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Little Things That Irk You 3 1/3: The Final Insult

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    Do the police help you revise?


      Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
      Do the police help you revise?
      Abusing the 999 line is no laughing matter, its there to help people in need like the man who run out of toilet paper*
      or the old woman who threw her dentures at two fighting dogs**

      its not there to do your home work for you * **
      Last edited by Lebowski; 04-03-2014, 08:50.


        Another day, another security breach. This time it's Comixology. The conspiracy theorist in me is almost beginning to think that the purpose of these endless security breaches is to desensitise us to having all our information out in the open and accessible by Google/Facebook/advertisers/government. If everyone has our passwords and details (and seemingly they do), why bother hiding it? Even if there is no truth in that at all, it will probably lead to the same end result.


          I have a friend who has followed this cycle for the last few years:

          - Decides that they want to live overseas for a few months
          - Gives away all of their possessions
          - Ups sticks and leaves to build schools in Tibet or something
          - Returns to the UK, penniless
          - Is forced to sleep on sofas or move back in with parents
          - Complains endlessly on social media about the difficulty of finding a job or a place to live
          - Eventually gets both, works for a year or so and repeats the process again

          I really feel like telling them to just stay put and stick with something but I'm far too polite. I have lied about my sofa being unavailable for them to sleep on though.


            Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
            Do the police help you revise?
            That would be nice.



              Moral is, you get what you pay for.
              She went on and asked for a logo.
              It was provided for ?3.50 in the form of a .png at 5000x5000.
              That's ok, although ideally a logo would be a vector format.
              But the image size is too big to fit in her make-your-own-website thingy.
              I suggested she download irfanview and resize it.
              She went on google and clicked on the top link which was a sponsored advert to a website which had one of those "Download" adverts buttons that takes you to something that installed all sorts of rubbish on her machine, removed her access to the internet and pops up all the time asking her for money to fix it.

              ?3.50.... sigh.
              Last edited by charlesr; 07-03-2014, 10:20.


                Upgrade time so I've done my research looked about and found a great deal on the phone i want, a quick call to Three mobile shows that they cant match the deal so out comes the hard sell, Normally i hate having to deal with the hard sell and just hang up if they wont shut up, but i needed a pac code.

                He wouldnt/couldent move on price and tried to feed me all sorts of rubbish about how Three have a great network and how 4g is worth paying ?10 more a month for, I repeated the line can you put me through to cancellations please over and over but he wouldn't put me through to cancellations until he had talked at me for 20 minutes about how good 4g is and how rubbish all other phone networks are, this guy could talk, he couldn't listen but wow he could talk.

                Why would i stay with three if I'm not getting any form of incentive, if i move mobile providers i get a better price, as well as the bonus of cash back from the likes of Quidco it really isn't rocket science and they must know this.

                What i don't understand is how come resellers and the like are actually cheaper than the actual phone providers


                  Next time just hang up, call back and get someone else. Mind you, I expect you were in a queue for a while...


                    Persona 2 Innocent Sin being removed from the PS Store due to douchebags using the game for an exploit. A small number of people ruining it for everybody else. All the more frustrating because there are plenty of other exploited games, and the exploit only affects the PSP side of things anyway. Just buy a PSP, rather than getting games taken down from PSN.


                      Yesterday due to my own haste I messed up my dominos order.

                      Instead of a large Mexican hot pizza with coke, I ordered a small Mexican hot with coke. ?13.98 for a small pizza and coke. Gutted.


                        How unlucky someone can be? Bought two new higher-capacity drives for my backup NAS and one of them already has eight bad sector warnings when creating the RAID array.


                          IT interview today. Beasted VMware and HP hardware questions! then fell to pieces on windows. Been sat here all afternoon cringing as answers to said questions have been popping into my head.


                            Did you say things like "just turn it off and on again" and "I like regcleaner" and "Metro interface is ideal for business"?


                              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                              Did you say things like "just turn it off and on again" and "I like regcleaner" and "Metro interface is ideal for business"?
                              Yes. Balls. Maybe the Metro comment was a step too far.
                              Last edited by k0pp0; 17-03-2014, 19:44.


                                Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                                Yesterday due to my own haste I messed up my dominos order.

                                Instead of a large Mexican hot pizza with coke, I ordered a small Mexican hot with coke. ?13.98 for a small pizza and coke. Gutted.
                                Am I going mad? I can clearly remember Kryss also made a pizza related post in conjunction with this one, and billy commented on the innuendo in each of them. No trace of those posts any more, what gives?

                                While we're at it I noticed a weird thing recently where someone had written the word 'haveten' and when I went to quote the post and make fun of the typo, the original text was 'often'. Bordersdown going OTT with the text filters again?

                                Then again it didn't happen to this post, so what's going on?
                                Last edited by Darwock; 17-03-2014, 20:35.

