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Arsenal Thread

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    I really don't understand (Well apart from big money) why blades have not been banned by the governing bodies. A bladed boot planted in turf has zero give, your leg would give out long before the boot slips. Old fashioned studs can pivot and give in the turf.


      This reminded a bit what have happend at the begin of the season here. The game between Anderlecht and Standard:


        Nice clean Arsenal can be seen in this footage here,

        Imagine the damage if he caught Nani?


          what does posting youtube clips of previous possible fouls prove ?

          if I post pictures of Gary Neville repeatedly kicking Reyes in his ankles until he was injured does this even out Gallas lunging at somebody ?

          anybody who honestly believes Arsenal aren't more sinned against than sinners when it comes to the dark arts either doesn't watch Arsenal much or has some very odd coloured lenses in.


            "Every time [Didier] Drogba roughs them up, Chelsea beat Arsenal. Bolton used to do it under Big Sam - Kevin Davies and all those guys roughed Arsenal up too. We've got to hit them with a bit of aggression"
            And that's why Shawcross broke Ramseys leg. I'm sure he didn't intend to, but the fact is he's been told to be physical and aggressive and this is the result.

            Oh, and for all those whining about what a good little boy he is, his late tackle from behind broke Jeffers' ankle and he was out for several months, and almost did the same to Adebayor (tackled him when he wasn't even on the pitch, resulting in him being out for a month injured). Now he's broken Ramsey's leg. Is it malice? Maybe not, but incompetence isn't an excuse either.

            Also, you don't think Wenger has the right to be emotional after yet another team incapable of actually playing football* decides to play the "physical game" and breaks another one of his players legs?

            *How many times did Stoke look threatening when it wasn't from a long throw in?


              Originally posted by Malavon View Post

              Also, you don't think Wenger has the right to be emotional after yet another team incapable of actually playing football* decides to play the "physical game" and breaks another one of his players legs?

              *How many times did Stoke look threatening when it wasn't from a long throw in?
              I get so sick of this . Football is a physical game , though I guess you Arsenal Boys would rather people played touch , instead of tackles .
              I also forget you're this Great footballing side, that's so great, you've won nothing for years , and can't deal with Thrown-in's ? (which of Course should have no part in Football ).


                Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                I get so sick of this . Football is a physical game , though I guess you Arsenal Boys would rather people played touch , instead of tackles .
                I also forget you're this Great footballing side, that's so great, you've won nothing for years , and can't deal with Thrown-in's ? (which of Course should have no part in Football ).
                A physical game? Apart from shoulder barges it should be a contact free sport!
                That's why Shawcross was sent off
                Can you honestly say you'd rather watch a team like Stoke week after week or Arsenal? Just stand back for a moment and look at what has been achieved with the miserly budget. OK so they might not have won anything recently but they are still in Europe for the Nth year and are virtually debt free. A long term plan appears to be in place


                  Originally posted by smouty View Post
                  A physical game? Apart from shoulder barges it should be a contact free sport!
                  That's why Shawcross was sent off
                  Can you honestly say you'd rather watch a team like Stoke week after week or Arsenal? Just stand back for a moment and look at what has been achieved with the miserly budget. OK so they might not have won anything recently but they are still in Europe for the Nth year and are virtually debt free. A long term plan appears to be in place

                  So all tackles and headers need to be banned , is that what you're saying ? .

                  Stoke to me are a Football Club that have just has much right as Arsenal to inthe Prem, They're proper British Footballing Club . You go on about Budget , how much is Arsenals compared to Stokes ? , or most of the other lesser Football Clubs that are in Mid Table or the lower Half

                  The so called best Football team have won jack **** for years , the so called best footballing Team, don't like Long Throws . Maybe the so called best Football team needs to get Relegated to the lower leagues, then you’ll see Football, in its purest sense You’ll also have to give up your Prawn Sandwiches and Champaign :P , Oh that would be a Culture shock to some of the Elites


                    Proper British Footballing Club? LOL.

                    Most teams that play Arsenal hold press conferences beforehand to say "we can't beat Arsenal at Football, so we have to try something else." They literally say that.

                    Stoke aren't a football team, they're a team that happens to be on a football pitch.


                      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                      So all tackles and headers need to be banned , is that what you're saying ? .
                      Err no. You play the ball not the player. It is apparent that some teams define physical as the opposite of this unfortunately.

                      In amongst your rant I couldn't find the answer to whether you prefer to watch football played like Stoke or Arsenal.

                      The fact that teams like Stoke are in the Premiership (clue in the title there) is not in dispute and they have to play to survive but not to the extent of injuring another professional - intentional or not. As mentioned the teams tactics and management have to take some responsibility for what happened....again.

                      I will also be bold here and say Arsenal play the purest form of football in the league today which many other teams and their supporters would love to emulate.
                      Last edited by smouty; 01-03-2010, 08:16.


                        "Every time [Didier] Drogba roughs them up, Chelsea beat Arsenal. Bolton used to do it under Big Sam - Kevin Davies and all those guys roughed Arsenal up too. We've got to hit them with a bit of aggression"
                        There is a big difference with Drogba though, he's imposing physically but he isn't dangerous. Can't recall him ever doing a two footed tackle (only red card for violent conduct I can recall was that farcical sending off for challenging a keeper for a mid air ball against Barcelona).

                        You can be physical without being dangerous. There's a lot being said about lower sides but one of the worst 'physical' players is Paul Scholes. It's a miracle he hasn't severely injured more players and he certainly gets away with far too much.


                          What's with all the random capitals aswell?


                            Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                            Proper British Footballing Club? LOL.

                            Most teams that play Arsenal hold press conferences beforehand to say "we can't beat Arsenal at Football, so we have to try something else." They literally say that.

                            What a pile of utter ****

                            they have to play to survive but not to the extent of injuring another professional - intentional or not.
                            Injuries happen , you can't stop that from happing . Some players get inured in the warm up before the match

                            I've watched Aaron Ramsey for Cardiff and Wales , he's miss timed the odd tackle , he's let his feet leaving the pitch , when he slides in . Not for one moment to hurt or take out another player, but trying to win the ball . You know what.... he did just that for Arsenal in the FA Vs Cardiff
                            Player's are Humans they'll make mistakes , they'll miss time , at the end of the day that's why we get Goals , When defenders and Goal Keepers screw up and miss a tackle or a Shot .

                            I couldn't find the answer to whether you prefer to watch football played like Stoke or Arsena
                            I rather watch Spurs (no really) . They're a side that can also play football ,and you always seem to get Goals in their games , or then its Liverpool , but only because half my mates of fans of the Club


                              Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                              What a pile of utter ****


                                Anyone who doesn't think football is a physical game has never played it themselves.

