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World Cup 2010

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    The most worrying thing is that most of the big squads played much better during their second game. Even the losing Germans weren't bad today, as I found them to be better than Serbia even with Klose sent off.

    Yet England actually seems to perform worse and seems to be even more paralyzed, that against a weaker opponent than the USA was. Might be the easiest group also.

    Where is the team that outplayed and drew us 2-2, and killed Croatia 5-1?


      good to see gerrard upto his old tricks AGAIN




          This is shocking. Hope the Sunday papers rip em a new one. I don't care that a draw is "good enough", its not.


            Bring back Sven!




                LOL...that is all.


                  So angry. That was unacceptable, what is wrong with England? Rooney looked disinterested after the first 15 and he couldn't even control a 5 yard pass. If Heskey had played as poorly as Rooney then people would be going wild.
                  One of the worst England displays I have seen in a long time.
                  Gerrard said earlier in the week he liked to go forward and would be able to do so with Barry in the side, but at times he was level with Barry waiting for a short pass. That's not his job! I really don't know if you could say anyone played well.


                    England players are half scared, half frustrated.

                    Most of the 'chances' that match were from outside of the box and if they were on target, they were at the keeper. Inside the box no one seemed to want to be the one who had to shoot.

                    The players are clearly not happy with this play style but they've a manager who's utterly inflexible.

                    Gerrard wants to link up with Rooney. Let him. Don't put SWP on the pitch, he's worthless against solid defenders, give Cole a run.


                      Rooney is funny. No way can they beat Slovenia given the performances so far.


                        If there aren't major changes for the next game I can't see anything changing. It's weird though, because as much as I think Capello is being far too stubborn with his selection - he must also be completely ****ing flummoxed at how badly the team have played?

                        I blame Rob Green, personally.


                          The last round of games in the group is gonna be interesting if nothing else.


                            Backwards and sideways passing FTL!!

                            Some of the 'best' players in the world and they play like that? Pathetic. Ditch the 4-4-2 as it clearly doesn't work. No one seems to want to take the game by the scruff of the neck and really go for it.

                            And where was the passion? Bunch of overpaid twats.


                              Got to blame the players not the manager. They couldn't even string passes together, couldn't control simple balls, didn't move and make runs or spaces intelligently. The manager can't be blamed for the players' inconsistencies.


                                I agree with Wayne to be honest, I don't see what good can possibly come from booing your own team.

                                Capello just won't accept the blame for things, he consistently plays the wrong players in the wrong formation. We as a team are full of players who are more comfortable in a 4-3-3.





                                Lennon--------------------------J Cole


                                It's so ****ing simple but he refuses to buckle from that rigid 4-4-2 that DOES NOT ****ING WORK.

