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Resident Evil 4

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    The music stopping simply means you killed the people that have seen you. This doesnt mean there isnt someone else just up ahead or in a building or something.

    I fell for this once.

    I loved the way music was used and I felt exactly how you did Geo-V6 tension wise.


      Originally posted by Geo-V6
      One thing I did notice towards the end was how the music indicates when they are enemies about, I thought this was a bit cheap as you knew you were clear when the music stopped - I feel this lets the atmosphere down a bit as you know when you can have a breather.
      I have to say I quite like how the music stops. The tension would be too excruciating for me otherwise... This game really gets to me.


        The game gets to me too but i have found that the further you go the less 'scared' you feel which is a shame as it would have been better the other way around...


          I found that as well but I think it was due to the fact your are becoming accustomed to the game.
          Still, the 2nd disc took the atmosphere to further heights at some points .


            When I first started playing Resi 4 I thought it was different enough from the previous games to warrent it being an entirely new series. Then after the opening third it began treading more familiar territiry, and by the final boss it was Resdent Evil through and through. This isn't a criticism as such as it's hard to criticise what's be the most compulsive game I've played for ages, but I did enjoy the atmosphere and open-plan nature of the village and surrounding areas more than I did a lot of the latter room-corridor-room locations. Over and above the locations though the gameplay never dulled once. Removing the 900th villager's head was just as satisfying as the 1st. After 23 amazing hours I'm giving it a rest in favour of Snake Eater but definitely looking forward to more of the same with the bonus games and pro option. Overall I think it's been the best possible take on a tired and once great series (though not without a couple of sacrifices). Capcom's brave rewriting of the rules has paid off. I hope they get the sales they desrve and sell a load of Cubes in the process.


              Originally posted by Geo-V6
              I found that as well but I think it was due to the fact your are becoming accustomed to the game.
              You do get a bit accustomed to it, but IMO the game really does a great job at finding new ways to scare you. Being able to keep the tension for 20 hours is really a feat.


                Originally posted by Atticus
                I hope they get the sales they desrve and sell a load of Cubes in the process.
                Well, they got my GC purchase because of Resi 4 and I am a more than happy customer. On Chapter 5-1 and loving it!! Cant wait to meet Krowser and rattle it on Pro


                  I agree, I recntly bought another switched cube in order to aid my RE4. I was holding out for a PQ but couldnt wait.


                    Well it may be a sequel but by **** this game is good ;-) When I say sequel I mean it has the word Biohazard on the case. It's familiar but so so so much different. Nice to look at, character control is good (well, bloody excellent compared to previous titles in the series), inventory user-friendly, music effective and the tension is present but in a slightly different way. My wife keeps panicking when she watches me play! But that may be 'cause she's missing Corrie.

                    Well I'd just like to say thanks to Capcom for making me enjoy gaming again (bit of a slump since Halo2 let me down). It's the moments like this that keep me a gamer and proud to say so :-)


                      I own the Japanese vers and it seems to ask a question at the start, but there was so much Kanji i could not read. Does anyone know what it is asking? (sorry if this has already been asked can't find it though). I choose the first answer of the two. But after playing the American one at my mates for a bit before owning the Japanese vers i am finding the Japanese vers harder. Is this beacause of the question at the start or beacause bullets take less damage off enemies in the Japanese vers. Enjoying this game so much so needs a Ten in Edge.


                        isn't it just asking if you want to create a save file ? can't remember tbh. Sorry.

                        It was asked about 3 to 5 pages ago I think if that helps.


                          Yeah the first question is about creating a new file. Dont know what YES is in Jap though sorry


                            Why get the Japanese version if you can't read kanji?


                              Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
                              Why get the Japanese version if you can't read kanji?
                              Thank you!! Was biting my tongue there prob played the US version through on Pro and thought... Right, for my next challenge, hehe!!


                                I've only just got this (been away for a few weeks) and wow, what a game. Easily the best thing I've played in a long, long time and I've only just started chapter 4.

                                As for it being a 10/10, I don't know, the control still feels a tiny bit clumsy (nowhere near as bad previous installments) and they really should of implemented side-stepping and analogue running. Easily a 9 though.

