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Chelsea Thread

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    Not often I agree with the Daily Mail.

    All this talk about "the better side went through" and "they deserved to go through" is utter tosh.


      Originally posted by C' View Post
      Those posts are mocking the frankly ridiculous behaviour of Ballack and Drogba, both of which demonstrated how not to react, regardless of how hard done by you feel.

      I'm amazed that Ballack was still on the pitch after that . Also I think the Abidal sending off , was never a sending off at all .
      The Ref was just piss poor , the handballs were the most obvious handball I think I've ever seen in a football match


        Originally posted by C' View Post
        You've come into the Man Utd threads plenty of times to moan, whine and belittle our team and even when we put in a good performance you'll instead choose to focus on any slightly controversial incident that probably made little impact on the final outcome.

        I actually like you as a poster. You're clearly intelligent and love your team but this most recent claims of victimisation are making you come across as incredibly hypocritical.
        100% correct, infact 200% correct.

        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        I offer criticism and give my thoughts but I try to avoid gloating except in this or neutral threads and I make sure I'm especially reserved after results that are tough on fans.

        Look at posts 1098-1116 in particular. They're not discussing the game, they're just mocking.

        As I've said, last night was incredibly painful as a passionate Chelsea fan, it actually hurts me more than losing the final did last year.
        Nope, 99% of the time all you offer is pure criticism.

        I remember you came in to the Man Utd thread after the 4-1 defeat to Liverpool and said "Fergie's cracking up!" or something along those lines. I mean you're not a Liverpool fan so there was no need for you to make that comment but you did. Did any of us make a big deal of it at the time?! No, we just moved on. If you're gonna dish it out banter, you also need to learn to take it.

        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        You can't compare it to Fletcher.

        Fletcher was affected by one bad decisions and the game still had at least a bitter-sweet outcome for him. Not playing is a big blow but he can still celebrate his team getting to the final.

        Chelsea were affected by four bad decisions and won't be going to the final, even to watch from the stands.
        Of course you can compare the incidents, Fletcher was sent off for making a fantastic tackle and will miss the biggest game of his career. I can only imagine how he was feeling inside but he did the right thing as a professional and accepted the decision without making a fuss.

        I hope UEFA come down hard on Drogba and Ballack, disgusting behaviour.
        Last edited by ezee ryder; 07-05-2009, 12:27.


          Apparently, the ref had to be smuggled out of the country by the police after receiving death threats which originated from a er...internet campaign.

          Norwegian referee Tom Henning Ovrebo was smuggled out of the country today after being held in a secret location overnight


            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
            100% correct, infact 200% correct.

            Nope, 99% of the time all you offer is pure criticism.

            I remember you came in to the Man Utd thread after the 4-1 defeat to Liverpool and said "Fergie's cracking up!" or something along those lines. I mean you're not a Liverpool fan so there was no need for you to make that comment but you did. Did any of us make a big deal of it at the time?! No, we just moved on. If you're gonna dish it out banter, you also need to learn to take it.

            Of course you can compare the incidents, Fletcher was sent off for making a fantastic tackle and will miss the biggest game of his career. I can only imagine how he was feeling inside but he did the right thing as a professional and accepted the decision without making a fuss.

            I hope UEFA come down hard on Drogba and Ballack, disgusting behaviour.
            Yeah, me making 1, 3 word post among lots of joking posts by Man U fans when your are/were still in a position to easily win the league is clearly the same as posting a couple pages of stuff after being knocked out of a cup.

            You cannot compare the situations at all. I'd bet every single player in the Chelsea squad would much prefer to be in Fletcher's position of not playing in a final than the team being out of the final. It was one bad decision that didn't change the match versus 4+ which did. You're comparing to 1 bad decision when you're winning to 4 bad decisions that resulted in you losing. Yeah... These things are clearly equal.



                maby the ref made a couple of bad calls but it happens to every team at some point, its football!

                the behavour of the likes of drogba ballack ect is a discrace to the team, the english game, and to the fans
                ive lost count of the times over the years when chelski have got late goals, lucky reffing , and dives , the list goes on
                so justice was done for it to happen to them for once,

                no offence to any legit fans on here, but stop going on about it
                Last edited by yesteryeargames; 07-05-2009, 13:05.


                  There's a difference between a bad decision and 4 which individually would be a major controversy.


                    The ref made more than a couple of bad decisions to be fair. And while you can understand why the Chelsea players were aggrieved, there can be no disputing the fact their conduct was a bit over the top.


                      It was over the top but understandable. When the ref is giving you nothing and fouls in the penalty area are really effecting play. You've nothing you can do and it just builds up stress that you can't release.

                      Only showing Ballack and Drogba yellow cards was probably the only smart thing the ref did all game. Could you imagine what would've happened to their tempers on production of a red?

                      I'm fully expecting 1-3 game bans and a club fine, possibly another "enemy of football" style thing to draw the attention away from UEFA and their officials.

                      Meh it's 2PM the day after and I'm sitting here at work still steaming (not helped by the spurs supporters in the office next to me), I just can't cool down after that game.


                        The banter that has gone on in this thread can't be worse than the banter from the Spurs fans in your office. Surely?


                          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                          Yeah, me making 1, 3 word post among lots of joking posts by Man U fans when your are/were still in a position to easily win the league is clearly the same as posting a couple pages of stuff after being knocked out of a cup.

                          You cannot compare the situations at all. I'd bet every single player in the Chelsea squad would much prefer to be in Fletcher's position of not playing in a final than the team being out of the final. It was one bad decision that didn't change the match versus 4+ which did. You're comparing to 1 bad decision when you're winning to 4 bad decisions that resulted in you losing. Yeah... These things are clearly equal.
                          It's banter, it is part and parcel of being a football fan. It doesn't matter one ounce if we will win the league or you are out of a cup, banter is banter. It happens in all the threads and like I said you have been involved in it all too, whether it be 3 words or 3000 words. I'm sure if United or Liverpool players reacted like that both sets of fans would fully expect opposition fans to see the funny side of it, once again it is part of the banter between fans.

                          You regularly go to the Man Utd and Liverpool threads openly looking to criticise both teams, both sets of fans take it and then respond back instead of complaining "oh get out of our thread" and so on. Like I said if you give it out, you have to learn to take it too.

                          As for the Fletcher decision, yes it didn't change the match but it denied the player a place in the final. Yes the team was still heading to the final but he had to take in the fact that he would not be because of an awful decision. He could of stayed on the pitch and run around after the referee like a hooligan or do a great impression of a thug like Drogba did but he conducted himself brilliantly, just like a professional should.


                            To be honest, the banter in all the threads in the Football forum has never really got out of hand. I hear worse down the pub!


                              Yeah me and my mates (combination of Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool fans) have more heated banter than what goes on here. This is all light-hearted and harmless really.


                                Originally posted by Kongster View Post
                                The banter that has gone on in this thread can't be worse than the banter from the Spurs fans in your office. Surely?
                                I'd be really ashamed of them if it is

