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StarFox: Assault

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    Do we know if any of the StarFox 64 'extras' make it into Assault yet? As in the StarWolf team or Katt?


      Well, looking at the Japanese site it looks like the StarWolf team are back. There are also three secret 'bonus' games mentioned but not revealed yet.


        Originally posted by Wil
        Well, looking at the Japanese site it looks like the StarWolf team are back. There are also three secret 'bonus' games mentioned but not revealed yet.
        bonus games:
        Spoiler?? ->

        Xevious, Battle City and Star Luster

        Last edited by Koizumi; 02-02-2005, 15:42.


          Umm, looks like a slightly missed opportunity there, then. Maybe Nintendo don't think StarFox is a big enough IP to warrant pushing the boat out for.


            Originally posted by AllYourBase
            star-x was some sort of misguided tribute to starfox wasn't it? i didn't think it had very much playability thou, i could be wrong!?
            I never herd of Star X before but I was shocked to see how similar it was.

            Has anyone got this? Is it anygood?
            Last edited by Jakeway; 02-02-2005, 15:57.


              I had it, thought it was ****e. the controls etc just aren't as tight as StarFox and that makes it so much less playable.

              Jesus christ this forum is getting pathetic, the number of posts I've read bitchin about Nintendo only updating stuff instead of doing new stuff, but when they do new stuff they/Namco get bitched about for that too. If I was Nintendo tryin to please you lot, I'd jus shut down personally.


                I aint played Starfox titles since the original on the SNES, which was amazing!! Played a little Lylat Wars but cant really rememebr much about it!! I must have played through Starwing on the SNES about 30 times, it was fantastic!!

                Whats this about cant bank the wings?? That mean you cant fly side, wings pointing to the sky and ground respectively?? That has to be in there!! As a new GC owner... bought one to play the sublime Resi 4... I will probably try this out as I have no pre-conceptions on what to expect. If it like Starwing I will be happy.

                But, really... cant bank your ship, that cant be right, it was my best move


                  Jesus christ this forum is getting pathetic, the number of posts I've read bitchin about Nintendo only updating stuff instead of doing new stuff, but when they do new stuff they/Namco get bitched about for that too. If I was Nintendo tryin to please you lot, I'd jus shut down personally.
                  Indeed mate, and that's the point I was getting across.

                  What I'm excited about with this game is the more indepth plot, from what I hear it gets a little twisted at the end ^_^ I'd love a really plot-focussed Starfox game, but with the added ability to replay the amazing levels at the end for score-attack.


                    tbh with you, i'm still interested in it. ok, maybe it ain't starfox '64 all over again (in terms of gameplay like, not the actual remake-of-a-remake crap) but then i have starfox '64 so something new is interesting a gives me teh wood. the biggest disappointment i've read here is the banking not being in the game; no 'expert' control style or anything? that was one of the best things in the other games, flying your own style. maybe it ain't a big deal like but my head can't get 'round that at the minute... i'd be like losing an arm!

                    no mention of scoring though, taurus? what's the deal man, spill it!


                      Theres no banking, sorry to say. Should have mentioned that in my first post!

                      Marklar: On my first attempts on some levels I've already gotton medals and unlocked multiplayer maps, scoring is there. Can't confirm you can level select after you complete the game or anything though. I'll play more when I get back from work, see if I can provide more info though.

                      Bosses are so easy it's depressing too. Nothing special at all about them, they have pitiful attacks and health.


                        i thought, well, still think the starfox games are piss though, except for expert mode in starfox '64 so i'm gonna cross my fingers that there will be some deep **** to uncover.

                        thanks for the feedback though bud, appreciated (in amongst all the pre-order cancelling, heh)


                          NO BANKING!! Cant quite picture this in a SF game... Sorry for the repition but WTF!!

                          Doing a bank then double tapping to carry out a roll was the best thing I could do in any game at that age. Will need to take a look and see how this works to see if it still gonna be worth a look.


                            Taurus- From your play is the rumour that there's only three Arwing levels true?


                              Originally posted by Smegaman

                              Jesus christ this forum is getting pathetic, the number of posts I've read bitchin about Nintendo only updating stuff instead of doing new stuff, but when they do new stuff they/Namco get bitched about for that too. If I was Nintendo tryin to please you lot, I'd jus shut down personally.
                              I've never complained about Nintendo for only updating their old stuff - basically because this isn't true...they have introduced lots of new IP/reinvented current IP this generation but that is irrelevant here.

                              What I am complaining about is that they had an opportunity to update a - frankly - excellent game, fix whatever minor problems it had and improve everything else. That is all I wanted...nothing more. Instead they have, apparently, made a mis-match of genres and added the Star Fox license to it. The only thing I wanted out of this, the Arwing levels, are apparently quite average. That, to me, is a disappointment and I bet I'm not the only one who thinks this.


                                The analogue shoulder buttons could've allowed for a demonic level of Arwing control. Imagine that... halfway down for a 45-degree bank and a faster turn, or all the way down for a full bank and a sharp turn. Beautiful!

                                They could have improved the old Landmaster controls with analogue shoulders too.


