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Gran Turismo 4

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    Gran Turismo 4

    Apologize if the thread has been started b4

    Just got my copy. So far everything is 'ho hum'.

    Driving feels abit different from the prologue....(might be me)

    my version came in a white slipcase..with a driver's reference that has pictures of the courses n vehicle.

    There's a strong focus on white. The intro has lotsa wide...selection screen is white.

    Some things have the map where u select home, garage etc etc tec is much much much bigger.

    There's a korean track too! (Although I felt that particular track was rather boring)

    messing around car selection, I picked my RX7 n the system promted me if I want to save the car under my 'fav cars' list. too cool ^^

    if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask and I'll be more than happy to answer!

    lol, got my first gold with 0.001 sec to spare ..hahahahaha
    (yeah I am doing all the tests atm...update on AI later)
    Last edited by SummAh; 28-12-2004, 08:16.

    Whats the AI like?


      Ok....I wondered when someone woudl mention this.

      Any chance of a overview of the play options available.. as I am a complete GT novice..
      Also I don;t suppose theres a english option hidden away in the settings somewhere ?

      From some of the screenshots there are english headings.. do you have the Jpn version and is this still correct ? Should it be playable for us importing.. or will we miss out on too much ? (Bit late for me as my GT4 pack is about to ship!)

      Lastly is it fun ? Or does it look to be a real chore as I remember ppl complained about GT3...





        Just did a lap on Laguna seca for one of the test.

        Didn't recognize it.

        BTW, there is a very nice 'blurry' effect when u crash ur car~
        Last edited by SummAh; 28-12-2004, 08:30.


          There was a English language button in the options of the Final Demo so hoping for one in the full game ...
          Glad it's finally been released after all the delays, think USA version is due start of Feb if language is a problem anyway.


            Whats the AI like?

            That was the worst thing in the last games and ended up putting me off playing them for very long.


              Oh oh..there's another fun mode in GT4

              if u select B specs become the director/manager of the race!

              Kinda like how u see on TV, those guys in racing suits but wearing the heatset n stuff.



              Update : Having dinner atm.

              a) I don't like what they've done to the presentation during the race. When u r racing, u can only see the following own ur screen, time, map, the road itself of coz, speedometer. what u CANNOT see are

              -what place u r atm. You have no idea if u're 5th, 6th etc until someone over takes u or when u complete a lap
              -number of laps. Some of the races, I had to complete a lap b4 I was informed of how many laps the race would be. This I find to be completely insane. Yet at the same time, I can see how some ppl won't see any fault with it. (update: I just played around n you can turn this off/on)

              b) Right now at B class races, it's rolling start more countdown. Daytona anyone?

              c) some of the course have some sort of a camera glitch during the rolling start...for a few secs, ur screen will jerky (slighty). Nonetheless, it is there n rather obvious too.

              d) I cannot give any accurate comments on the AI right now. After Dinner I shall go do all the licence tests then go to those ' high lvl' races..then Ibeing able to tell if AI has improved. However, in the B class races for Sunday Cup...the AI drivers are SLOW n DUMB. (update: AI for FR cup is considerably better)

              e)If u're like me where music is critical in any game I play...u'll be happy to know u can adjust the volume of BGM in GT4. This I was very happy with coz it wasn't present in 3

              f)ochresta ver GT theme is sick!

              g) Apart from the usual speedometre that u see, there's now a accel and brake pressure gauge too being shown on screen. It's quite helpful.

              Well as good as GT4 is, my mom's cooking is way better.

              Last edited by SummAh; 28-12-2004, 11:01.


                small update : you can indeed select 480 or 1080i or whatever the figure is for ur screen ..i forgot. I just thought I'll include this tiny fact since I came across the topic a few days ago at this forum


                  Any update on if theres an option to select English language??? Also can you buy older used cars like you were able to in GT2?


                    no english

                    yes u can buy tons of old cars like GT2 ^^

                    btw, I am using the soundtrack in the game...putting it on play right now while fixing my networking issues...

                    it's insane..100 songs...jukebox anyone?

                    One thing that's pissing me off greatly atm, I swear I turned off ASM & TCS at options but it's still turning up .

                    So i thought ' fine, I'll manually turn it off in settings'

                    Cannot even find it..unlike GT3 where u select the lvl..this is just on/off affair!
                    (edit : false alarm! found it..turned it off successfully for good this time!!!!)

                    The new drop down menu system when u configure a car takes sometime getting used to.
                    Last edited by SummAh; 28-12-2004, 15:34.


                      For anyone importing the game, I'll just type out information about B specs.

                      New to the GT series is B-specs, where as I said in my previous post, the player becomes the manager/director of the race by giving commands to the CPU driver.
                      This is Polyphony's way of allowing us to experience racing from a different perspective imo.

                      Basically, you watch the race from the broadcast view and from the race monitor screen. By toggling through these screens, players can continue to give commands during the race.

                      There are 5 different commands you can give.

                      1)slowdown-tells the AI driver to slow down to minimize tire wear

                      2)relax - Slow down to a conservative and moderate pace

                      3)my pace - keeps the best pace for the driver at present status.

                      4)Pace up - need I say more?

                      5) Pit in - plz be aware that u cannot pit in if the race has less laps. (exactly how much lesser, i do not know..I am just telling u guys what I read from the manual)

                      Driver profile : the more u race, the more exp ur driver gains, which in turns increases ur driver's performance lvl. In a way, rpg like. However, what u must be aware of is when ur driver's exp points stop increasing. This means it is time for u to change the conditions of the courses or the cars itself.

                      B spec Race monitor

                      When u select B spec..basically u can use eith the broadcast view (which can be seen at only x1 speed) or Race monitor, which players have the option to speed up the race x5

                      In both views, players can see the overall details of the race to help them give commands to their driver.

                      Basically on the race monitor, you will see the following information
                      1)car of interest and car designation (that's what ur driver is using)

                      2)command window (tell ur driver to pit, speed up, etc etc)

                      3)condition of car (conditions of wheels etc etc)

                      4) Position

                      5) Position and car designation

                      6)Playing speed ( how fast are u viewing the race

                      7)Current time

                      8 )Best lap

                      9)Time differences

                      10)Position per sector (red to blue line)

                      11) current laps

                      12) number of pit stops

                      13) position and time difference

                      Controls for the race monitor are as follows

                      up/down - load the best lap replay and display as ghost car
                      left/right - review varios records
                      L1+direction buttons - display logger data for best lap replays
                      R1 - change varios game settings
                      Obutton - live screen Pit stop ON/OFF
                      Xbutton - Toggle map indication/lap time indication
                      Triangle button - overtake ON/OFF
                      Last edited by SummAh; 28-12-2004, 15:03.


                        Lik-sang have done an excellent translation page.




                          click here:



                            one other thing. according to a mate of mine in Hong Kong. The chinese version claims it has english support on the back of the game. He hasn't played it yet but will let me know later in the day.


                              yeah, i was under that impression too, i believe most Asian games have english options, fingers crossed!!!

