post
                  $14 for an ESTA to be allowed to enter the USA. Renewable every 2 years. It's not enough that we have to pay for a passport for the privilege of leaving this dump of a country for a bit of a break every now and then; the US are somehow a bit special and want a bit more cash.

                  I have a similar irk, my ESTA application got denied and they are not obligated to tell me why.


                    Do you have any outstanding offenses in the US? ANYTHING minor requires a court appearance, and failure to do so will see you banned from entering the country. Yes, even jaywalking.

                    I'm still debating my Canadian citizenship application. $400 and I'm probably leaving in a couple of years anyway. Oh and the application itself takes 2 years.


                      Nope, nothing at all. Apparently the most common source of this kind of nonsense is having a name that is similar to someone on a watchlist somewhere. Totally infuriating.
                      Last edited by pentarou; 09-07-2014, 20:17.


                        Did you use your full name with middle names as well or just first+last?


                          Computer motherboard probably borked. Before buying a replacement I'll flash the BIOS and swap the OS drive to see if this solves anything (I'm clinging to everything not to buy a new mobo).


                            Originally posted by kryss View Post
                            Did you use your full name with middle names as well or just first+last?
                            He used his full name:
                            Osama Paddy Jong-Il


                              Youtube resume upload feature not working, that's four hours I wasted yesterday uploading a video.


                                Originally posted by kryss View Post
                                Did you use your full name with middle names as well or just first+last?
                                Just first and last, the form indicates to leave out your middle name. That's what I did for my previous one too and it was fine.

