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Resident Evil 4

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    I'm on the island too, had to have a quick rest.

    I'm still baffled by reviews that moan about the slow "turning on the spot" and that when enemies are surrounding you all you have is the 180 degree turn at your disposal. Don't they know that if you point the camera a certain direction, then press R that you instantly and quickly aim in that direction? Handy, that. And moaning about inventory space...! I've had no trouble with that, at all. Didn't even buy the biggest case.

    It's lovely that the game takes a lot of pleasure in killing you, I see it almost as my duty to see what efforts the programmers have gone to and kill Leon as many times in as many different ways as possible... I like that also, even when you think you've got it all figured, it can still surprise you, and you find your head on the floor and a lovely spurt of blood accompanying. But it's never unfair, and it keeps you on your toes. It's really struck a great balance, keeping you entertained, surprising you, but always letting you carry on plugging through the game without torturing you too much about it.

    Love that on this thread so many people have shared similar moments, but all characterised by how they dealt with themselves.

    Like meeting the crazed dog things in the rain, that's timed to perfection. Nice to see so many people had similar reactions! Starting to see why we had Lassie show up in the fight And the left or right path.... I chose right, and ran right through that big ****er's legs. Ha. And the time I took out the blind knife guy with two shots from my Magnum... and how I was so fed up of ****ing Salazar droning on at me that I had to dispose of him in two shots. Poor guy. He was going on about making me feel some real pain, as well. He wants to pack a rocket launcher rather than faffing round with weird parasites. Oh, happy days. And the time I ran out of ammo and ran through a whole section screaming like a tiny baby, and the other time I ran out of ammo and tried to lure all the monks in to one group so I could take them out with a grenade, which was the only weapon I had left... strugglin'! Survivin'!

    I want to finish it so I can go back to the village.


      Well completed it and what a fantastic game love it to bits but im to tierd to write my impressions lol

      im off to bed!


        Holly **** what a game! I only started playing this last night (damned weekend work!) and am already 6 hours in. I thought Half Life 2 was good fun, but I have to say, nothing beats four headshots with one blast of the shotgun! I'm absolutely loving this game! (chapter 2-3 at the mo!).


          How hard is it going back to the start again? LOL.. With a slow firing pistol, getting a few villagers hugging ya isn't too clever! Its ok near the end when your


          is kicking ass, but early on with a unmodded pistol, ekk time!

          I am digging Leons

          new threads



            If you're playing it through second time then you should still have all your upgraded weapons..unless you started a whole new game instead of a new round... it's so much fun going through it with maxed out guns and a lovely semi automatic rifle to....


              Just wondering exactly how many chapters there are? I would look at gamefaqs or something similar, but it would doubtless spoil it for me.

              I'm at 3-2, and bricked it at the first sign of

              those invisible things

              . While I invested in the bigger case, the riot gun and the semi-auto rifle, I'm sticking with the bog standard pistol. Modded up the the nines, obviously. Slightly better power and capacity, but increasing the reload speed makes a world of difference. Takes less than a second to swap clips, so it's pretty much continual popping of caps into faces


                The chapters go up to 5-4 before the final chapter. So you're still on the first disc then Moodmon right? You have a lot to look forward to...

                And you're sticking to the standard handgun? I prefer the blacktail myself but as long as you upgrade I suppose it's not that much of a difference really.


                  I always like my handguns. While some of the other ones come with stocks and have more power, the sheer heroness of fighting off a load of peeps with just a pop gun, unloading a clip into them then just as they get close reloading and still finding time to shoot them in the face then kick their head off does it for me. Of course, I also goad them till they are close, then switch to boomstick for carnage.

                  I think it plays more like a lightgun game, but that's a compliment. It helps you can hero-dash through windows at will


                    Moodmon, seriously, move to the Blacktail; fully upgraded it deals out 3.5 damage, but mine's currently doing 2.0 after not much investment. It also goes up to much greater capacity. You'll get a good deal for your Handgun too. The Punisher, however, is definitely a red herring, and should be ditched asap.

                    Those things you're facing, whilst problematic, aren't really that tough - they fall to two shotgun shells if you're lucky. Though they do gain some new tricks later on...

                    I've just got to the end of 4-1. You know. That bit. I've done it enough times to become convinced of the need for rockets.

                    Stunning game. Loved some of the camerawork as you climbed ladders in the clocktower - I do have a thing for machinery, though. Also, the catapults are getting more Two Towers by the minute.

                    And isn't the launcher satisfying? Used my first; very Black Hawk Down - the haze of the trail, the anticipation of the hit with that WOOOOOOSH sound, and then the most almighty explosion. It almost makes the 30000 worth it.

                    Oh, and Moodmon - you're going to love the Magnum


                      The Blacktail is good, especially for firing off quick rounds, but on my third run through I've come to prefer the Red9. Fully done up it fires fast (but not *as* fast as the Blacktail), deals 5.0 damage and looks really cool reloading.


                        Even though I'm kind of rubbish at them, the QTE events really spice it up a little. Because even when you know they're coming, you always forget, always relax for the cut scene... I like that a lot, it feels like Capcom are almost disapproving of that in a way, saying "Just because its a cut scene doesn't mean you're not playing anymore! It's short, and to the point, and if you don't pay attention... YOU WILL DIE."

                        Like the knife battle with Krauser, how much more do you really feel the tension of that situation knowing that if you don't pay attention you'll get a knife in the gut? I'm a bit worried there'll be too much of this to come, and I'm crap at it... but it feels so tense! You're watching out for him to stab you... one miss, and that's it. Pretty great. In, say, MGS... you end up just watching that stuff, and it takes you out of the game. Capcom seem to have done everything they can to keep you right in there, and that's pretty commendable.

                        I just had to save before I met "it". Wait till it's dark, methinks.


                          And also

                          the section where you control Ashley really doesn't stay any longer than it has to. It just pops up in a nice complimentary way... I thought there was going to be a lot lot more of these sections, and that they'd becomre terrible and tedious, but they don't overdo it (see also: Ashley keeps getting kidnapped not to serve the story, but more the gameplay, so you don't get too fed up of her tagging along). Restraint! IN A GAME! And I think that sort of thing is key to what Capcom have done here.

                          You can just tell the amount of work and love that went in to the game, and it pays off.

                          It really feels like they've worked long and hard on it, to try and give anyone who plays the game the best experience they can. And y'know, unfortunately, it's pretty rare to say that about a game.


                            Suedey I totally agree with you, especially about the part when

                            you're controlling Ashley, I was afraid there'd be too many of them and it would get tedious but its just the one.

                            And the QTE's are great! Especially the one with

                            Krauser - thats got to be one of my faves in the whole game. I've been killed quite a few times there but its so much fun I don't care

                            I gave up on mercenaries tho - that just kicks my butt but who cares when I get to go thru the game again.


                              Aww, it's so good to read other people are enjoying this The game is a masterpiece and deserves all the praise it can get


                                It's amazing to see such a powerful GOTY contenter released so early in the year. The other devcos are going to have to really work to top this one. An amazing game, and I'm glad I get the chance to play it.

