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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Our local Sainsbury’s was ok, had signs in the door they were limiting people entering but no sign of it being enforced as pretty quiet with maybe only 1-2 people in each isle. Tape on the floor kept people queuing apart and those that ran over it were quickly told not to. A few gobby people on the phone pushing past and ignoring people trying to keep a distance when looking on the shelves but that was it.

    Some meat (tons of steak) and for the first time in 2 weeks I got to buy hand soap pumps. Still no loo roll though, might have to brave it at opening time to get some as we are starting to run low.
    Last edited by Blobcat; 25-03-2020, 18:38.


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      Everyone pushing the same trolleys. Seems a bit futile. I wore gloves and then put them in the wash, but.... someone has to put the stuff on the shelves. Basically, everyone is getting this eventually.
      Speaking to my other half who went to morrisons today.

      Security on the door, x amount in.
      Hand sanitizer on the way in, mandatory.
      Baskets & trolleys being sanitised and given to customers.
      2 meters apart from other customers.
      Staff in gloves & masks.
      Security on tills monitoring bulk buying.

      So in actual fact they are doing everything they can now. Which is good.


        Aldi aren't.


          Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
          Your mam a big Godzilla fan??
          who doesn't like the queen of the titans!!!!!


            Have a close friend in hospital on a ventilator now, very worried. People not taking this seriously make me very angry.


              Got another late night email from the boss, in all seriousness to the situation and at the same time angry and upset that we are forced to ‘abandon’ our patients due to new regulations. Can now only see the bare minimum of what can be classified as an emergency if we have the special masks no one can get hold of. We’re expecting some to arrive tomorrow but we’re told the same last week, now no longer to see any patients without them and plans are in motion to open 2 local centres to be the only place for emergencies forcing us to close anytime in the next 2 weeks.

              I admit I am starting to be more afraid being at work and won’t be too upset if my hand is forced to stay at home now.


                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                Speaking to my other half who went to morrisons today.

                Hand sanitizer on the way in, mandatory.
                Baskets & trolleys being sanitised and given to customers.
                Staff in gloves & masks.

                So in actual fact they are doing everything they can now. Which is good.
                Reading some of the points is kind of interesting. Maybe because Japan has to deal with china's **** every year such as SARS, bird flu and swine flu. Anyway, for the past 10 years ever single public place including shops has had hand sanitiser at the entrance and staff often wear masks when dealing with food.
                I'm happy to hear places in the UK are bringing in these rules as people need to be educated about this type of situation to stop the spread. Sadly there will always be the low class dicks who couldn't give a crap about anyone but them selves.

                Hey, top tip to everyone. Buy a washlet for your toilet. You'll cut down on bog role by 80% plus using only toilet paper to wipe your arse is disgusting anyway..
                Yeah, been using the old bum wash for 20 years now.. Always dread going to the ****ter when I go home to the UK ����
                Last edited by Yakumo; 25-03-2020, 22:19.


                  Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
                  Hey, top tip to everyone. Buy a washlet for your toilet. You'll cut down on bog role by 80% plus using only toilet paper to wipe your arse is disgusting anyway..
                  Yeah, been using the old bum wash for 20 years now.. Always dread going to the ****ter when I go home to the UK ����
                  If only it were that easy. They'd need a plug socket nearby for a start. They could get a Muslim-style mini hand shower which just relies on water pressure, though:

                  Also, washlets are high society in the UK. My wife and I found a Toto showroom in London one evening that had a single toilet luxuriously positioned beneath spotlights. A far cry from those 100-quid Bic Camera seats!


                    Originally posted by randombs View Post
                    If only it were that easy. They'd need a plug socket nearby for a start. They could get a Muslim-style mini hand shower which just relies on water pressure, though:

                    Also, washlets are high society in the UK. My wife and I found a Toto showroom in London one evening that had a single toilet luxuriously positioned beneath spotlights. A far cry from those 100-quid Bic Camera seats!
                    LOL, make me laugh that a bog accessory is considered luxury.
                    The ones you see in Bic Camera are retrofitting ones. Very handy. The ones in my house are 10 years old now (part of the actual toilet) but still work like a dream. The bog even flushes it's self and if you stand in front of it the seat will lift up. I switched all that off though so my boy would learn to flush the loo and lift up the seat himself. Sometimes teach can make people lazy. Cough cough, digital media and cars with auto breaking.


                      Doesn't the UK require only shaver-style outlets in bathrooms? Does kind of scupper washlets.


                        Originally posted by kryss View Post
                        Doesn't the UK require only shaver-style outlets in bathrooms? Does kind of scupper washlets.
                        Yep - must be for safety reasons because of the all the water and steam. I imagine separate toilets could have regular plug sockets but I've never seen any with those.


                          Originally posted by kryss View Post
                          Doesn't the UK require only shaver-style outlets in bathrooms? Does kind of scupper washlets.
                          You can have power, just no plugs. I mean you have a light in your toilet which is mains powered.


                            Had a light sore throat develop yesterday, today it can't make its mind up. Woke with a blocked up nose too. Apparently not a big concern but with 2 peeps off with it at work you can't help but wonder about what it really is...


                              Originally posted by Asura View Post
                              You can have power, just no plugs. I mean you have a light in your toilet
                              In the toilet itself, so you can clearly see what you’ve done.


                                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                                In the toilet itself, so you can clearly see what you’ve done.

