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Chelsea Thread

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    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
    I do think Benetez may have done us a favour and rattled ferguson (and the officials) though.
    Wrong, Fergie doesn't get rattled and, as the 3-0 result suggests, it actually seemed to have fired our players up instead

    Some great "clean" play from the "saint-like" Chelsea players today by the way


      and some great 'respect' shown by certain Man U players towards officials


        Well Chelsea players didn't really have anything to complain about, well and truly beaten.


          Absolutely hammered. Scolari needs to have a word with himself


            fans have plenty to complain about. Chelsea are just bad at the moment. We've forgotten how to score, we've forgotten how to defend. But hey, we can play well in the middle third!(!!!!!)

            Chelsea are a complete and utter shambles, any team could beat us with that performance. The FA Cup replay is going to be so much fun...


              Originally posted by Pilotwings View Post
              3-0 UTD Anderson Hatrick

              I was right


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                Chelsea are just bad at the moment. We've forgotten how to score, we've forgotten how to defend. But hey, we can play well in the middle third!(!!!!!)
                You mean pass, pass, pass, pass and er....pass some more? :P

                Good game by the way. Yes it was one sided but fair is fair and the best team won.


                  Chelsea have a lot of problems that need fixing.

                  Man.utd are a great, solid team. Chelsea were like that 3-years ago, but.. that's history.

                  Drogba needs to go. He has always had a serious attitude problem. I heard that he causes a lot of negativity at the club.

                  Mikel, Kalou, and a few others.. need to leave. They wouldn't get in any of the Top6 clubs in Europe, so.. shouldn't be at Chelsea. Kalou is a joke.

                  I'm not sure about Scholari. I had the impression[before he became manager].. that he was a tough guy. The reports I hear of him trying to be ' Mr Nice Guy ' .. goes against what I expected. No manager should treat players with kid-gloves. They need discipline.

                  It's strange days for Chelsea. Just like Man.utd, Liverpool were a few years ago, they are a club that needs to build a new team.

                  Expecting Chelsea to be brilliant - is like flogging a horse that's collapsed. I can only for a positive future for the club.


                    Apparently Big Phil and Le sulk had a bust up prior to Sunday's game. Big Phil is Dancing On Ice. Very thin ice.


                      Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
                      Mikel, Kalou, and a few others.. need to leave. They wouldn't get in any of the Top6 clubs in Europe, so.. shouldn't be at Chelsea. Kalou is a joke.
                      After seeing him in action these past couple of seasons, I'm beginning to wonder what all the fuss was about with regards to Mikel a few years ago.

                      As a United fan, I can certainly say I do not feel we missed out on not having kept him based on his performances.


                        Chelsea paid us £12 Million for him LOL


                          Last minute Lampard goal! About time we got some luck!


                            Lots of weird Chelsea speculation at the moment.

                            1st : Robinho moving to Chelsea. Would find this incredibly strange, after the way he treated us in the negotiations, can't see him being welcomed.

                            2nd : we're going to be bought out by an arab group. Given that Chelsea has been a long term investment and it looks like next year we'll start turning an operating profit, I can't see why Abramovich would want to have wasted his investment. Although that's assuming the arab group doesn't make an incredibly large bid that turns a big profit.

                            3rd : Drogba is on the way out. Not so weird this one and I think he should go. However it's too late for that now, he'll be sold at the end of the season unless he really turns his attitude around.


                              Seems point two applies to Liverpool also, by this time next year we'll all be owned by Arabs lol.

                              Can't see Abramovich selling up though. If he's spent around £600m, he'd want near a Billion smackers from them.


                                Saying that man City will put in a bid for drogba now. Probably a load of rubbish, just like Chelsea were linked with everyone when abramovich first arrived.

