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Resident Evil 4

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    My friend bought the PAL ver today. They have added loading text when... well loading. Its not even nice text it brown buble writing.
    Last edited by Jakeway; 18-03-2005, 18:58.


      I just remembered this came out today here and realised that I spent about 1 hour in games shops today and never noticed one poster, sign or anything promoting Resi 4. How bad is that!


        Whaaaat? The Gamestation I picked mine up from today had half of their shop window dedicated to it.... [retro display][door][re4 advert]


          Originally posted by fishy fish
          the german version has been cut just now.
          all of the bonus missions (ada and mercs) have been cut out. so you won't get to see the real ending
          real ending?


            Well, I've been playing about four hours now and I've just hit the Castle.

            Do I still need to use spoiler tags? Everyone knows what's been going on, right?

            Anyway, the only problem I'm having is a chronic ammo shortage; at the choose a gate, left or right bit - you all know the bit - I went right. Knowing fulwell what was there. With ten shotgun shells, ten bullets, a couple of flash grenades. Nailed it on my fourth try, but was NOT pretty.

            Similarly, the "bit" in the barn after the cable car... came out of it with three handgun bullets; used about two clips, 100 TMP rounds, and five shotgun shells.

            Am finding ammo shortage arsey, but finding ways around it. Have just substantially overhauled my arsenal at the castle. Wish the merchant would sell me bullets... I have enough guns

            Loving it, though. It's almost TOO slick - I'm not noticing the awesomeness of, say, the graphics, even though it's obvious - rendering all those villagers/flames in the siege, which is probably my favourite bit so far.

            Anyhow, I'm getting annoyed by the big catapults, so I'm taking a break. Great game.


              I've said before on this thread but I love getting the original rifle out and popping badies off before they even realise I'm there!



                I havnt been reading this thread for fear of so glad i didnt!

                This game doesnt half throw you in to the **** from right at the beggining! Ive lost count of the times when i have escaped a area\chapter with only a glimmer of health and 2 bullets left, only to hit save and switch the console off...and take a deep breathe, go downstairs and get a drink...hang about the door way of my room, before switching the game back on. ITS JUST A GAME >_<;

                Ive done this loads of times, the game is very very intense, the music, the graphics, the controls, the camera and the sound effects all add to "**** ya pants" marathon. Im just really dissapointed i didnt buy this game earlier...or bought it myself as I am borrowing a mates US copy! >_<

                Ive played about 5-6hrs worth according to the save, but easily i have spent much more time on this game, because of my remarkable ability to get killed in every manner possible. Ive played all the other Resident Evil games before (not 3 though ) and the experience of just the first hour...heck, the first 5 mins made me say "****, this ****s on all RE's!"

                The amount of jumps, swearing and blind panic i have suffered in the first 1hr of play I had of this game, surpasses all the "moments" RE0,RE1,RE2,RE:CV had to offer imo.

                Im trying to recollect all of the bits which made me ****ing jump like a prat, but there are so many to mention. Loads of moments where the odds are stacked against you, just wave and wave of these mad villagers tearing down windows and doors just to kill me. >_<

                Spoilers:Things which did not scare me...

                The chainsaw dude: How bloody unnerving is the sound of that chainsaw! You can hear it...but sometimes i couldnt see him! worst moment for me was thinking that baracading a door would stop people from walking up the stairs to get me while i pick out a nice comfy spot to get nice easy kills with. Didnt work! While i was taking pop shots out the window...i didnt stop to think that the sound of the chainsaw was getting louder...untill he buried it into my neck! He caught me out enough times...and i love him for making me **** my load!

                Bear Traps: Such a simple trap, who could get caught in this? Jeebus, and everytime i do get caught the same result of me jumping and shouting "****! blarghhkdnsglidsfnvlikdsnfv;klvnsdln" occurs.

                The Cabin assault: Holy Crap, how insane was this onslaught! I just about survived this, i thought just blocking the doors and windows, and finding a nice place to camp with the rifle and shotgun will get me out of this mess. Did it hell! The villagers would get too close or run at your blindside and murder me. >_< A great moment of gaming was this.

                The El Gigantico thingy: The bastard!

                The beardy\bald bloke: seriosley, wtf Capcom. The sequence in the barn was amazing, where he just appears out of nowhere, sends you flying to the roof while he twists the metal door handles shut! I wasnt even aware at this point a QTE would occur and i just barely survived that. The cool sequence continues where Leon blasts the f00 by exploding a barrel of somthing explosive...but the bitch turns into some really ****ed up spine extended demon, with like....*shudders*... it was ****ed up. Anyway, seems that he is allergic to Rockets to the face...HAHAHHAHAH DEAD! \o/

                The Cult hooded blokes: The chanting sounds well ****ed up man :| Oh, and the rest of the villagers shouting is pretty grim too.

                The Prison blind monster: Right, for some reason i thought this was Luis, or some guy that i needed to help! So i walk towards him, cue cut to eery sound effect and shaky cam zooming up to the guys face. Now...even from this, i didnt realise that he could be somthing that would kill me. So aimlessly i kick the door in to see if i could free him by pushing the lever that i see to my right.


                The guy, who was bolted to the bloody wall, only just tears of his shackles with such speed, and the resulting debris flying about and the noise of him escaping and the sheer unexpectedness of him actually freeing himself led me to guessed it, **** my pants. Turns out the lever wasnt for freeing him...DOH! Loved using the bells to distract this boss. Once i did this bit...i saved it...and switched off the console, and went for a cup of tea.

                Been mostly playing the game via headphones as i dont have a fancy sound set up for my ittle TV :P, but its still looks and sounds amazing.

                Hopefully, i dont suffer a heart failure before compleating this game. I cant remember a game which has shocked me like this, it truly is insane. Love it!
                Last edited by jassi singh; 20-03-2005, 01:20.


                  Jassi... those smilies look like conceptual art when the spoiler isn't highlighted.


                    The smilies represent the pattern of **** that was found in my pants after 5hrs of play.


                      I've only read Jassi's post (minus the spoilers) as I am too hoping to stay away from spoilers until I buy the game in the US next month.

                      I tell you! It's teh Leon! He's always in the best resi games!


                        Yes dave...dont read no more! Im not gonna come back into this thread till i have completed the game now.
                        Last edited by jassi singh; 20-03-2005, 02:38. Reason: ran over to Dave to fart in his poxy mouth :@ Spelling whore!


                          Completed >> Compleated.


                            Today I played a marathon session. I'm in the first section of Chapter 5, saved at the first merchant. Man... what a day... I think I played for about five hours off and on (three and half hours in one sitting, and then another hour and a half after we got back from dinner). Amazing stuff! My save screen shows that I've played for a touch over 20 hours. I know, I'm slow. I play pretty methodically, always trying to save every bullet and herb I can. Hell, I've got the extra large attache case, and the damn thing is nearly full. I've got the Striker, Broken Butterfly, the semi-auto rifle, an RPG, and the Blacktail, along with a smattering of grenades, plus about six or seven full health mixtures. I'm locked and loaded.

                            Anyway, what an amazing experience...


                              I've finished the game now and things went exactly how I'd prefered them to in the final chapters. Definetely picked itself up and spent 5 hours last night doing the old 'just a bit more' routine


                                I actually prefered the riot gun to the striker; might be slightly less powerful but it has a more defined fire arc and when you connect with it, you REALLY connect with it. That and the fact it will put people on their arse so you've got a few seconds to prepare for the next action...
                                Lie with passion and be forever damned...

