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Little things that bring a smile to your face 4

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    this could go in the irks thread aswell but it made me laugh wife said someone on her friends list named her baby spartacus...must resist puns


      She should name all of her kids Spartacus. Registration at school or trips to the doctor would never get old.


        Might not be completely safe for work

        【追加情報5】ご支援のお礼と今後のご報告 皆様、今回のプロジェクトでは多数のご支援を賜りまして誠にありがとうございました。お陰様でプロジェクト遂行に十分な資金と多くの皆様の認知、更にはたくさんの仲間と巡り合うことができました。皆様には本当に感謝しております。 さて、これからの開発経過はmakuake上でお伝えすることとなりますが、別途シナプス(



            EB's crazy avatar is back


              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
              EB's crazy avatar is back
              its so hypnotic


                That eastyy's post is the 666th one in a smile thread


                  the punctuation of the beast


                    I try not to bore people with "own kid stories', but I'm bored so here were a couple of smiles courtesy of my 3yo daughter. Her Japanese has accelerated to levels that probably already exceed mine, but her English is still a bit slow (which is why these are smiles, to native speaking parents this is probably nothing). Still she always puts the effort in to try and talk to me in English when we are playing together.

                    I have recently been watching the original Star Wars, she has decided she likes it and sits watching with me. On the most recent occasion when Darth Vader was choking an Imperial officer, she stood up in front of the TV and shouted "Star Waaaaarrrrrrss PUNCH!" complete with charging punch action.

                    Then last night I was building the Lego desert skiff... (I never mentioned Star Wars, nor has she seen Return of the Jedi). She went straight for the minifigure of Lando in his disguise outfit, picked it up and was like "What's this? Darth Vader?" I said, no "That's Lando". She looked at me very cautiously and asked "Lando's cute, right?" as if unsure if it was safe to play with.
                    Last edited by Darwock; 04-03-2015, 21:27.


                      Originally posted by randombs View Post
                      That eastyy's post is the 666th one in a smile thread
                      glad my name is not damien


                        I think I've just relived my youth for a minute or two

                        Went into B&M and saw they are carrying slot of American sweets at pretty good prices and I've never tried a charleston chew, so I bought one and I'm sure it's a bloody Texan

                        Just memories came flooding back - gonna buy loads


                          I think I have seen the best picture on the entire Internet. And now you can too:


                            Best amiibo review so far.


                              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                              I think I have seen the best picture on the entire Internet.
                              That is pretty darn special

                              @kryss: The Amiibo story is brilliant. I actually have the Kirby one as a mate bought it for me after I told him I wanted to try registering it with the clocking in/out machine at work. It won't recognise it so he is literally sitting on the desk facing the window. They draw the blinds at night so he doesn't get to see the starry sky, though.
                              Last edited by randombs; 06-03-2015, 00:25.


                                So the Sega 1602-05 (10V 1.2A) PSU I bought for my SNES Mini arrived today. Didn't power the machine on and upon checking it with my multimeter it was clear that something was wrong with the unit. Therefore before work I quickly filed for a refund - which was processed almost immediately, making me think that they didn't test the unit at all.

                                Now for the smile.

                                The unit has some hex headed screws holding it together but I was able to unscrew these using a gamebit. With the unit open I could check both the cable continuity and if the unit was actually providing the desired voltage - it was, meaning that the cable was at fault.

                                Took the PSU that had blown, dremel that in half and steal the cable from it - then solder that cable into the 1602-05.

                                Free PSU and now I can play my SNES!

