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Chelsea Thread

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    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
    Most managers need time, something big spending clubs don't give, which often leads to more problems.
    Thought it was in every Chelsea Manager's pre-nup, don't win the Champions League in your first year and and you're out.

    Surprised Phil didn't get until the end of the season, still, his pay-off will be a nice few million I'm sure. And I'm sure he'll go back to managing a National team.

    Pay the wonga to bring Mourinho back I say.


      Get Kevin Keegan in lol.


        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post

        Although tbh this job is a bit of a poisoned chalice, poor old Grant was working with a sword poised over his head, and Big Fill has had no time at all really. Has he had that much money to play with? Most managers need time, something big spending clubs don't give, which often leads to more problems.
        He definately wasn't given money this transfer window. However I get the impression that was based on performances. It wasn't just a bad patch and bad luck (although we didn't have a huge amount of luck) he was making incredibly bad tactical choices. He'd play the same formations and simply switch players around, the entire league learnt how to nullify our attack (look at the number of games where we barely had a shot on target). He couldn't organise a defence to save his life (why was the far post left open on crosses and corners?).

        Yes Brazil won the world cup under him but it was the worst Brazil I've seen (Which was why I was annoyed at them knocking england out when they were average, we'll never have an easier chance of winning the cup then that year).

        Hopelessly inept manager relying on the pure quality of players to carry him


          I reckon it'll be Martin Jol or Roy Keane as next boss


            Originally posted by Kongster View Post
            Who would want the Chelsea job? The pressure and expectations that comes with it is unbelievable.
            A lot of non-Chelsea fans have the impression that all fans of the club are spoilt bastards demanding " Win, win, win! " ... It's not a case of that.

            We, like fans of any club, want to see a unified team.. who play with a good degree of passion. When Chelsea played Man.utd & Liverpool - they looked weak and severely lacking direction. Non-fans have been shocked by Chelsea's dire, limp displays; imagine how the loyal fans feel.

            There was no guarantee that Scholari was the right man for the job. It's sadly turned out to be the case that he wasn't suited to the premiership, or maybe even club level football.

            The thing that I haven't liked, is the fact that Scholari was painted as being a 'Tough Guy' ... when he has never come across as anything more than a 'Teddy Bear'. It's been quite embarassing to see him saying that he loves the players, that the players love him, and that his door is always open to them.. if they need a hug etc....

            Chelsea need a visionary, who can instill discipline and team spirit in to a bunch of lost players. It's going to be sooo easy for the club to choose another manager who isn't fit for the job. I can only hope for the best.
            Last edited by Leon Retro; 10-02-2009, 02:58.


              Sounds like Brant Myhres could do a job!


                Indeed, the problem with chelsea wasn't so much the results as the lack of spirit, determination and quality football. The season ticket holders haven't seen an entertaining game all season (the early season thumpings were away games).

                We need someone who can organise a defence and get Terry and Cech back to their world class form, someone who can give Drogba a kick up the arse and get him back to his golden boot form (or at least ensure his replacement performs) and make Deco look the brilliant signing he seemed to be in the first few games.

                We do also need some players at the end of the season, we haven't been replacing quality players when they go and our squad is incredibly injury prone


                  What team is going to let a good Manager go (to Chelsea) right now though, can't see them getting anyone decent before the end of the season really.

                  Who are are you hoping will take over Chelsea fans?


                    Steve Clarke is who I'd like to see. Unless his departure from Chelsea was more acrimonious than it seemed, it would potentially be a good move for him.

                    Hiddink : Would Abromovich really annoy his own country taking the national coach?

                    Rijkaard: A manager of the level we need but... Lots of people remember his confrontations with Mourinho.

                    Sven: He's a good manager but he's not the kind we need right now, we need someone to install passion, not to be a soft touch and spoil the players.

                    Martin'o'Neil. Why would he leave Villa? Not keen on him as a person either.

                    Grant : No

                    Whoever we get, the board need to get out their wallet. We need at least 2 real quality signings.

                    Rijkaard is the current favourite. My pick is way down at 33:1, I think you'd do well to put a few pounds on that...


                      Who is that fella who looks like a Ron Jeremy and Mario hybrid fusion-majig and sits next to Scolari?


                        A couple of papers have been suggesting Ancelotti is the man Roman wants. Not sure he'd be the right man. He'd definitely have an excellent chance to get them a Champions League title, but he's not prolific in the league, one title in about seven seasons... that wouldn't go down too well with Roman

                        He's also previously said he'd probably only leave for the national team or Roma, but you never know.


                          Just let Ballack be Player Captain. Save a lot of money and keep the egos happy. Madrid done just fine when the players were running the team themselves.


                            Loofa for Chelsea manager, well I say so anyway


                              Originally posted by Chain View Post
                              Just let Ballack be Player Captain.
                              No point in having a captain that the other player's don't respect


                                Sounds like Hiddink managing both Russia and Chelsea could be the way forward, reads like it's already been discussed with Abromovich, and a deal might not be that far off.

                                And Sven to Portsmouth?

