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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    A swizzelstick and tingly powder? Of course it's a sex thing.


      Lebowski sure a decent newsagent will stock them.


        Work irk #237654

        We use helium as a shielding gas for the lasers, they can't run without it..meeting I just had with my boss.

        Me - No helium tanks left, machine 1 is stopped.

        Boss - There isn't any money in the budget to order any until next month.

        Me - So machine 1 is stopped til then.

        Boss - No, we need it running.

        Me - So order some more helium.

        Boss - There isn't any money in the budget to order any until next month.

        Me - So machine one is stopped til then.

        Boss - No we need it running

        Go round in a circle like that for AN HOUR!!! Until he has a brainwave.

        Boss - There are some hydrogen cannisters available. Can we use that?

        I'm tempted to try it just to blow myself up and not have to deal with him any more.


          Originally posted by VR46 View Post
          Lebowski sure a decent newsagent will stock them.
          Not if it IS a sex thing and certainly not if they are a decent newsagent!


            I dropped my iPhone, screen can be replaced but they don't do anything about the chips in the metal casing.

            I want to play Bloodborne but the bluray isn't in the console...


              I can't afford to give my gf the wedding she wants.

              It would take 26 months for her to get permanent resident status here once she arrives.

              I feel like she'd be better off without me.


                Originally posted by Pikate View Post
                Well I'm pregnant and from my own situation I'd say if you don't turn out to have a cancer-stricken wife you neglected to tell your pregnant girlfriend or any of your colleagues at the place you've worked for two years about then you're doing a great job.
                Wow, that's amazingly low. Sorry to hear how that's turned out for you and his poor wife too.

                Originally posted by kryss View Post
                Sorry to hear that Kate, men are such utter bastards.
                My sentiment today. Woke up to a rather disturbing message from a friend that I hadn't seen for a while, to find out that her boyfriend is currently in custody for assaulting her and breaking her ribs. Her ex-husband left her black and blue a few years ago as well. Now she's talking about packing up and heading back home to Australia.


                  Originally posted by Pikate View Post
                  Well I'm pregnant and from my own situation I'd say if you don't turn out to have a cancer-stricken wife you neglected to tell your pregnant girlfriend or any of your colleagues at the place you've worked for two years about then you're doing a great job.
                  W. T. F???


                    Killzone Mercenary is irking me at the moment. The worst game I've played lately.


                      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                      W. T. F???
                      Yeah. My first reaction was Whisky Tango Foxtrot too. Really sorry to hear that Kate. So, none of his work colleague knew about his wife either?!
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        I was going to head down to this protest in London today but everybody I know who originally committed to going has dropped out. Disappointing.


                          They're digging up the road outside my building and my apartment is actually shaking due to it.

                          BTW, I'm not sure if Pikate's name is actually Kate, but it seems like a fair assumption.


                            Originally posted by kryss View Post
                            I can't afford to give my gf the wedding she wants.

                            It would take 26 months for her to get permanent resident status here once she arrives.

                            I feel like she'd be better off without me.
                            Women might want the fairytale princess wedding Kryss but we don't really care about it, it's the love and significance of it that's important.

                            I think guys sometimes obsess over the archaic "provider" role and forget you only need to be an equal, all women want is for you to give what you get, be one half of a whole and really just be there. it sounds like you care for her though and think she's deserves the best. The fact you think that tells me she's not better off without you.

                            Just chill, don't obsess and end up self-sabotaging if this woman is something good in your life.

                            And yes, it is Kate, thanks for the kind words guys
                            Last edited by Pikate; 20-06-2015, 14:56.


                              What's the Pi then?


                                The Pi was a combination of a few things:

                                - Fantastic at maths.
                                - Quite liked Pikmin a lot when I signed up here.
                                - Used to dress in short skirts/tight bodycon dresses in my teens so briefly had the nickname "Pikey Kate"

