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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    He's banned on here so he can't reply back which is what will annoy him more.


      I'm 34 tomorrow.


        Come back when you're closer to 40. I don't want to be 40 but it's getting closer and closer.

        Least you're closer to the 30 side of it.


          And here I am getting worried about becoming 25 soon!


            You can't escape it speedy it'll get you as well lol

            (in many years, grr)

            Now where did i put my giant tub of oil of olay.


              I don't doubt for a second that he managed to nab her with nothing more than his wily ways. I see pretty Japanese women with fugly white guys all the time here, and vice-versa.

              My irk: I got an email from Amazon Payments saying I had to faxxxor some random security stuff to them or else they'd close my account.

              I logged in to said account and realised it was just used for a few Kickstarter payments so good riddance, I say.

              However, I got another email from them for an apparently different account, sent to the same email address but with my full name. Strange.

              Problem is, being the same email address, I can't log in to the account in question and find out what it was used for and if it's worth saving.

              Does anyone know if Amazon Payments accounts are separate from regular Amazon online shopping accounts?

              I have two Amazon accounts - UK and Japan. The UK one is dormant now but I occasionally use it when I go home on holiday. The Japanese account is used quite often but it's under a different name. Logging in to my shopping accounts, nothing is awry - I can do things the Payments accounts won't let me do, such as add/edit credit cards, so I think they're safe but I'm still a bit worried...


                Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                I'm 34 tomorrow.
                Welcome to the club.


                  Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                  I hope karma bites him in the ass.
                  He retweeted you...that makes you the enemy!


                    Even if he did I wouldn't know. I'm blocked.


                      Today was ****.

                      I don't have an issue working on my birthday. What I have an issue with is being left short staffed after 3pm as nobody seems to be bothered to create a rota properly. As long as they have enough staff to do what they want it doesn't matter about when they aren't in.

                      On top of that I had to work the late and there was a load of marketing changes that needed doing too.

                      And I didn't get a birthday cake.


                        Poor teddy. Happy Birthdsy mate! Chin up.


                          That microsoft photo age analyser thing said I look 57.


                            No it doesn't.


                              That's much better! I'm a 37 year old woman. I'll take that.


                                Package from the UK stuck in customs since the 28th.

