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Chelsea Thread

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    Vidic staying on the pitch was.


      Not a chance in a million years. It was a yellow. Ba did not have the ball so there is no goalscoring oppotunity.


        Yeah i think a yellow but it could of been a straight red and i think the commentators thought so also. Demba bar had the ball past Vidic (last man) and looked like he would burst clear until he was pulled down by him. Vidic was lucky to finish the game though as i thought that should of been his 2nd yellow after the pen incident. Overall a great response from us after going 0-2 down and we definitely have that never say die attitude we had when we won the treble in 1999.


          Hasn't been a terrible weekend for us. Stoke are one of our Bogey sides and every other team around us dropped points


            Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
            Hasn't been a terrible weekend for us. Stoke are one of our Bogey sides and every other team around us dropped points
            How can we be one of your bogey sides when you've beaten us in every premier league game home & away prior to this match and even in the FA cup 3rd round when we were in the championship about 7 years ago!


              Very nervy about tonight.

              Chelsea have an excellent home record against Man U that goes beyond a couple of fortunate decisions (unbeaten in 9 years at stamford bridge). No David Luiz is significant though.

              Still really hate playing against English sides in Europe.


                Awful performance, we're just clueless attacking at the moment. Torres is dragging the whole team down. I don't care how much he cost, he's costing us games.

                Bosingwa is hopeless and he was to blame for the goal. Surely we've got someone better than him?

                Didn't deserve anything but a loss but Man U still got the luck, wonder saves and a cast iron penalty and red card not given (bet Ferguson won't complain about that). But meh, Chelsea don't get anything from UEFA officials.

                1-0's not the end of the world though.


                  Was rooting for Chelsea last night. However, I'm happy that that same **** form that Torres is experiencing has carried on from us. People put it down to poor attitude due to wanting away. Could be that he's lost some pace through those past injuries.

                  Nah, he'll turn up someday.


                    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                    Was rooting for Chelsea last night. However, I'm happy that that same **** form that Torres is experiencing has carried on from us. People put it down to poor attitude due to wanting away. Could be that he's lost some pace through those past injuries.

                    Nah, he'll turn up someday.
                    Or they blamed Roy for him playing poor


                      Gotta love red nose talking about 'justice' and how it was a 50/50 challenge. Evra's claims he made contact and it wasn't a penalty are equally laughable.

                      Bet he doesn't see Rooney's ban as 'justice' for the elbow he got away with.


                        Na, what you gotta love is that your manager and team act in the exact same way as Ferguson and Evra.

                        Terry yesterday ran over to the ref to say Chicarito had put his head down and that's why the Mexican got a boot in it. The fact that Chico was leaping and had his head up means Terry is either having trouble with his eyes or is a liar. Saw him swearing at the linesman yesterday too, visible on TV, the scandal!

                        How many times does the manager say he didn't see it? At it again yesterday over Torres, didn't see that incident where the guy cheated and kicked out to create contact, in an attempt to get an opponent in trouble. It was also interesting that the manager and players had a go at the ref, both on the pitch, in the tunnel and in the interview. They saw that one for sure though:

                        "The problem is I know it's sometimes not easy to give the penalty in the last minute and you need to have personality, courage and character. Not always do referees have these kind of skills.
                        Somehow I doubt had United confronted the ref and Ferguson said that nothing would have been made of it. Like the weekend. If Essien had swore and Rooney made that two footed, leg breaking lunge I doubt it would have been reported the same way it went down this week.

                        United got lucky last night? Essien and Torres could and should have both been sent off.


                          Swearing on the pitch and being caught on camera != swearing directed at the camera. It's a pretty clear distinction that Man U fans seem to be completely unable to comprehend.

                          If Rooney got booked everytime he swore at an official he would never last more than 5 minutes in a game.

                          The 'Red cards'; Torres didn't appeal in any way in the first instance and had just slipped. That first 'yellow' for Essien would've been stupidly harsh, early in the game and he was going for a ball he had the right to go for.

                          As for Ferguson and Evra, they didn't just say they didn't see it, they both actively claimed it was right not to give it. Them and the ref were the only 3 people in the stadium who thought it was anything other than a cast iron penalty.


                            Evra says he touched the ball. Are you calling him a liar?

                            Ironic really, not getting a penalty given the dodgy penalties you have got against us in previous games. As Rio said, you like to think things even out over the course of a season. I don't see that myself, the dodgy decisions last season handed you the league. One going our way, for the first time in years, doesn't make up for that.


                              Am I limited to just calling him a liar?


                                lol. If he touched the ball, he touched the ball. Still looked like a penalty to me. But there you go. You want to be reminded of the dodgy penalty decisions you seemingly get every other game against us?

