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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Originally posted by Family Fry View Post

    Look at the state of this.
    What a bunch of morons. Gives us a bad name. Thick as sh!t scum.


      Originally posted by Family Fry View Post

      Look at the state of this.
      Spain, please feel free to remove these, things, from the gene pool.

      Our most sincere thanks in advance,
      Sensible people.


        ^they know they're gonna die, they're killing themselves anyways.

        Forgot to say as I walked up to doc's today, could hear kids' voices at the primary school, was quite surprised tbh. I thought at least with kids they would recommend keeping them out of school right now (???)


          Luniz track off 'Operation Stackola'. I always thought this track was meh back in the day but now I love it more than "Broke Hoes" by The Luniz:

          You can't define the good shish.


            Rolling, rolling, roolliinngg beat.


              Had to update to 2 as cases have been reported at the private schools here and people are self isolating - not confirmed cases as people are no longer being tested unless they're hospitalised. The schools form a reasonable percentage of the town's population (a little under 20,000).


                We are being used as baby sitters to keep the economy going. They think kids couldnt handle being indoors. Im sure all the indoor kids on here disagree! And we did it with no internet!


                  I'm loving the overuse of "self-isolating".

                  What, you want us to stay in our houses whilst you figure out a plan???

                  Never heard those words spoken so much on telly. It's almost as though we're supposed to learn them as a mantra...


                    Rookie mistake - I got the Defcom numbers the wrong way around


                      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                      Rookie mistake - I got the Defcom numbers the wrong way around
                      To be fair, so did Matthew Broderick.


                        My Mom has to go for a post-radiotherapy appointment today at a hospital where someone died from Coronavirus.
                        I gave her a facemask, but am a bit nervous.


                          Fingers crossed, she has just got sorted at the right time


                            I've got a tub of anti-bacterial handwash on my desk at work (I handle money and some of it is disgusting), wondering whether to hide it or see whether it gets swiped one day.


                              HR are handling this really badly at work.
                              "Wash your hands as soon as you come on site!"
                              Then you have to go through 7 doors to get to your desk because they won't unlock the disabled toilet by the entrance.

                              I suggested they put hand soap in the kitchen, so you can wash whilst making a brew.
                              I had to bring my own soap in from home.

                              I had to tell the kitchen staff to turn the tubs of plastic cutlery around.
                              They were sticking up with the end you put in your mouth/touches food and it's impossible not to touch a few as you take one out of the tub.
                              Last edited by QualityChimp; 17-03-2020, 08:51.


                                Yes I had this, everyone had to wash their hands in the same toilet, while touching the same taps and door handles. I keep a small hand santiser in my coat pocket and use that when I get in, then wash my hands later on.

