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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    Sunday shoppers who think it's acceptable to walk in at 5 minutes to close and proceed to ask ridiculous questions and spend ages browsing.

    You've had since 10am FFS. Why leave it so late?!


      One of the two things I needed to buy today: cat food.
      What I forgot to buy today: cat food.
      Where I shall be going again tomorrow: shopping.


        Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
        Sunday shoppers who think it's acceptable to walk in at 5 minutes to close and proceed to ask ridiculous questions and spend ages browsing.

        You've had since 10am FFS. Why leave it so late?!
        See it all the time at local Tesco, closes at 4pm on a Sunday and people are trying to walk in with an empty trolley at 4pm. Just amazes every time. Total pposite end of the scale to those who are there 15 minutes before it opens waiting at the doors to get in.

        Another irk, Sky Sports mobile app today for the first time (I believe) showing UFC results from last night, before I'd watched the fights.


          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
          Sunday shoppers who think it's acceptable to walk in at 5 minutes to close and proceed to ask ridiculous questions and spend ages browsing.

          You've had since 10am FFS. Why leave it so late?!
          I'm usually good but yesterday I had to go to the big shoe shop and got there just a little while before they shut. Gf got annoyed with me but it was her fault because she took so long to get ready and I'll also blame Japanese men for having such small feet and forcing me to go to the big shoe shop instead of ABC Mart like everyone else.


            Went to answer 4 quick questions to win a Batman PS4. Then saw the tie breaker question - how many gold trophies have been won in arkham city and arkham asylum combined. This resulted in 15 minutes fo googling to get sales figures on both games, estimating %age of sales to PS3 versus 360 and PC and %age of people getting gold trophies in each game. Lunchbreak used up for something I don't even care about.


              I would have googled the number of platinum trophies achieved for both (if that can even be found) versus total sales, worked the percentage of that ratio, then applied it to the sum of the total number of gold trophies in each game divided by two. Ballpark guesstimate.

              On second thoughts, just guess.
              Last edited by kryss; 27-04-2015, 14:39.


                What would you guess? Just curious as to how close to my maths you are.
                I couldn't get the platform sales, only the total sales and I don't know how accurate that is even. I assumed PC was 10% and ps3 and 360 had about half of what was left over each. Still a bit of a guess.


                  4.3m and 4.6m in sales according to Wikipedia. I like your thinking for platform split. Say .1% got platinum (and therefore gold also) and another .2% got the gold but not platinum.
                  So 580'000 for Aslyum and 621'000 for City, and let's round down for laziness and call it 1 million total. There's only 1 gold per game (not counting DLC). Which still sounds awfully high.


                    I know the percentage that got gold so I should be more accurate than that if my split guesses were reasonable



                      I signed up to their Star Trek Starships collection and had nothing but trouble, today after being forced to threaten court action they finally returned all the money they basically stole off me.

                      They had taken almost ?300 out my account and only sent 8 issues, 1 of which was smashed beyond repair. I was in constant email contact with them and they were promising since january to sent the issues I'd paid for. They also hadn't bothered sending the subscriber's bonus items either...


                        Originally posted by Brad View Post
                        I know the percentage that got gold so I should be more accurate than that if my split guesses were reasonable
                        Will you tell us (me) after the compo is done?


                          Prof remarked our final exams for my linear algebra course. I went from a C+ overall with 58% on the final to a C with 41%, and I'm fairly sure I have to redo the whole course next January, pushing me graduating back another 4 months.
                          I'm also finding it really hard to concentrate on studying for my exam on Wednesday, even before this news.


                            Spending twelve hours at an away day in a hotel in Surrey doing team building exercises, with no means of escape. Utterly excruciating nonsense that meant I got home over four hours late. I was counting down every minute until I could leave.


                              The fact that football is on the same level of news reportage as a major earthquake shows how rediculous we are as a species in thinking they are any where near the same level of importance.

                              Infuriates me.


                                Actually they can be but in different ways. People need a source of happiness and football is probably the leading past time that does that. The current story of Bournemouth achieving their ultimate dream is frankly awe inspiring and gives people hope that anything can be achieved.

                                Everyone needs a little hope.

