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Chelsea Thread

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    I'm not really sure what to expect.

    On the one hand, we (Arsenal) have little left to play for. We're unlikely to finish third and are guaranteed a 4th place spot (I think) so Wenger may take this opportunity to try out some even younger players.

    On the other hand, if it were United or an Arsenal team that actually had any passion, I'd expect Wenger to play a full strength team (without risking any injured or recently recovered players) and try and win some self respect back after the awful performances vs United (and if you want to go back further then against Chelsea in the FA cup semi final).

    Actually, I think Wenger will experiment a bit. I'd put money on Vela being involved at some point in the game, maybe starting.


      Tevez isn't happy at Man U and looks like he wants to go. Man U have to buy him at the end of the season and paying £25mill for him will be hard for them to stomach (it'll seem like they're not getting anything for their money). I would quite happily take Tevez, he's exactly what Chelsea need.


        I hope he doesn't go Chelsea, I'd prefer Man City over that


          Unless Man U keep him, they won't have any say in what he does


            Indeed, still I would rather he go Liverpool than Chelsea


              Drogba's starting. Nice bit of egg on the face for all the pundits saying "oh he'll be sitting it out".


                i thought the poor chap was injured.


                  He was taken off because he was hobbling around a bit but he didn't want to come off. He felt he could keep playing.


                    Good cross from Drogba leading up to the first goal and a great shot by Anelka for the second.

                    Arsenal were the better team and played with lots of energy but they wasted far too many chances. Walcott is possibly the fastest player in the EPL but he can't finish and he'll never be a great player if he can't do something with the ball after taking it past a defender.


                      Ouch, that was a bit embarassing by toure


                        "amazing how little it takes to stop a modern footballer"

                        Says Andy Gray to the player with bloody nose..


                          I love Malouda, that linesman, and want to have both their babies. 4-1 to Chelsea, ?10 @ 80/1



                            That's effectively the premier league settled for us, third place is secured. Now to focus on the FA Cup


                              4-1 is really a shocking result. Arsenal are like a slightly poor version of Barcelona, no end product at all.
                              Last edited by ezee ryder; 10-05-2009, 17:04.


                                Indeed, the way they were running rings around us at the start, they should've slaughtered us but they're poor in offence and defence.

                                Did the 30,000 Arsenal fans who walked out when the fourth goal went in care about the 'beautiful football' they played? Wenger needs to buy a pure goal scorer and a defender to go with Gallas. They're sloppy in all the places where it really counts.

                                Some nice finishes from us though.

