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Chelsea Thread

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    lol @ liverpool.

    Will be happy if we finish the season second.

    We're still shaky but the football is better to watch and we're getting the results in tough situations. Gotta put in a good performance in the champions league, a goal will seal the fixture.


      Nothing new, eh?

      Ashley Cole swearing excessively on and off the pitch, and got arrested for it - good riddance!

      Stupid plep.

      I have never liked him; he is an awful role model.



          Bit of a pathetic reason for getting a fine, swearing at people.

          But meh, When's Gerrard's court appearence? Theoretically he could be jailed for that assault but if he gets any worse than community service, I'd be amazed.


            It's amazing how rubbsih Alex, Malouda and Kalou are. I don't even like Chelsea but I'm shouting at the TV, '"Just pass the muthaf**king ball will you!". The number of squandered opportunities is incredible.


              I knew one of them would score after I posted that. Still rubbish though



                Great to see him back on the pitch again. Malouda has once again been awful, just makes the left side incredibly weak for us.


                  nice comfy win in the end, nice to see coventry actively attacking and trying to win it.


                    I thought we played well too, especially Drogba. Quaresma looked useful too.


                      I was fully prepared to come in and rant. How could they not give that as a goal, was clearly over the line. However we scored a minute later which kinda-ish made up for it.

                      Not a good first half, we were a mess in mid field, couldn't get the ball up. Ballack was poor.


                        Just gonna say this cos certain people always mentione this about Man Utd players, why were all the Chelsea players arguing with the referee after the penalty was given?!

                        "Disgusting and disgraceful behaviour, ban them all"


                          The ref took his time giving that penalty, was a bit farcical. Cech didn't have a clue what was going on.

                          Hiddink actually changed things for the better towards the end of the first half. Played much better in the second half. Head didn't go down like they would under scolari.

                          Ronaldo is a cheat and Cantona should apologise to that palace fan!


                            It looked like the delay was not about the decision to give the penalty (it was stonewall decision) but the ref didn't know who to give the yellow card to.

                            I lol'd


                              So... All four English teams got to the quarters. To be honest, everyone expected all the teams to make it through so it isn't suprising.

                              This can't really be a situation that can continue. At the moment I don't think anyone would imagine a final without an English team in it and I suspect that unless there's some really freakish draws there will be a good chance of an all English final.

                              I can't see this being allowed to keep happening. Domination by so many English clubs must harm the competition in other countries and it's also slightly irritating for me when in a European competition, we play against English clubs. They're introducing longer, tougher qualification but more games against rubbish teams isn't likely to prevent situations like this.

                              I could quite easily see us getting restricted to 3 places.

                              What's other people's thoughts. I know there are lots of people who say 'lots of English clubs doing well is great' but too many English clubs doing too well on too regular a basis hurts the nature of the Champions League.


                                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                                So... All four English teams got to the quarters. To be honest, everyone expected all the teams to make it through so it isn't suprising.

                                This can't really be a situation that can continue. At the moment I don't think anyone would imagine a final without an English team in it and I suspect that unless there's some really freakish draws there will be a good chance of an all English final.

                                I can't see this being allowed to keep happening. Domination by so many English clubs must harm the competition in other countries and it's also slightly irritating for me when in a European competition, we play against English clubs. They're introducing longer, tougher qualification but more games against rubbish teams isn't likely to prevent situations like this.

                                I could quite easily see us getting restricted to 3 places.

                                What's other people's thoughts. I know there are lots of people who say 'lots of English clubs doing well is great' but too many English clubs doing too well on too regular a basis hurts the nature of the Champions League.
                                Its up to the clubs from other nations to raise their game innit?

