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Arsenal Thread

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    Let the floodgates OPEN!!!!!

    This will only be fair if they go after a proper glamour club - yes I am looking at you Real Madrid.

    Could be exciting times. Or it could be a ridiculous Scottish witch-hunt.


      I'm all for it, IF they do this for everyone. Best way to solve the problem is video evidence after the fact and bans. Fines mean nothing these days, and a yellow card on the day is probably, to most "professionals", worth the gamble - a yellow or a penalty.

      Bans seem the best bet. You'd not want someone given a red unless it was a BLATANT dive in a game, but applied afterwards when video evidence makes it clear, I think it's ok.

      It does have to be for everyone though, from here on in.


        Nice dive by Torres. Nice one. Keep them goals coming, sunshine.


          Originally posted by Jebus View Post
          I don't think it's right. If the ref had seen it and booked him, he would have got a yellow card, instead they've just gone way over the top with it.
          I agree, why is what he did worth a yellow card during the game but a two game ban after the game? Doesn't make any sense.

          What they should have done is given him a retrospective yellow card and then said that from now on anyone caught diving by video review will be banned.

          I don't think you can give reds for diving during a match because it's too difficult to tell in a split second if someone has truly dived or not, it needs a detailed video analysis after the game.

          If they actually review every incident and dish out the same punishment no matter how big or small the club, then I'm sure it would drastically decrease the number of players diving.


            Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
            I agree, why is what he did worth a yellow card during the game but a two game ban after the game? Doesn't make any sense.
            Well if he gets caught diving in the penalty area that's a yellow card and no penalty. If he doesn't then he has engineered a goalscoring chance through foul means. You get red cards for preventing a clear goalscoring chance. Why not for the other way?

            It's often difficult to determine whether the player did/didn't dive during the game. So then why not apply that retrospectively when you've had ample time to review the incident? And aren't red cards automatic 1 match bans now?

            The above is how I've seen it explained elsewhere. It makes sense in a way but I'm not entirely sure I agree with it. I like your suggestion better of giving him a retrospective yellow and then saying from here on in you get banned for x number of matches. Seems much fairer.


              UEFA have lost it, this is an early season witch hunt, stoked up by bitter jocks, and I predict now that there won't be another champions league banning dive this season, regardless of on the pitch events.

              I have no problem with doing this if its done consistently, but we know footy administrators and constistently don't exactly go hand in hand.


                UEFA DIVING CLAMPDOWN ENDS WITH EDUARDO. Well there's a shock


                  After the Champions League semis last year (UEFA never even commented on one of the worst ref performances the competition has seen) this incident just highlights that some of the high ups in Uefa have a clear agenda and no interest in even handed approaches to controversies.


                    Crock of ****.
                    Last edited by neoboy259; 03-09-2009, 13:01.


                      Love this photo, two anglophiles chattering away whilst Platini looks on...


                        Fergie needs to be careful, he's in the firing line next over a french youth.


                          well thats a shocking disaster. Are we finished as a top 4 side?...


                            We defended so poorly, Clichy couldnt handle Big Lips and Richards.


                              LMAO at the Man City-Arsenal after-match analysis on MOTD.

                              Shearer: We've all been there...reacted in the heat of the moment after scoring a goal.

                              Lineker: Kicked players in the head...

                              Shearer: (sheepishly) Oh, come on...

                              Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 13-09-2009, 18:37.


                                that made me lol.

                                Extreme lack of class by he whose name I cannot spell although to be a slightly fair, he was treated pretty badly by Arsenal supporters when he was there.

                                fourth (and possibly third) place will be strongly fought this year

