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Manchester United Thread

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    Yup, it wasn't the most powerful headbutt ever but if it was a headbutt nonetheless therefore it warranted a sending off. Gary Lineker said "United aren't creating many chances"....nice to see MOTD's analysis is spot on as always (that was a bit of sarcasm there)


      I picked up on that comment too, I would understand not taking our chances but not creating many is bollocks to be fair.


        What the hell is going on with us!? We are the bloody champs, we should be flying out the traps after winning the league last season. But we are playing terrible, just not able to finish any of these games off. Really dissappointing.


          Depends on what you define as terrible. I'd be more worried if the chances weren't coming at all. As it is your lot had a hat full of chances against Reading and Pompey. Strikes me as a similar problem that Arsenal had last season, a case of not tucking them away. I wouldn't really call that terrible myself, then again I'm not a united supporter.

          Besides I'm pretty sure you guys dropped points against these two teams last season too. Pompey away has always seemed to be a difficult fixture for United (didn't you guys lose/draw there last season too?). It's definitely a case of making it more difficult for yourselves but hasn't that always been the United way?


            It has indeed been the United way, but as much I hate to admit it this side does lack the dogged fighting spirit that say....the treble winning side had. This current crop is very talented, don't get me wrong but they lack the fight sometimes. They have it in them as they showed at times last season (against Fulham and Everton away) but the majority of the time they can't grind out those wins when they might not be at their best. If you look at Chelsea, they have a bag full of injuries but are grinding out 3-2's and 2-1's. I just can't see (at the moment) this United side doing that, I will be happy if I am proved wrong by the end of the season though.


              I think its time for hargreaves to come in and let scholes do the striking until rooneys back, ive no doubt some of the balls giggs and ronaldo were putting in rooney would have been on the end of, but hes injured so someone needs to step up to the plate and finish off some of the flowing football that was evident yesterday.


                After watching the full 90 minutes against Reading and Pompy the only conclusion I came to was that we have been unlucky. In both games we have had chances but luck has not been with us.

                Saying we have played terrible or lack fight is a strange one because the whole 90 minutes against Pompy was a fight with every ball being contested, Tevez in particular had to battle every time he touched the ball.

                If you call having 75% possession and around 15 goal scoring chances (reading match) terrible football then you should be thankful you support United and not one of the smaller teams.


                  Yeah sure all the stats look nice and we're playing good attacking football, but we are NOT scoring goals which is terrible mate!


                    as a pompey fan i thought united did not take their chances and certainly were all over us for the majority of the game.
                    However, historically Man U have never done all that well against us at home, failing to win 3 out of 4 meetings against us (according to the dude on football first) so a draw wasn't entirely out of the question or a sneaky portsmouth win.
                    Ronaldo was stupid, rather than a full on headbut he hardly touched hughes but it was right in front of the ref, i don't think he had much of a choice despite what Mr Fergusson said.
                    Last edited by Destrukticor; 16-08-2007, 10:22.


                      What did everybody think of Tevez?

                      A lovely set-up for Scholes from Tevez but to be fair, I thought Tevez was being tussled and fouled more than he could actually play through the majority of the match but he certainly shows promise once Rooney comes back.

                      I don't think Tevez makes a good striker as much as being behind the main person going forward as Tevez does a bit of everything from crossing, passing and the odd set piece or two; he needs someone up front with him or stick back a little bit.

                      I hope he finds his feet sooner than later as I enjoyed his games in the final month at West Ham last season.


                        If Tevez gets injured, we're screwed until all our other strikers come back from injury.

                        One of the reasons why we were so successful last season is because we hit the ground running right from the off.

                        We've obviously haven't done that so far this season, and we need to get back on track as soon as possible - starting with the derby against City.
                        Last edited by Kongster; 16-08-2007, 13:46.


                          bad luck thats all it is, im still sure we will win the title, 2 draws will meen nothing come end of season when it all adds up,

                          wish we had tried to get berbatov, we are missing a target man type striker, ever since van nistlerooy went
                          Last edited by yesteryeargames; 16-08-2007, 13:40.


                            Originally posted by 1P_King View Post
                            After watching the full 90 minutes against Reading and Pompy the only conclusion I came to was that we have been unlucky. In both games we have had chances but luck has not been with us.

                            Saying we have played terrible or lack fight is a strange one because the whole 90 minutes against Pompy was a fight with every ball being contested, Tevez in particular had to battle every time he touched the ball.

                            If you call having 75% possession and around 15 goal scoring chances (reading match) terrible football then you should be thankful you support United and not one of the smaller teams.
                            We haven't played terrible at all, there has been some excellent football played. At times though its all "pretty" and no end product, sometimes you have to get stuck in and grind out the victories cos not every win can be achieved by playing "pretty".


                              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                              We haven't played terrible at all, there has been some excellent football played. At times though its all "pretty" and no end product, sometimes you have to get stuck in and grind out the victories cos not every win can be achieved by playing "pretty".
                              I think you might be labeling United with that critisism to early Ezee, watching the full 90 minues last night United played a variaty of ways and even resorted to long balls for spells to try and get the winning goal.

                              If it was all pass, pass, pass, I would agree with you but the match was played at 100 miles an hour and United were clearly fighting hard. So I wouldn't just use the final result as evidence that United didn't get stuck in! because the result is never garenteed even when you do.


                                We were dominating the game against City,we played the better football, we created more chances but couldn't take them and we were made to pay for it when City score with their first shot on goal via deflection from Vidic!

                                Last edited by Kongster; 19-08-2007, 13:18.

