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    Just finished 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro. Amazing book.

    I tried to read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy but gave-up after about 75 pages. I just couldn't get into it at all and found the prose to be far too jarring.

    It's my resolution this year not to persevere with books I'm not enjoying; regardless of how good they are supposed to be. I've had my fingers burnt by Ernest Hemmingway too many times!

    I got halfway through 'Crime and Punishment' but had to stop for a while as it was quite a slog, but enjoyable nonetheless.

    In the meantime I have started 'Let the Right One In'. I saw the film and absolutely loved it and this is equally good. Albeit with a lot more emphasis on Eli's 'father's' sexual habits!
    Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


      Originally posted by figflair View Post
      I tried to read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy but gave-up after about 75 pages. I just couldn't get into it at all and found the prose to be far too jarring.
      Glad it's not just me. I struggled to the end, but it was just that, a struggle (And not in the way the book had intended).

      I'm reading Angels and Demons at the moment.


        Originally posted by Number45 View Post
        Glad it's not just me. I struggled to the end, but it was just that, a struggle (And not in the way the book had intended).
        Thirded. Read it to the end and I'm glad I did, but it was hard going.


          I've recently finished Wicked Prey by John Sandford which was very good & I'm now part way through Don't Look Twice by Andrew Gross.


            I finished Broken Angels by Richard Morgan last week and found it really enjoyable after Altered Carbon.

            I'm now on a bit of a Vertigo graphic novel trip started reading Fables, 100 Bullets and Transmetropolitan.


              Part way through Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve & really enjoying it so far.


                Just started Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry, which according to SFX Magazine is far superior to World War Z which I've yet to read.


                  Generation Kill by Evan Wright which is great so far


                    I've nearly finished reading the Watchmen graphic novel and i'm looking to pick up V for Vendetta next. Does anyone know if the hardcover version contains laminated pages rather than the cheaper paper pages in the paperback version? (Probably a long shot that question).


                      I'm reading this thread
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        Thanks to Nemesis and Glider for answering my question from a while back. I totally forgot that I had asked that question.

                        I think I have a small idea of how to go about reading. It's really a mixture of everything really; recommendations from friends, looking around a bookshop, trying to mix it up a little, trying new authors. I've seemingly read a fair bit of dystopian fiction, ie stuff about a bleak future but I find that topic matter extremely interesting and find myself trying to get more of the same.

                        Since that posting, I've read:

                        Empire of the Sun by JG Ballard. A very good book and one that I was interested in since I lived in Shanghai for two years (where the book is set).

                        The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham. I found this a relatively easy read, immediately saw areas similar to 28 Days Later and found out that Alex Garland cites this as one of his influences for that film!

                        Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. I loved 1984 and I've seen recommendations for this everywhere. The ideas are good, but I didn't like the core story surrounding the characters. They weren't likeable and I didn't 'get it' emotionally at all.

                        The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I am a fan of murder mysteries, mostly Agatha Christie and this was my first Sherlock Holmes novel. It was a very good read, although I may have been expecting more of a big reveal at the end, but that is probably me hyping up the book a bit much.

                        Am reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. A terrific read at the moment, paced very well and very involving. Look forward to reading more of her works.

                        Tried to read Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell and found that incredibly hard to get into, but am very willing to try again in the future. I don't want to give on that one so quickly. I did give up on Empire of the Sun but one read later and I was hooked until the end.
                        Last edited by Btang84; 19-07-2009, 01:15.


                          I've just finished reading Daniel X: Watch the Skies by James Patterson which I read in one day & it proved to be a thoroughly entertaining read indeed. Next up is First Family by David Baldacci.
                          Last edited by The Glider; 28-07-2009, 09:42.


                            I think I must be a slow reader or something. But finishing a book in one day is not going to happen with me. Normally I can only read a book at night before bed, as it's the only time there's any peace and quite and I can actually concentrate without being distracted.

                            Anyway, I finished reading Watchmen - which as most people know is brilliant - and i've just started 1984 the other day.


                              USAGI YOJIMBO.. That's what I'm reading at the mo.


                                Duma Key (Stephen King) is my current paperback on the train to and from work. Seems decent at about 150 pages in, although a bit more pace might be nice.

