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Chelsea Thread

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    bwahhaha, the boy has dancing feet! 1-0 down, and your boy could easily have gone. Cech has made mega saves.

    4-4-2, Bruce. We've said it all along.


      Great goal and totally deserved, better team in front. Still think Chelsea will win 2-1 with 2 scuffy deflections or dodgy decisions

      Classless fans though, top of the league, losing at HT so an audible section decide the team needs booing as the whistle goes, good going that.


        Ivanovic was never a red card. The other defender was clearly covering.


          On another day he might have - the other guy, Abel Ferrara, was approaching from an angle and Wellbeck is like a whippet. But you can't second guess what might happen I suppose.

          I don't think it was a red, but I've seen them given a lot.


            Twat me, wtf is going on? Gyan again!


              Oh my, oh my...


                Josh McEachran has come on for the big summer signing Ramires.


                  Right, that's it, I'm off for a wank.


                    Gray just said. 250-1 for Sunderland 3-0. Can't believe this myself, the game that is.


                      Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                      Right, that's it, I'm off for a wank.
                      Think of Welbeck while you do just that


                        Abigsmurf, Chelsea Clinton, that little tosser Wise, scruffy Baddiel, Michael Caine(Blown your doors off more like), tory tossers Major and Mellor, your London filth took one hell of a beating!!!

                        Can you hear me?!?!


                          Holy ****.......... I know i'm a red so apologies for the post in here, but christ almighty, what is it with the Prem this season. I thought last season was bad for shockers, but this season has taken the trophy.

                          Can the real Chelsea step forward. WTF is going on. Looked a formality especially after results yesterday with:

                          United who are struggling to win games but can't seem to lose

                          City who have a squad with possibly the most potential and the most to gain and won't attack

                          Arsenal who seem to play well or ****e depending on the direction of the wind.

                          I have given United no chance this season and still don't but tbh, Chelsea who were my bet are starting to look very shaky. City especially will be looking at this weekend and wondering why they are sticking with Mancini after this weekend results. At this moment i couldn't pick the prem winner


                            Utter crap. Very pissed off.

                            We'd probably lost it before the whilstle had been blown. No defence, no mid field and sod all on the bench. Lots of bad performances all because the structure of the team we can put out.

                            Ramieres - crap, awful signing
                            Bosingwa - crap
                            Malouda - bad run of form
                            Drogba - not fit
                            Anelka - can't do anything without support
                            Ferreira - not great at the best of times but as a centerback...
                            Zhirkov - not good enough

                            Our bench: The average age was 20. Enough said.

                            We made Liverpool look like a completely different side (every team deals with their long ball style with ease, we were utterly incapable of coping), We made Sunderland look world beaters. We haven't played convincingly for four games and we've looked shaky every game without Essien and Lampard. Man U may go on about injuries but they've got quality, experienced alternatives, we have nothing. The gut of our team has been ripped out and there's nothing but bones left in the gap. We can't win the league with this squad we have available.

                            But meh, Sunderland played well and played positive attacking football and we're still 3 points in front of Man U. Our sidelined players will get fit sometime and we can go back to playing the incredible football we were playing when our squad was at full strength.

                            January window: replace Ramieres and Bosingwa. Get players who we can rely on.


                            And gtfo with gloating posts, I don't gloat in your topics, don't gloat in here. Talking about the result and the match is fine but going "AHAHAHA OMG U R TEH SUXX)RS" isn't on.
                            Last edited by abigsmurf; 14-11-2010, 17:16.


                              Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
                              Abigsmurf, Chelsea Clinton, that little tosser Wise, scruffy Baddiel, Michael Caine(Blown your doors off more like), tory tossers Major and Mellor, your London filth took one hell of a beating!!!

                              Can you hear me?!?!
                              I dunno if he can but some Chelsea fans (presumably the ones who booed their team at half time) made for the exits a bit early, and most definetly can't hear you.


                                Well, we can wave goodbye to the title.

                                Unknown injury that could take months to get sorted. Every game that Alex or Ivanovic are out will result in us losing because we won't have a defence.

                                Add this to Lampard's string of injuries, Drogba's lack of fitness and another 2 games sans Essien and we can't put out even a half decent squad.

                                Need a centreback and a Ramieres replacement ASAP.

