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Premier League 2010/11 general thread

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    I dunno how he can be sacked when people like Ferguson are still in a job. I mean, look at the form table for the last one game, Man United are right near the bottom having lost one out of their last one. That's no points out of a possible three.

    I'd get rid.


      Incredible stats that WBA have ditched him after the transfer window has shut, so the poor sap who takes over is lumbered with the same bunch of ****wagons.


        Where exactly do West Brom fans feel they should be? I would've thought they'd expected to be fighting against relegation


          Crazy decision IMO, and as prinny mentioned the timing is ridiculous.

          Apparently on the Radio Lancashire phone in last night a couple of Blackpool fans were wanting rid of Holloway, which beggars belief.


            Right then... to the pub! No way I'm missing this one...


              Massive result for the Blues

              Shocked at Dimatteo, i'm sure the Baggies fans i know will be too.


                Indeed, after yesterday's odd results we needed the win. Watched it on a dodgy sky stream which was doing it's best Norman Collier Impression. Still managed to see the goals, pity it's borked for the Chelsea game (though that sounds crap).

                A big WTF about Dimatteo.
                Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 06-02-2011, 16:01.


                  I'm sure West Brom have been doing better than they have ever done. Apparently they don't want to get relegated, but they always get relegated anyway. Even if Di Matteo did go down with them it would not be anything new. I think Di Matteo got some good wins. A shocking descision to sack/gardening leave him. Stupid, and they are not even in relegation either. Waits for Benitez!!!! Hopes Di Matteo joins Chelsea as an Assistant.
                  Last edited by JU!; 06-02-2011, 18:18.


                    Keys and Gray are back. This time with talksport lol.

                    Station says it has scored 'sensational coup' by signing former Sky Sports presenters who were caught up in sexism storm. By John Plunkett


                      They'll fit in well at that festering cess-pit of nobheadedness.


                        Hodgson in at West Brom until the end of the season.


                 paign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Ffootball%2Frss+%28Foot ball%29

                          Capello = Anus.

                          With Gérard Houllier's side below Bruce's in the Premier League, Capello's words were puzzling but the Italian, who has not attended a game at the Stadium of Light for 18 months, apparently based his reasoning on a perception that Sunderland play a long-ball game.
                          "I overlooked Bent for the World Cup because he was not as good as he is at the moment," Capello said. "I have been twice to see Aston Villa and they are playing completely differently to Sunderland. For Sunderland it was important for them to go straight for the goal. Before Bent was only playing for the box, now he is a player who can play for the team."
                          What an ignorant twat. We are a passing team.
                          Last edited by prinnysquad; 12-02-2011, 09:49.


                            Sick of Bruce's 4-5-1

                            I'm so glad he decided not to replace Bent in the window.

                            Our record since then currently stands at:
                            Played - 3
                            Won - 0
                            Drawn - 0
                            Lost - 3
                            Scored - 5
                            Conceded - 9

                            And as a Brucie Bonus stat - lost leads in all three games.

                            He and his men want hauled over the coals after that performance, nobody had the balls to commit forward. Utter, utter toss. PLAY TWO UP FRONT AT HOME, FAT ARSEHOLE.

                            We be dropping like a hot ****.


                              Why on earth has he returned to it? Sunderland are a more than capable side and in an unstable PL environment, Spurs were there for the taking.

                              Once again 90 mins of negativity means nothing. 4-5-1 is not a home formation.


                                He's returned to it, because he's such an arsehole that he thinks he can get by on it.

                                When Bent went we had Gyan, Wellbeck and Campbell left as forward options. Wellbeck and Campbell are crocked. Gyan is the only fit forward. Bruce's fault.

                                Since he left the window without even signing a temporary replacement, he's played his one man on his own up front. He refuses to throw on someone else up front with him, like Richardson. Richardson plays 'behind' Gyan, but on the break he's just too far behind. He should throw him properly foward to add balance, options, and take the weight off Gyan's shulders, who's wasted as a fetch-and-carry man. Bruce's fault.

                                It pisses me off, because Bruce said the other day that the only reason we attracted Muntari and Sessegnon was because of our league placing. He's now threatening to ruin that, and a chance to progress, through a lack of decisiveness in bringing in a replacement, and ****e tactics/formation.

