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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    Originally posted by Asura View Post
    The Ford KA is similar; you have to disassemble half the car to change the left headlight on one of the models.
    My car needs the engine removing to change the spark plugs. Not even joking!


      Call Mastercard as neither paypass, the chip nor the swipe are working on my card. They send me a new card! ...With the same expiry date of July. Gah.


        yesterday went for a fancy meal wifes birthday starter and main course had a side order of went for a lunch at a sandwich bar....side order of salad to and they always have this horrible bitter part of it .

        Tractors on the road ...and them not pulling over actually someone a few weeks ago was banned from driving and had to pay a fine because this tractor caused a 7km tailback with hundreds of vehicles behind him.

        Oh and moving as my dad and his wife had to move back to england pretty sharpish we packed up and moved into the house (still in ireland) so we can save on rent and put some money aside till we move in a few months. But the wife's ocd is a bit a irk insisting to unpack plates and stuff even though there was plenty still in the house she just wants to use her stuff


          SMASH THEM ALL!!


            I wish that Sony (or Google) would stop completely rearrange the interface and hide or even remove things I use the most.


              Fat shaf has reared its head


                The FA cup final kicking off at 5.30pm


                  dunno if i should feel guilty about this irk but anyway this charity had people out side collecting out side every single place i went to station...roundabout..pelican crossing they were just everywhere


                    If you are going to donate, it should be on YOUR terms and when YOU want to. I find people trying to get donations on the street like that quite annoying (I was going to say offensive but it's not that bad) and actively avoid them.

                    Amiibos again. Lucina and Robin sold out in 1 minute on
                    But I still managed to get the Splatoon pack 3 hours later when I got up.


                      Girls who take half a picture of their face.



                        mentioned this a while back but moved into new place and went to the local takeaway only been open a few months....frozen shop bought chips and burgers


                          I hate that. Why even bother.

                          Originally posted by Kit View Post
                          Girls who take half a picture of their face.

                          Is it the good half?


                            when people turn up unexpectedly ...i just really really hate that the wife's sister does that all the time i just retreat to my games room i am never sociable when they do that if they say we will call up next tuesday then i would be sociable


                              I'm not a spontaneous person so I too got irked by sudden decisions to do things unplanned. I'm a little better now, but not much.


                                The parties bickering today over trying to reach out to "generation rent" with loads of random crap that makes no difference, because they don't want to piss off the middle-class who invested in property in the 90s during the "Changing Rooms" DIY boom.

                                Want to help "generation rent"? Change up the financial system so that the only reason to own more than one home is if you live in each of them for some of the year. Then we'll see how many "new homes" we need to build.

                                Not prepared to do that? Didn't think so. What generation do you lads in Westminster belong to? Same as the majority of property owners? Yeah. Shut the **** up.

