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Liverpool 2010/11 Season Thread

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    Aah unlucky, Redmen. Did me proud. Turned it on bigtime. Credit to Chelsea also. Hope Messi trerrorizes the feck out of yers



        I must say that was a awesome game of football


          Amazing stuff.
          A lot of teams would've turned up and gone through the motions. Glad we gave it a proper go. If nothing else it cements this current sides reputation as being incredibly hard to beat, even with the odds stacked well against them.

          More important things to think about tomorrow though and then bring on the Gunners.


            The fans and players at SB did us (and the 96 looking down) proud tonight. So proud of my team right now.

            The determination and heart shown tonight by the lads was worthy enough to snatch the win, when no-one gave us a chance in hell. Committed to the very end, but Chelsea deserved to go through over the 2 legs, no beef there. If it hadn't been for Reina and the defensive mishaps, and not for some wonderful moments from Alex and Lampard, tonight just might have been different.

            Alonso was brilliant, just pure class is the only way to sum him up. MOTM, too.

            Drogba by comparison was an utter disgrace, and the Chelsea fans, with their plastic flags....ugh. Reminded me, if it were ever needed, of just how glad I am to be a Red.



              I never thought, after last week, I would be gutted after this game. We *really* could have done it, 5 mins either side of HT we should have scored. Also, WHAT a header of the line by Essien - I though "handball" as it is, unless you are him, to head that ball. Phenomenal all round.
              I hope people stop saying we are boring - when was the last time we were involved in a boring game??


                Never Forget.


                  I am really impressed we had a real go at them early on if we could have just got the third before half time I think there may have been a different story but it wasn't to be.

                  They did us proud though. Get your money on Barca now.


                    John Alfred Anderson (62) Thomas Howard (39) Colin Mark Ashcroft (19) Thomas Anthony Howard (14) James Gary Aspinall (18) Eric George Hughes (42) Kester Roger Marcus Ball (16) Alan Johnston (29) Gerard Bernard Patrick Baron (67) Christine Anne Jones (27) Simon Bell (17) Gary Philip Jones (18) Barry Sidney Bennett (26) Richard Jones (25) David John Benson (22) Nicholas Peter Joynes (27) David William Birtle (22) Anthony Peter Kelly (29) Tony Bland (22) Michael David Kelly (38) Paul David Brady (21) Carl David Lewis (18) Andrew Mark Brookes (26) David William Mather (19) Carl Brown (18) Brian Christopher Mathews (38) David Steven Brown (25) Francis Joseph McAllister (27) Henry Thomas Burke (47) John McBrien (18) Peter Andrew Burkett (24) Marion Hazel McCabe (21) Paul William Carlile (19) Joseph Daniel McCarthy (21) Raymond Thomas Chapman (50) Peter McDonnell (21) Gary Christopher Church (19) Alan McGlone (28) Joseph Clark (29) Keith McGrath (17) Paul Clark (18) Paul Brian Murray (14) Gary Collins (22) Lee Nicol (14) Stephen Paul Copoc (20) Stephen Francis O'Neill (17) Tracey Elizabeth Cox (23) Jonathon Owens (18) James Philip Delaney (19) William Roy Pemberton (23) Christopher Barry Devonside (18) Carl William Rimmer (21) Christopher Edwards (29) David George Rimmer (38) Vincent Michael Fitzsimmons (34) Graham John Roberts (24) Thomas Steven Fox (21) Steven Joseph Robinson (17) Jon-Paul Gilhooley (10) Henry Charles Rogers (17) Barry Glover (27) Colin Andrew Hugh William Sefton (23) Ian Thomas Glover (20) Inger Shah (38) Derrick George Godwin (24) Paula Ann Smith (26) Roy Harry Hamilton (34) Adam Edward Spearritt (14) Philip Hammond (14) Philip John Steele (15) Eric Hankin (33) David Leonard Thomas (23) Gary Harrison (27) Patrik John Thompson (35) Stephen Francis Harrison (31) Peter Reuben Thompson (30) Peter Andrew Harrison (15) Stuart Paul William Thompson (17) David Hawley (39) Peter Francis Tootle (21) James Robert Hennessy (29) Christopher James Traynor (26) Paul Anthony Hewitson (26) Martin Kevin Traynor (16) Carl Darren Hewitt (17) Kevin Tyrrell (15) Nicholas Michael Hewitt (16) Colin Wafer (19) Sarah Louise Hicks (19) Ian David Whelan (19) Victoria Jane Hicks (15) Martin Kenneth Wild (29) Gordon Rodney Horn (20) Kevin Daniel Williams (15) Arthur Horrocks (41) Graham John Wright (17). RIP.


                      I won't apologise for the double post.

                      I was young when it happened and can't remember the day itself but that list - it is amazing when you see the ages. And then this obviously excludes those that didn't die.
                      I have read a few things about the situation - 1st hand memories and it is amazing how some people - in fact most people - seem to feel a little guilt for having the temerity to survive. For having been in the same situation and to have got out - or been saved themselves.

                      The worst thing about it for the fans themselves are the totally unfounded (and eventually proven to be lies) bollocks that was printed in the press at the time (notably the Sun) about the fans who saved peoples lives as the emergency services literally just stood there. Sickening. It seems to be a common thread on OTHER places where comments are left for people to wade in and spread the lies again. I know that won't happen here.


                        Originally posted by saif View Post
                        I won't apologise for the double post.

                        I was young when it happened and can't remember the day itself but that list - it is amazing when you see the ages. And then this obviously excludes those that didn't die.
                        I have read a few things about the situation - 1st hand memories and it is amazing how some people - in fact most people - seem to feel a little guilt for having the temerity to survive. For having been in the same situation and to have got out - or been saved themselves.

                        The worst thing about it for the fans themselves are the totally unfounded (and eventually proven to be lies) bollocks that was printed in the press at the time (notably the Sun) about the fans who saved peoples lives as the emergency services literally just stood there. Sickening. It seems to be a common thread on OTHER places where comments are left for people to wade in and spread the lies again. I know that won't happen here.
                        Here, here.

                        Justice for the 96.
                        Don't buy the S*n.


                          Best game i have seen in a long long time. Hate to say it as a manc, but hats off to the scousers for having a go and almost pulling it off. I really thought you were going to do it with 5mins to go.

                          Awesome game


                            Although The S*N was the main perpetrator, most other papers carried the story too. Apparently the source was the Yorkshire Police, obviously keen to take some heat off themselves. I've never bought The S*N anyway, and in fact I tend to shy away from all newspapers, they just can't be trusted. Despicable.

                            I remember watching the events unfold on Grandstand, and it was the reason I started supporting LFC. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to be there, let alone have lost someone.

                            YNWA 96


                              Agreed, most papers carried it but the Sun coverage was the biggest and nastiest. Especially "The Truth" headlines and the lack of apology. It was disgraceful. I would not buy the Sun (I write the name here as it must be known - would write S*n in LFC company) anyway but would not even dream of it now. McKenzie didn't apologise for years then did, half heartedly and retracted it.

                              The game last night was fantastic - genuinely memorable. Liverpool's Euro exploits are legendary anyway but last night was phenomenal.


                                It certainly was an amazing game, and a fitting tribute I feel. Regardless of the result, it was two teams playing their hearts out.

