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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    Random favourites tweet. Posted about the new Touhou game by Souvenir Circ. and "SouvenirNY" favours it...they only have souvenirs from NY in that channel!


      I was in Manchester Airport once and to get on to free wifi you have to fill out a questionnaire. One of the questions was how did you arrive at the airport? By plane was not an option. I tweeted this.

      Very shortly after, a Manchester Airport twitter account (I didn't know there was one) replied telling me: that would be too easy.


        The new muller light advert.


          Tomorrow I have a 7:30 start which would normally be fine(and mean I can leave at 4:30) but I've been scheduled to attend some more boring seminars. The only interesting ones so far have been the Word and Excel beginner's courses because they weren't full of new grads. New grads are the worst. They understand less than I do and my excuse is that I literally don't understand much of what's being said.

          Tomorrow's look like they'll continue the trend of boringness: "The Young Employee's Survival Guide for Tough Business Environments". I'm neither young nor working in a tough business environment.
          Last edited by randombs; 07-05-2015, 13:47. Reason: Katie Hopkins



              You have two other tabs open that are playing Taylor Swift - "Shake It Off".

              Explain yourself.


                T Swizzle is the bomb.


                  Ah, okay. That's a perfectly acceptable answer.

                  On a completely unrelated note, to whom do I speak about getting somebody banned?




                      Had a job interview today and was thoroughly unimpressed.

                      Walked into the premises and it was an utter mess! Tried to introduce myself to someone there only to be grunted at and told "they're running late". Actual interview went okay but I'm not convinced I actually want the job now.


                        Yep. That happens. Sometimes companies don't realise that interviews work both ways. If they mess you about in an interview, the culture in the place might be a nightmare. Might not be - maybe they were just having a bad day. But it would certainly have me considering to turn them down if they offered me a job.

                        ...he wrote as if he knew anything about job interviews. I have very little actual experience.


                          Look at it this way, Teddy- would you want to spend five days a week in that mess?


                            Nonplussed is a word but plussed isn't.


                              PC gaming isn't for me. I sit around for hours trying to tweak stuff then just play like 2 minutes before I'm bored.


                                Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                                PC gaming isn't for me. I sit around for hours trying to tweak stuff then just play like 2 minutes before I'm bored.
                                Dood that's 90% of the fun of PC gaming.

