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World Cup 2010

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    bloody hell, Talksport reporting that Green selected by Capello but player power has overthrown him and got James in the team.

    amazing if true & doesn't sound like capello at all.


      Rubbish. I doubt Capello would spill the beans to anyone, let alone the press.


        being quoted as 'camp sources', don't know if this means people in the squad or Mark Lawrenson.


          As soon as I hear the phrase "TalkSport are reporting" I know that it's a load of made up rubbish They'll say anything to try and get reactionary types to phone in to their premium rate numbers to froth at the mouth about it.


            Originally posted by merf View Post
            bloody hell, Talksport reporting that Green selected by Capello but player power has overthrown him and got James in the team.

            amazing if true & doesn't sound like capello at all.
            I'm not disputing that James might be in the team, but if "player power" is the reason, I'll eat my hat.

            In fact, I'll go out and buy a newone, then eat it.


              Originally posted by merf View Post
              bloody hell, Talksport reporting that Green selected by Capello but player power has overthrown him and got James in the team.

              amazing if true & doesn't sound like capello at all.
              I happened to turn on some news programme this morning and the team they suggested was exactly the same as the USA game except Barry to start instead of Milner.

              They also stated that Green is being supported by his team mates, evidenced immediately after the first match too. Therefore it is much more likely it's Capello who wants to bring in James not the other way around.

              Assuming James is fit and ready I just hope he has the guts to do it and doesn't bow to player power and misplaced sentiment.

              James or Hart could mess up as badly as Green, there's simply no guarantee they won't. But when you have three goalies as good as one another just what worse error than a mishandle that results in a goal would Green have had to have done to be demoted to third choice?


                BBC are now reporting James has the spot too. As is the guardian. Seems green looked really shakey when they had an open training session last night.

                Will be interested to see how it goes tonight.


                  Originally posted by merf View Post
                  'camp sources', Mark Lawrenson.


                    "oooh have I got a juicy bit of new for you!"


                      Tune into BBC Iplayer for Alan Shearer's expert analysis.


                        this ref is a clown, big test for the Fritz's now, down to 10 and behind.

                        are the German management sponsored by Burtons Menswear ?


                          Germany a man down and a goal down. This world cup is getting interesting!


                            watching this one online and just noticed an alternative audio option with Chris Moyles, I'd rather they trebled the vuvuzela volume than listen to that.


                              Obviously the ref decided that the standard of refereeing had been too high thus far! Serbia look well organised, this will be tough for the Germans.


                                fair play to Mick McCarthy for calling the Serb goalie a 'big tart', think that tops the ITV guy getting the word 'womb' into his commentary yesterday.

                                still think the Germans will get something out of this.

