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Manchester United Thread

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    Where's Anderson? I thought he might've made the bench at least with the other attacking players missing.


      Originally posted by Kubrick View Post
      Where's Anderson? I thought he might've made the bench at least with the other attacking players missing.
      He took a knock or something last week. Should be available anytime now.

      I definitely wish we'd waited until January to sell Smith or Rossi, knowing that Saha and Solskjaer were going to be a couple of weeks from fitness. Rooney and a player only signed a few days before as the only real options was risky at the best of times.

      I think Saha and Ole are back in the near future (I remember reading at least one of them was back in training) so given the little international break I'm hopeful that we'll have one at Spurs. Tevez is a more Rooney-like player than a centre forward so we can give him someone to play off and get the best out of him.


        Tevez missed a couple of great chances today - it's just not happening for him - and us - at the moment.
        Last edited by Kongster; 19-08-2007, 20:01.


          I really don't know why you sold Rossi. He never really got a decent run in the first team, and this season could have been the opportunity for him to do so. As it is, you've now been left with a striker shortage until one of your two incredibly injury prone strikers (Solskjaer and Saha) are fit.

          Unfortunately I think my Spurs are going to be on the end of a United backlash come next weekend.


            The situation we find ourselves in is not the best for new signings. Ideally we would like to ease them in slowly and into games where we are in a winning position.

            Rooney and Ronaldo took over two seasons to develop into the players they are today. Vidic and Evra took 6 months to adapt to the Premiership so Nani/Anderson/Tevez all need time.

            We need the experienced players to carry them for a while and for that one scrappy goal to come along and then the goals should start flowing again.


              United will get up. Tevez is imo a brilliant player (I'd say he's in usual shape the best premiership striker), he will get used to the team and then reach a higher level along with the whole team. When those injuries and Ronaldo are back, I think United will be back in business.

              I'm not too fond of the defense though, I think United is lacking somewhat there. It did cost them the Champions League, as they were with attacks the best team by far.


                The only plus point from the defeat on Sunday was how well Owen Hargreaves played, he will be crucial when it comes to the Champions League and also the big games (against Chelsea, Liverpool & Arsenal) in the Premiership. He is that Gattuso type player (not saying that he is Gattuso) that we have been missing in midfield. For instance if he played against Milan last season I think the spaces that were found between the back four and midfield during that 3-0 loss at the San Siro would not have been there. I am not saying for a moment we will win the Champions League (because I think we won't) but we have a better chance than last year.
                Last edited by ezee ryder; 20-08-2007, 18:19.


                  Heinze can forget about joining Liverpool. It'll be quite a while, if ever, before he'll be forgiven.


                    Can't blame him for trying. I'd have done the same


                      Glad this verdict came out the way it should have done! Nobody should ever be transferred directly fro man u to liverpool. Unless of course they want Darren Fletcher


                        I hope he go's in january.

                        He annoys me now


                          yeah He's definately not done himself any favours with the fans, especially after what happemed when he first signed as well, missing the first month or so cause he wanted to play in the olympic games!

                          Stick him in the reserves until january make him pay for not wanting to fight for his place at the biggest team in the land!


                            Now he's annoyed with Man U he could just buy out the rest of his contract (using that FIFA precedent set earlier this year) and go to liverpool with no transfer fee.


                              Not sure the ruling is that simple abigsmurf seem to remember reading about how Lampard could have done a similar thing but a certain deadline had to be reached and it was slightly confusing.

                              If anyone wants to spell out that particular rule i would be interested.

                              As for Gabby he can go whereever he wants for all I care anything he did for us was instantly forgotten the second he forced this stupid hearing at the FA.


                                I think the point was that the deadline for him doing that had just passed. Not too sure myself.

