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    As long as you've been in the country since February and are not just on holiday, you should get the money. We got our forms in the post on April 15th and they went back in the post the same day - no dillydallying around when there's free money involved!
    (That's for me, the wife and her sister - 1x Brit + 2x Canadian)

    The rumour is that we'll get the money in the latter half of May.

    Each Prefecture and City are different by the way. Lucky, as we're leaving the country in June.

    Oh and in exciting news: Burger King is back! One opened last year in Ikebukuro and then the next thing I hear - there's one in Akihabara! So I went and had a Whopper with cheese on Sunday. It was almost too much for me...It's on Showa Dori, somewhere between the Shosen Book Tower and the McDonalds went NOVA used to be.
    Last edited by kryss; 04-05-2009, 09:54.


      Originally posted by Darwock View Post
      I don't think it matters, my visa is due for renewal in June yet I got one. As long as you're registered with your city ward office you should be getting it I reckon.
      Not got mine yet the form is coming though I think. Just have to wait will prob save my cash .


        Can anyone recommend a capsule hotel to stay in for one night in Akihabara? A friend and I found one but it will be closing before we arrive (4 weeks). Thanks


          Several of my students have got their money from the government, which is rather annoying as I sent my paperwork back DAYS before they did. Typical.

          Capsule hotels in Akihabara? No idea. I'm sure you could find some in up the road in Ueno.


            The money thing, I heard the government wouldn't be paying out till later this year. So how come you mention some students already getting the payment?


              The payment date is decided by region and city. Matsudo City started making payments on May 18th.


                Right, I see. Lucky for some. I think if I remember correctly I won't be getting anything till late October.


                  My girlfriend got hers, I'm still waiting - cutting it a bit fine because thanks to the BOE's ridiculous over-reaction to the pig flu in shutting the schools, my already gimped working days were cut down to 5 this month. It really sucks to be an ALT in Osaka right now.

                  I've got to survive on about 250 yen a day for the next 2 weeks, unless that money comes through :/


                    The capsule hotel I saw in Aki was not great - I'd recommend Ueno (easily walkable) or staying in Shinjuku.


                      Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                      My girlfriend got hers, I'm still waiting - cutting it a bit fine because thanks to the BOE's ridiculous over-reaction to the pig flu in shutting the schools, my already gimped working days were cut down to 5 this month. It really sucks to be an ALT in Osaka right now.

                      I've got to survive on about 250 yen a day for the next 2 weeks, unless that money comes through :/
                      Gcom head office sent some masks through this week. I've only got two days left with the company anyway. Time to load up the work computers with p0rn!


                        Make sure it's as regular as you can get. That'll really freak them out!


                          Has anyone here successfully used a VISA credit card for cash advances? I tried to use my UK issued card today in 7-11 and Citibank and it just wouldn't let me. I am so ****ed off right now.


                            erk.. no.. but I was planning on doing the same if my 250 yen budget doesn't go as well as I'm hoping... let me know if you have any success. I'm sure it must be possible!

                            How about trying a Shinsei bank machine? Their own cards are very usable internationally so it's possible their machines are too?


                              I will call my UK issuer but I reckon they will play ping pong with me and refer me to Japanese banks, but they will say that it's not their problem. To be honest, if Citibank ATMs say thanks but no thanks I think Shinsei will too. I am more inclined to believe that it's fraud prevention or similar that is blocking it, as I have used the card on numerous occasions in shops. I spent about ¥23,000 on one occasion, and this triggered the security block which required a phone call to solve. Fingers crossed, it's my issuer trying to protect me.

                              Good luck with your 250 yen a day, Darwock.


                              As we know, the Japanese do enjoy reminding us, via commercials, about how VISA and MasterCard are so useful when going overseas. That's wonderful, but how about reciprocating it for we poor foreigners living, or visiting Japan!! If it says VISA it should accept all VISA cards not just those issued in Japan, ffs, leaving us to hunt down a Citibank, Shinsei, 7-11 or post office ATM. Grrr. The banking system is a joke here.

                              Rant over.....

                              EDIT: So I called my issuer and it was a fraud prevention thing. I tried my card again in 7-11 and it was fine. So foreign issued VISA credit cards can be used successfully for cash advances. Just remember to inform your issuer first to avoid any frustration.
                              Last edited by Richard.John; 28-05-2009, 09:01.


                                250 a day? That's got to be annoying. Loaf of bread and some jam everyday, and some bananas every few days. Do you live near a Shop99?

                                The wife got a card in the post today to say her 12k is in the bank now. Where's mine? I sent 3 in the same day (the same day the paperwork arrived) for all of us but only she got it...Odd.

