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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords

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    You don't get Handmaiden if you're playing as a female character.

    I think.


      very true chosen one i got confused AGAIN! lol yeh i iwll get disiple, who i have got now but handmaiden looks so much beta! lol wot planet is the other variable character on and what do u do to get him/her?


        You get either Mira or Hanharr on Nar Shaddaa. Not enirely sure what you have to do to choose which you get though.


          You get Mira if you're Lightside and Hanharr if you're darkside.


            oh alrit i will get mira then. who wud u say is the best party selection to have and with melee or ranged??? i have me obviously with melee, kirea with melee an disiple with ranged


              OMG... I spent around 40 minutes last night trying to beat the Ithorian on the Dantooine landing pad at Pazaak. He was easy until you play him for the armour parts, then he starts hitting straight 20's and pulling out winning cards at every hand... wanted to run my saber through his face!! Eventually beat him but think I ended up at a net loss of 2000 C. Hope these armour upgrades are worth it!!

              Loving the game, only have Dantooine and Korriban left. Revisited Dxun and Onderron, which was the best bit so far!! Looking forward to some more set piece Jedi V Sith showdowns!!

              Is it just me or is the 'Force Storm' power unbeatable!! Using it a couple times can usually win all battles... trying not to use it now cause makes it too easy!! Great fun though



                I just found ad readful glitch in kotor 2.

                After completing the tomb quest on dxun when trying to visit onderon it freezes and instead of saying xargas it say xa and then stops...


                  I picked this up t'other day like and I like it. I was hesitant to do so because of the 'ending' and other, negative comments but I'm glad got it. Already (only about an hour or two in), the game has lots of nice little features and puzzles that were kind of there in KOTOR but not utilised to any extent (e.g. splitting characters up, mines). Graphically, while not technically different, it's more artistic and nicer looking. A larger dialogue seems to be there too, plenty of great 'Star Wars' comments

                  Right, back to page #1; I've got a thread to catch up on.

