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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
    Sunday shoppers who think it's acceptable to walk in at 5 minutes to close and proceed to ask ridiculous questions and spend ages browsing.

    You've had since 10am FFS. Why leave it so late?!
    This but replace "Sunday" with "Saturday".


      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
      You'll have gotten over the cold by the time the Wii U has finished updating.
      Ha! Certainly seems that way. It seems to like its slow updates.


        'Writers' on the internet.

        If you're going to make a forum post or a tweet then you go ahead and write whatever gibberish you like; I'll work out what you mean. It's fine. But, if you aspire to be a writer and you're writing an article then please at least try. Use a spellcheck, get someone to proofread for you, take classes if necessary.


          My job.


            ok so had issues with mortal kombat x and still do ...waiting for updates so i thought i would try the mobile game to get the new skins but it had a bug meaning i could not log in . So i went to the warner brothers support page and when i was posting the topic THERE WAS A BUG ON THE WEBSITE MEANING I COULD NOT POST AND HAD TO CTRL ALT DELETE.

            i mean come on issues with games is one thing but issue on a support page of a website ??????


              Dear Dell,

              I don't know what you think S/N means but here in the real world it means serial number and is almost always unique to an item. Please explain to me why ten wildly different monitors of yours have the same S/N.


                They've changed our delivery schedule at work.

                It used to be Mon-Thurs at 7am.

                Now it's Mon then Weds to Fri with the Thurs being a 6am drop.

                I'm the only manager who lives in the same town as the store so guess who's drawn the short straw?



                  Originally posted by randombs View Post
                  Dear Dell,

                  I don't know what you think S/N means but here in the real world it means serial number and is almost always unique to an item. Please explain to me why ten wildly different monitors of yours have the same S/N.
                  Yeah in Dell world the asset tag is unique.....obviously.


                    Originally posted by randombs View Post
                    Dear Dell,

                    I don't know what you think S/N means but here in the real world it means serial number and is almost always unique to an item. Please explain to me why ten wildly different monitors of yours have the same S/N.
                    I got into an argument with Dell some years back about a faulty hard drive. I explained it was in warranty and you could see on the circuit board that something had burnt out as it was black. She wouldn't believe me that I hadn't opened the drive up to look at the circuit board. She said she'd never seen a drive with it exposed, I explained I'd never seen one not exposed.

                    Exhibit A:

                    She finally relented when I was adamant I'd never opened it, but she stuck to her story about never seeing a drive with exposed circuits.

                    When the replacement came, it was the first time I'd seen a hard drive with a rubber case all the way around!


                      Originally posted by smouty View Post
                      Yeah in Dell world the asset tag is unique.....obviously.
                      Which would be great if they had them. Only one of our monitors has a service tag(not sure why it does but there you go). The rest have nothing of the sort.

                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                      When the replacement came, it was the first time I'd seen a hard drive with a rubber case all the way around!
                      Sounds like those old Seagate drives(e.g. Xbox ones). They had that.


                        New antibiotics appear to aid my digestive system...


                          wife watching british soap awards....i mean there is only about 4


                            Sure you said the same thing this time last year

                            Today's irk from me, dropping son to school this morning, see a Mum get out of a car with her son, about twelve, both of them wearing over the head Beats headphones. Who said the art of conversation is dead eh


                              She was wearing headphones while driving????


                                are you sure ? blimey no wonder i get irked so easy i forget previous irks lol

                                Originally posted by VR46 View Post
                                Sure you said the same thing this time last year

                                Today's irk from me, dropping son to school this morning, see a Mum get out of a car with her son, about twelve, both of them wearing over the head Beats headphones. Who said the art of conversation is dead eh

