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The Japan Trip Resource Thread!

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    I'm off myself on friday for 3 weeks. Staying in Tokyo for the majority of the time, as Ive got a few interviews to attend -([^_^])-

    Will hopefully be going to Osaka and Kyoto at some point, but nothing has been planned. Its always best travelling impusively.


      You going on business dave?


        Anyone else staying in Shinjuku in the period of March 29th - April 9th? :P


          I'm off tomorrow morning for 12 days spent exploring around Tokyo

          Aim to get plenty of restaurants, some bars, clubs, galleries and things in in that time. Plus I have a whopping list of things-to-buy.


            Im out there in June meeting up with mmm forgot ooops.
            A friend sent me this link for the Expo looks kinda good 100 mins from Tokyo on the bullet train. Could be a fun day out.


              Jeez this thread is depressing me big time.

              I was due to fly out to Tokyo on Sunday, but since losing my job i just can't justify the spending all that money while i'm there. I've rescheduled my tickets for the last week in October though so at least i can look forward to that instead.

              Hope you guys who are lucky enough to be going soon have a great time.


                Originally posted by Geo-V6
                You going on business dave?
                Almost. Its regarding my workplacement for universiity next year. I study architectural technology and design, so I've got a few companies interested after sending them my portfolio. I have around 5-6 interviews to attend during my 3 week stay, but I'm obviously still going to have time to have fun over there.
                That expo looks interesting too. It will be investigated!

                I'll be taking my laptop (new powerbook 15", beautiful!!) with me, so if anyones interested i can upload some photos throughout my stay to show anyone who hasnt been to harajuku, shibuya, akiba etc what they're missing out on!


                  Yoshimoto, **** dude. I was up for meeting up with you too :-(


                    Dave, if you wanna go for a beer while you are in town. Send me over a pm and I can send me number etc.


                      Wont be there untill July now, if work move my trip back again i shall bury my boss.

                      I will be up for a beer then if anyone is cool/stupid enough.

                      On a side not, sign up to if you want to meet young Japanese women desperate for English men.
                      (Beware though, some i've met have become slighty obsessed and hard to shake off)
                      I have had nothing but success from that website (Although it helps if your decent looking and have blonde hair and blue eyes)


                        Coll site Jushin, not that Im gonna use it of course h3wr:

                        I dont know when Im gonna go but one thing for sure is I will be going on my own now.


                          Been here 6 or so days now I think (losing track), been to akihabara one time so far and picked up various things.

                          My apartment is pretty damned ace, it's at higashi shinjuku (10mins from central shinjuku station) and is now decked out with a PS2 too


                            Tychom you have definitely got a cool place to crash. Also Mickey Mouse: World of Illusion


                              Had to post this majestic piece of engrish, that adorned the front of a sandwich i had earlier.
                              Is that a challenge?? (Eating the ****er was certainly was, disgusting)
                              FFS - 19.5k limit for uploads? It just took my ****ing ages to get it down to that size, hence the appalling quality
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by dave heats; 21-03-2005, 10:37.


                                Originally posted by dave heats
                                Had to post this majestic piece of engrish, that adorned the front of a sandwich i had earlier.
                                Is that a challenge?? (Eating the ****er was certainly was, disgusting)
                                FFS - 19.5k limit for uploads? It just took my ****ing ages to get it down to that size, hence the appalling quality
                                Hey, I'd go for it.

                                Just got back from the bank. Bought 85 000 Yen, should have been at least 120 000, but the bloody paycheck hasn't come in yet. Oh well, there's always Mastercard...

                                Leaving tuesday, next week. Wohoo!

