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Resident Evil 4

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    I just started this game about a week ago and I am totally loving it! But I gotta ask - is it possible to combine ammo of the same type so that it's not taking up lots of different spaces in the case? I mean I've tried combining them but it won't let me? Cos at the moment I seem to have about 3 different 'packs' of shotgun ammo and a couple for the handgun. If anyone know if you can and how to do it...I would love the game even more!


      Unfortunately, you can only hold limited amounts of the same ammo in a container in your inventory.


        ye I'd assumed so but was hoping I was wrong. O well...gues I'll need to get myself a bigger case! I only recently bought the rifle and there's something so satisfying about shooting those wierdos in the head from a distance...but thats just me.


          Nah it's not just you I think everyone who played it loved sniping them


            I did have to do some shufflin to fit that rifle in the case but it was definately worth it! So now I'm up to the part where

            I've just relesed Ahley for the second time and now I'm playing as her which is suprisingly ok..but I have to solve the puzzle where you switch the pieces around in a puzzle to complete the picture of some weird knight or I always hated puzzles like that!! It's probably gona take me a while too....

            But I'm so happy that it seems to be lasting ages! And I'm stil on the first disc!!!


              That puzzle is really easy:

              First slide the left tile to the middle and then just keep sliding all the tiles clockwise, that's it



                Hey thanks! You see I would have taken the long way round I'm sure...and I just know those

                guys in the armour are looking a little I'm gona assume they're not going to stay nice and still for long....

                Thanks again!


                  Yep... mind your head

                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...



                    It's a shame they don't give Ashley a that would definately make it more fun but now I'm thinking I've seen Leon's head get lopped off quite a maybe I'll let it happen to Ashley just once..or twice..



                      Lampin the Ganados with the torches and watchin them burn is well cool!! Loved seeing there bodies burn, hehehe!!

                      The Sniper rifle is a beautiful piece of kit, I kept the original one for the whole game, got it exclusivised and it is devastating!! Makes the game more tense when using it due to the reload but I fell in love with it and couldn't put it away!!


                        I've put in 17 hours and still ain't on the second disc. I've just got to the bit where there's the

                        giant statue of the kid-thing that comes charging down on you

                        The game is fantastic though. I know I keep saying it but HOW MUCH MORE FUN THAN HALO2 IS THIS!? Sorry for the caps and all that but this is how I like games. Great to look at, plenty of surprises, cheese in all the right toes and big meaty gun sounds. And gore. And (almost) upskirt shots. Oh and vishus monks. Gotta have the vishus monks. I think that's where Mario Sunshine went wrong.

                        Oh and it's so much better when you find out that you can combine gems and jewellery. My Japanese is poor so it was a comment on here (or one of the mags) that ... gotta go. At work


                        Back, but still can't spell viscous, err, viscos, err, oh f**k it, 'nasty' monks will do.
                        Last edited by iloveannie; 25-02-2005, 23:05.


                          Originally posted by iloveannie
                          I've put in 17 hours and still ain't on the second disc. I've just got to the bit where there's the

                          giant statue of the kid-thing that comes charging down on you

                          The game is fantastic though
                          you arnt that far from the end of teh second disc

                          i'm 11hrs 30mins in and fighting Krauser and too be honest i'm not sure how far i've left to go


                            just seen the movie clip of the sequence when the helicopter kills everybody thats kinda surrounded you - near the end

                            the best clip i've ever watched - that whole chapter is just atmospheric and outstanding

                            question for all the guys who have finished it

                            out of the weapons i chose to use thru the game the only one i havent maxed up is the broken butterfly, the take exclusive (i think thats right) i have to get 150,000

                            if i play the game thru again will it still stand that all my weapons will be maxed and all i need to do is get the 150,000 for the broken butterfly??

                            i have exclusive on the red69, shotgun and automatic rifle


                              Yeah, providing you start from a cleared file you'll have exactly the same weapons and items as when you completed the game - though I believe this makes things much too easy.

                              Far better in my opinion to re-start the game on professional, it's much more enjoyable and a genuine challenge.


                                Originally posted by Pikman
                                Far better in my opinion to re-start the game on professional, it's much more enjoyable and a genuine challenge.

                                but i want to exclusive my broken butterfly - so i might play thru it one more time before i try Pro and buy the tactical vest

                                as soon as it was available i wanted to get it but my weapon upgrades just seemed much more important

