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Little Things that Irk You: Episode V

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    Can't speak for kryss, but in my case it's because I'm not a loud-mouthed arsehole who is always trying to be the centre of attention. There are a lot of those over here.


      Ah, wow! So that's all it takes!


        Yeah Dave, now you know, you can start practising


          Isn't marriage on a steep decline in Japan though? I find it fascinating that apparently more nappies are purchased for the elderly than babies there.


            Discounting the falling population, only because the entire country is socially retarded. Arranged marriages are big business here. People live with their parents until they are approaching 30. If guys want the chance to talk to a girl they don't know, they pay extra to talk to bar staff.
            Last edited by Darwock; 22-06-2015, 16:00.


              I was watching a thing on VICE (bear with me...) about places you can go to cuddle with teenagers, or girls in their early 20s, was hard to tell. Basically roleplaying being a couple. One of the activities was getting your ears cleaned, or having a nap whilst snuggled up...

              When asked what she thought of couples she said she despised them and hoped they would all die.

              I didn't think it to be too strange, but felt her reaction to the question was. Isn't hard to see why population is in decline.


                I don't even know where to start. I'm going to suggest to Colin that we have found our first amazing female stand up comic, though.


                  Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                  When asked what she thought of couples she said she despised them and hoped they would all die.
                  Real couples eat into her market share...


                    And to think that I've had no part in this idiocy.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Originally posted by Pikate View Post
                      So let's get this straight, I addressed Kryss voicing concern about not being able to afford a lavish wedding and not feeling good enough for his fiance by saying that, more deep-seated than anything financial, it is human nature, especially in modern women, to want a life-partner who loves and respects her as an equal and that's opened Pandora's box to a load of antiquated, borderline-racist, certainly chauvinistic views?
                      Sorry, I missed this earlier. So let's get it straight. No, what I said was British women =/= Japanese women.

                      What you call antiquated and chauvinistic might just be their lifelong dream. Culture differences are like that.


                        Here we have Cat Cafes where you can go and drink overpriced coffee with cats. It's utterly pretentious, and the cats are arseholes.


                          Those are popping up in the UK too. There's one in Nottingham.


                            Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                            Here we have Cat Cafes where you can go and drink overpriced coffee with cats. It's utterly pretentious, and the cats are arseholes.
                            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                            Those are popping up in the UK too. There's one in Nottingham.
                            Please tell me that's yet another internet joke I don't understand?


                              Not this time I'm afraid Colin.

                              Kitty Café is a cat rescue centre and cat café offering a selection of drinks and hot and cold dishes, with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.
                              Last edited by speedlolita; 22-06-2015, 17:54. Reason: Url added.


                                Do they serve milk?

