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    Finished reading 'Coin Locker Babies' by Ryu Murakami a while back, now reading 'Lullaby' by Chuck Pahaniuk (-sp??). Very compelling and interesting.


      Just finished Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. Simple yet enjoyable fantasy read.


        Still on Haruki Murakami. This time Kafka on the Shore (which I previously had in German ("Kafka am Strand") but it was way too heavy for me). I think after that I'll have read all of his stuff.
        I also picked up the Clarkson book while I was stranded in Sheffield station but I haven't opened it yet. There was nothing else on offer.


          I read over the christmas period

          His Dark Material trilogy and the 4 Artemis Foul books

          Quality stuff

          About to read Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and i have ordered the first book of the Song of Ice & Fire series!


            I recently finished Memoirs of a Geisha (?3 from HMV at Xmas - bargain!) and really enjoyed it, certainly more than the movie which seemed to turn into a fashion parade.

            Next up I'll either start on either Murakami's Underground or The Girl In The Picture which I've been meaning to read for ages.


              A Wild Sheep Chase (Haruki Murakami).

              I've gone a bit Murakami-mad since the Summer, been going through his books since then. I'll do Dance Dance Dance then look elsewhere, I promise


                I'm reading Klaus Kinski's autobiography at the moment, if even half of it's true then it's easily the most debauched thing I've ever read. And that's including the Motley Crue and Led Zepellin books.

                I'd post some quotes but I'm sure someone would (quite rightly) take offense.


                  I'm reading 'Social Change in South-West Wales' by T. Brennan.

                  Bloody essays.


                    "The Making Of The Atomic Bomb", by some guy with a lot of Rs in his name, can't remember at the mo.


                      Never been much of a reader but I've recently went through a mad Tony Parsons phase as I just LOVE his books, bought all 5 of the proper novels he's written.

                      Man and Boy, which is fantastic, then I went onto the followup Man and Wife, which again is just such a great read. Then I read One For My Baby which is very impressive, I thought it started off slow and that I wasn't going to like it but once it got a few chapters in, I loved it like his previous work.

                      And that has all been in the last 2-3 weeks! From someone who hasnt read a book for the last 3-4 years which was in high school! And now Im in the middle of The Family Way which is quite different to the rest of his books as this centres more around the females where his previous have been mainly about males and their lives. But again I'm loving this. I'm such a Tony Parsons fanboy!

                      Anyone whose read his books know of any other writers with a similar style and story that I will like once I'm done with all his?


                        Good to see some of you boys feeling Murukami. He's a great author, isn't he? His namesake Ryu isn't too shabby either (I recommend In the Miso Soup).

                        Finished reading Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk (-sp?). Another excellent author. I've got a couple more of his books in the queue at the minute.


                          American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis.

                          After this I intend to read Lunar Park, as I hear it's quite good.


                            Originally posted by nips
                            I'm reading 'Social Change in South-West Wales' by T. Brennan.
                            Everyone got bored of living in the countryside. Those that could, left.
                            Is that it?

                            I'm currently reading... this month's Edge actually. And Pretend You Don't See Her by Mary Higgins Clark. I choose not to read books that are too in-depth or beardy, mainly because I do most of my reading either on the train to and from work or in bed, not the sort of times I want to get my brain working hard.


                              Originally posted by vertigo
                              Originally posted by nips
                              I'm reading 'Social Change in South-West Wales' by T. Brennan.
                              Everyone got bored of living in the countryside. Those that could, left.
                              Is that it?
                              If you're geniunely interested: loads of English people moved into Wales to work in industry while the rest of Europe moved to America and basically ****ed a lot of stuff up, but ultimately saved the Welsh language and culture in a really obscure way.

                              I've finished my essay now, though, so I'm allowed to make **** up again.


                                I am about to read Norwegian Wood - it's the next read for the book club I joined. I am a bit apprehensive, as I found Wild Sheep Chase very tedious.

                                In fact, I swapped it on for NW. Am willing to give it a go though - last choice was Jane Eyre, which I also thought I would not like, but actually really enjoyed it.

                                Am currently reading a coupla in-between books - Fire and Hemlock by Diane Wynne Jones (of "Howl's Moving Castle" fame), and the second Foundation novel by Asimov.

                                After all those, I really need to get round to finishing Tristram Shandy, which I started ages ago and was really enjoying but somehow got distracted.


