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Premier League 2011/12 general thread

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    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
    But who is to blame for all of those circumstances? If the manager doesn't think he's ready then he shouldn't play him.
    He hasn't got much choice, Arsenal have barely any players left.


      Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
      He hasn't got much choice, Arsenal have barely any players left.
      But who is to blame for that? Why its good old wasp-chewing Wenger with his ridiculous transfer policy. Lets not excuse him for his awful disciplinary record.


        Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
        But who is to blame for that? Why its good old wasp-chewing Wenger with his ridiculous transfer policy. Lets not excuse him for his awful disciplinary record.
        Arsenal have been in the top-ten for good disciplinary records in the PL for eight of the last nine seasons, but let's not let facts get in the way, eh?


          Played 2 had 2 players sent off, should've been 3.


            What does that have to do with anything? I'm sure every team in the Premiership has had players sent off in consecutive games before.

            Except Fulham, probably.


              Maybe if Wenger wasn't always trying to portray his team as holier than thou and also having a go at other teams then it wouldn't matter. But apparently a player making a horrendous tackle can now be excused by him being inexperienced. Or his manager not making sufficient signings to ensure he doesnt need to played until he is ready. Hmm.


                Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
                Maybe if Wenger wasn't always trying to portray his team as holier than thou and also having a go at other teams then it wouldn't matter. But apparently a player making a horrendous tackle can now be excused by him being inexperienced. Or his manager not making sufficient signings to ensure he doesnt need to played until he is ready. Hmm.
                I think you're missing my point, either deliberately or not.

                I'm not trying and haven't tried to excuse the tackle, it was a bad tackle. All I've said is that there are reasons why it occurred.

                You're the one basing Arsene Wenger's entire disciplinary career on two incidents.


                  But your reasons are trying to excuse the tackle, hence they are excuses?


                    How am I excusing it? It was a bad tackle and he deserved to get carded for it. He got precisely what he deserved to get.

                    I'm just explaining why it probably happened, I'm not making excuses or saying that it's fine.


                      Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                      He hasn't got much choice, Arsenal have barely any players left.
                      Then Wenger should probably sign some, some that are over 17 perhaps?


                        He keeps saying he'll only sign "super-quality" players, players that will improve the team. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have noticed that signing literally anyone that's ever kicked a football would improve the team right now, just normal quality would be totally fine. And also he's missed that all these fictional "super-quality" players don't want to join Arsenal because come Thursday there's a very real chance they won't be in the Champion's League after last season's total ****-up in the last two months.


                          Howard Webb is going to be doing the Man U Arsenal game. I find it amazing the FA still allocate him Man U games.


                            It's alright, they're just giving him the games that United have no chance of losing anyway.


                              That beard. How did Ferguson let him walk out on the pitch looking like that.


                                What a diving little fart Bale is, proper monkey face too.

