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StarFox: Assault

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    3 Arwing Missions!!!! Tell me your joking please?


      I'm in a slump. I want to love this game & was really anticipating it, but now I'm depressed. It does seem that the meat & spuds of Starfox has been gutted.

      Hmmm - what to do with my preorder...

      Has it been confirmed that there are only 3 arwing sections? If so, that'll make up my mind & I'll be sending a stern email to Namco letting them know that they can **** off.


        Have to agree with Geoff D - if it's true, then my order will go on something else.


          I can deal with the odd 'on foot' bit as long as most of the game is vehicle based but this talk of only 3 Arwing missions is disgusting.

          Also if its got an 8 hour borethon story mode instead of a few shortish routes that you can perfect then it can definitely gtf. Gone are the days when i'd buy this purely cos' it's Starfox. **** it.


            /me considers cancelling preorder.


              Just re-read the thread, where did the three arwings thing start?. Can't find it in Taurus post...

              Just hope it's rumour and not fact. This game was looking so good too.


                I read this, which heartened me:
                Browse Noodls’ 50 most recent articles and stay up to date with the latest happenings and news around the world through this page!

                Granted, maybe the guy is less hardcore or discerning, but I thought some people might want to read other opinions.


                  **** this!

                  I'm gonna hunt down a copy of StarFox 64 (when got money) for my newly purchased USA Nintendo 64.

                  I had the lovely PAL Lylat Wars version and not played it in ages.
                  Looking forward to it in 60Hz and RGB.

                  Cheaper and prob more fun.


                    Looking at Alfs link reminds me why it's good that this site doesn't do pictures in sigs.
                    Granted we don't do sigs at all, but those picture ones are hideous.

                    Hopefully the 3 Arwing mission thing is wrong, though it is all starting to sound a bit Rebel Strike. Cracking flight based levels, distressingly poor on foot stuff.

                    However, if there are lots of Arwing levels and a level select once the game is complete, maybe a score attack mode on the Arwings might be good.
                    Those vids suggest it records your top score and the scoring seems to be similar to Lylat Wars.


                      I sure hope so, we need something to cling onto.


                        cancelled pre-order

                        was really looking forward to a new StarFox


                          Originally posted by Koizumi
                          cancelled pre-order

                          was really looking forward to a new StarFox
                          Because of one guys impressions?


                            Originally posted by H-Man
                            Because of one guys impressions?
                            no, read many about it and was expecting a big disappointment


                              on second thoughts if the whole "only 3 arwing" missions thing is true i am cancelling my preorder too! Some market research wouldn't have hurt namco, heck I was prepared to tolerate the 3rd person running about bit just to enjoy the arwing goodness but they can GTF now!

                              I'll get it when it's bargain basement like starfox adventures became shortly after release - it's probably a great game in it's own right but I think many of us just wanted starfox sfc/64 updated with the cube's power not a mix n' match of gaming styles

                              the save point based gameplay with no alternate routes a big dissapointment - i am still hoping it ain't true but i am sure it is!



                                lol@Bowser I have sigs disabled on every forum I go to anyway.

