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Chelsea Thread

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    I'd like it to go back to being for one team per country, but there is no chance that it will.

    Otherwise, a quota system has the best chance of curbing Premier League dominance, but would have to get past EEC regulations and Premiership opposition.

    I still think Barcelona will win this year.


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      So... All four English teams got to the quarters. To be honest, everyone expected all the teams to make it through so it isn't suprising.

      This can't really be a situation that can continue. At the moment I don't think anyone would imagine a final without an English team in it and I suspect that unless there's some really freakish draws there will be a good chance of an all English final.

      I can't see this being allowed to keep happening. Domination by so many English clubs must harm the competition in other countries and it's also slightly irritating for me when in a European competition, we play against English clubs. They're introducing longer, tougher qualification but more games against rubbish teams isn't likely to prevent situations like this.

      I could quite easily see us getting restricted to 3 places.

      What's other people's thoughts. I know there are lots of people who say 'lots of English clubs doing well is great' but too many English clubs doing too well on too regular a basis hurts the nature of the Champions League.
      I certainly do not agree with you, I just don't get the logic. I mean when the Italian and Spanish clubs were dominating the Champions League the fans from their leagues never said "oh our dominance is a hurting Champions League". Like neoboy said it is up to the other teams to raise their game, nothing wrong with English teams dominating.

      Some fans just complain about everything and anything these days, it is ridiculous. The team underperforms they complain, the team performs well and dominates, they complain. Jeez, there is more to life than just complaining about everything and anything.


        Although there have been times when a couple of clubs from those countries were very strong, I can't remember a time when you'd ever expect four clubs from those countries to year in year out reach the quarters.

        You could argue that other countries could raise their game but how? Their leagues don't have the money of the EPL, they may not have the four places and they won't have had teams getting the revenue of getting far in the champions league year in year out. The amount of money gained from a good champions league run is hard to compete with and it's hard to get that run without long term spending.

        As I've said before don't think there's any place for a fourth place team in the competition, especially when their non challenging position usually means they rest players and have an unfair advantage over better teams. Is it really good for English football for Man U and Liverpool (or any other combination) to play each other 6 times in a season? Although tense, an all english draw lacks the thrill of getting drawn against teams like Barcelona. The thrill of the champions league is, and should, be coping with unfamiliar players and playing styles.


          Agree with ezee really. Dominance comes and goes, I'm against deliberately trying to weaken teams / countries that are doing better than everyone else.

          We dominated in the late 70's / early 80's. From 1989 to 1998 there was an Italian team in the CL final every single year except 1991. Spain had their little period of domination in the early 2000's. Now it's our turn again, and at some point that'll end and someone else will take over.

          On another note I think four teams from various countries in the CL is too much, I'd have two at the most and go back to having a strong secondary European competition. It'll never happen though, not when the current format is so awash with money.

          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          As I've said before don't think there's any place for a fourth place team in the competition...
          Do agree with this though, it's really the current format that makes any country who dominates seem worse than it is. Having only a couple of teams from each country in the competition and the "will one country fill up all the semi final slots???" debates couldn't even happen.

          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          You could argue that other countries could raise their game but how? Their leagues don't have the money of the EPL...
          That can change though. The BBC did a Serie A vs Premier League comparison a few weeks ago and mentioned this:

          The clubs occupying the Premier League during the 2007/2008 season received a guaranteed £22.8m from TV revenue.

          On top of that clubs were paid prize money relative to their final position in the league and, if that was not enough, the 20 clubs received income from the live matches in which they were featured.

          Unsurprisingly, title winners Manchester United came out on top with £49.3m.

          Since 2007, Serie A clubs have been handed the responsibility to sell their own broadcasting rights to designated channels in their own country - and it's difficult to obtain details of the deals made by the top clubs.

          However, by 2010, Italy's top league will revert back to collective selling.

          Forty percent of the TV revenue will go to all Serie A clubs, while 30% will be based on final-table standing and 30% on fan following, both on a sliding scale.

          It is projected that a package worth 900m euros (£798m) a season would mean a club like Juventus could rake in roughly 87m euros a year (£77m) - which would dwarf United's current TV income.
          Last edited by EJG1980; 12-03-2009, 10:44.


            There's little wrong with 2 teams from a country dominating. That's rarely lasting and 'underdogs' stand a reasonable chance of knocking them off their perch.

            There is a lot wrong with 4 teams dominating. The complacency they can afford in the league gives them an unfair advantage whilst still getting more revenue that others. On a Champions league run you could easily get drawn against 3 of the teams from that country with all four possible if you're especially unlucky and unseeded.


              It's goes to show how strong the "top four" are. The fact that teams from other countries are not on the same level is something they need to address themselves. I have to say that Italian teams bar (AC Milan of course!) have been poor in recent years in the Champions League. But then again, they were saying the same about English teams not long ago. It's all swings and roundabouts.

              For teams that aren't competing for their domestic leagues, the Champions League offers them a great chance for redemption and glory. Resting key players before a Champions League tie comes in handy, too.
              Last edited by Kongster; 12-03-2009, 11:16.


                They should make it a PROPER Champions League, where the Champions of each country play in a, you know, League


                  draw in a few minutes, hoping against getting drawn against an english side (want to play european side). We'll get liverpool though. We always do


                    For **** sake, I simply can't believe we have Liverpool again. Man Utd and Arsenal must be laughing


                      aaaand We've been drawn against liverpool. Again.

                      If we're going to be drawn against someone every year, could we please not play against someone who depends heavily for 180 minutes hoping for a lucky goal or penalties?


                        Great one for the neutrals again At least UEFA can't be accused of being anti-English, two easiest matches go to Arsenal and Man Utd.


                          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                          aaaand We've been drawn against liverpool. Again.

                          If we're going to be drawn against someone every year, could we please not play against someone who depends heavily for 180 minutes hoping for a lucky goal or penalties?
                          Don't forget, we've beaten you twice this season exceedingly convincingly. Take your bitter face for a number two

                          Bring it on!


                            Totally called the Liverpool v Chelsea match as soon as Arsenal and Utd were out of the pot.

                            I have funny feeling Chelsea will edge this one through.

                            I stil feel Barcelona are favourites from that side of the draw though.


                              We're a different team from what we were earlier in the season. It's just incredibly annoying because we get this tie every year and without fail it's boring as hell.


                                Originally posted by C' View Post

                                I hope Chelsea will edge this one through.
                                I bet you do.

