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Chelsea Thread

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    I had £3 on Chelsea winning 6-0 too. meh.

    Also, doesn't Terry's dad deal coke?


      John Terry clearly should've chosen a different dad! Going after the family of famous people is in the public interest why?

      As for the argument that it's only what the public want is rubbish really. It would be impossible to buy a paper today which didn't cover it to some extent, even the broadsheets. I can't turn on a news program where this wasn't one of the main stories.

      The Liverpool Boycott of The Sun hasn't stopped it being the best selling paper in the country for decades.


        Only a Chelsea fan would defend the indefensible.


          and only bitter rival fans would jump on tabloid trash at any chance because they can't attack us for footballing reasons.

          His private life has nothing to do with his abilities on the pitch, yesterday underlined that fact.


            He's a durty rat. Look at his dirty old man face. YNWA


              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
              and only bitter rival fans would jump on tabloid trash at any chance because they can't attack us for footballing reasons.

              His private life has nothing to do with his abilities on the pitch, yesterday underlined that fact.
              You gotta be kidding me? I'm a Bolton fan, we aren't your rivals lol!

              His private life is important as they (whether they like it or not) are role models to youngsters of this country. He knew how "wrong" he was, he tried to get an injunction, he decided he had the right to use the press as and when he seemed fit, and when it didn't suit him, he tried to use the legal channels to hide his indescretions.

              He's the captain of his club and his country, once upon a time that carried with it some dignity.

              As for the "bitter rival fans", we had El Hadji Diouf, a player I loathed playing for us at all times. A (alleged) drink driver and wife beater. I was so happy we got rid of him as he is scum. Don't make out that my disliking for Terry has anything to do with being a fan of a rival (lol, yeah, again, Bolton being a rival to Chelsea makes me laugh) because it doesn't, I dislike him because he's an utter prick who cheated on his wife.


                Knew JT liked scoring at The Bridge, but that's just ridiculous!


                  Not to mention how can you be a captain when you sleep with a teammates missus?
                  Surely the whole point of a captain is leadership and more to the point, trust?


                    If he's not good enough for captain, he's not good enough for the team and they should drop him completely.

                    Frankly I don't care. Why should I care about our national side when this is how we crucify our players and managers before major. There were 3 'England Teammates' playing yesterday and they seemed to have no problem with him leading, nor did Terry's performance plummet under the pressure and chanting.


                      His actual ability on the pitch has never been doubted but you have to act with a certain respect to your peers which once again has not been shown by a footballer.
                      What he did is a disgrace and he should be fully prepared to take whatever is coming to him. There is no defence in this situation argue it as much as you like.

                      Players earn millions for doing essentially nothing of major importance yet they still feel the need to act this way despite being in the public eye, I would say the only crucifying here was done by Terry himself.


                        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                        If he's not good enough for captain, he's not good enough for the team and they should drop him completely.

                        Frankly I don't care. Why should I care about our national side when this is how we crucify our players and managers before major. There were 3 'England Teammates' playing yesterday and they seemed to have no problem with him leading, nor did Terry's performance plummet under the pressure and chanting.
                        He is being crucified becase HE HAS DONE WRONG! Everything that comes of this, EVERYTHING will be because HE couldn't keep it in his pants with a fellow team-mates spouse. Bridge's wife is just as bad, they're both to blame.

                        Football is not more important than life mate, at least not to me. I'm not surprised the rest of his team-mates didn't care, why would they. He's the captain and if they decide to make a big deal of it or fall out with him, maybe they'll end up at Man City too.


                          Wayne Bridge wasn't married to her.

                          Football IS life for these players. Besides which you say football isn't life then you say how their actions outside of football should dictate their actions within football. Either they're completely seperate or they're part and parcel.

                          Anyhow, back to football.

                          A draw would be best but an Arsenal win would also be good.
                          Last edited by abigsmurf; 31-01-2010, 14:52.


                            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                            You gotta be kidding me? I'm a Bolton fan, we aren't your rivals lol!

                            His private life is important as they (whether they like it or not) are role models to youngsters of this country. He knew how "wrong" he was, he tried to get an injunction, he decided he had the right to use the press as and when he seemed fit, and when it didn't suit him, he tried to use the legal channels to hide his indescretions.

                            He's the captain of his club and his country, once upon a time that carried with it some dignity.
                            John Terry could be a saint in real life and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to how sports fan go about their daily life , he’s just a sportsman , not a Front bench mister or a head of state.

                            I do laugh at the sports minster having a pop , not the same sport minster that didn’t have any issues when MP’s were lying about their 2nd houses , or when Robbin Cook, David Blunkett , or old john Prescott were having off left right and centre while in cabinet . What great examples to set to public , and if someone throws an egg at you, bash them in the face, just like our old Deputy PM

                            These lying and cheating MP’s have the cheek to have a go at sports men or women . John Terry problems are nothing to do with us or in the Public Interest , it’s a matter for the families, and I hope he taken to the cleaners by his wife. But at the end of the day , Terry job is playing football , and as long as he does that to best of his Abilities , that all that matters

                            If he wants to get pissed or shag around in his free time, that an issue for him and his families , not us imo
                            Last edited by Team Andromeda; 31-01-2010, 15:51.


                              Incidentally, the injunction wasn't lifted because this was 'in the public interest'. It was lifted because there was evidence that it was 'already well known within the wider community' (by which they meant that a lot of players in the game already knew about it), which means that an injunction is unenforecable. Closing the barn door once the horse has bolted, if you will.


                                So tabloids now know if they keep spreading rumours they'll get their injunctions lifted.

                                "rumour has it that the captain of a national football team somewhere in England had and Affair with a former team mate whose name is the second half of their stadium's name! But sadly we cannot give hints as to who they are!!!!!"

