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SIMPLE2000 SERIES Vol. 81: THE Chikyuu Boueigun 2

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    giant centipede

    midway through the game is one of the best bosses in any game ever.

    The way it coils round buildings and goes on forever is superb. I flew really high with Pale Wing and the beast was absolutely huge. Then when you fire rockets at it, the way it reacts to them looks amazing, proper whiplashing away, causing everything behind it to alter direction too. It looks very natural. It's class the way it starts to break up into little independent chunks who start scuttling around on their own. Then you notice each segment has a giant eye that follows you around the screen - mega creepy!

    Even in co-op there was no slowdown.

    The depth of field effect on this mission is unbelievable, as is the sense of scale. It easily holds up to Lost Planet in this respect. It may not have the graphical clout, but the sense of battling against something immense, the tension during the battle, and the feeling of triumphal accomplishment after you defeat it is very similar.

    Here's a video of aforementioned beastie ... watch it and cry with joy.
    Simple 2000 Series Vol. 81: The Chikyuu Boueigun 2In honor of Earth Defense Force 2017 for the Xbox 360 I decided to make a few videos. The purpose of these ...

    And the war of the worlds-style walkers have superb fluid movement... they come down from the sky in red fireball and stomp through the city. It's simply superb.

    Last edited by prinnysquad; 22-07-2007, 15:18.


      We managed to finish two more levels on Inferno today. 68 hours into the game and still not finished, I wouldn't have thought that it's that long, I mean we finished the first game in 12 hours.

      The best thing is that of those 68 hours, only about 5 have been spend farming for items.


        Aye, those two foes are highlights for me so far. Love how

        at the start of the centipede level it hurtles loads of gob at you way before you're anywhere near it!

        It looks ace!

        Last time I gave this game a go I came up against some

        weird mechanical spheres

        . Odd. Your characters slow turning rate provides some strangely hair raising moments when you turn around and a ruddy great
        is hurtling towards you. For me they are oddly creepier than all the bugs and robo's.

        This is an ace game...the best on PS2 since Colossus for my money. I'm still chuffed that it's even been released over here!


          I borrowed a copy of the PAL version from a mate today (mine is still on its way) and I'm glad to say that my save states from the japanese version seem to work fine and be compatible after I renamed them, which is pretty awesome, cause I won't have to get through all those missions again.

          I also found a few differences, for example the folks at Essential Games waere smart enough to enable the technical control setting and disable the cinematic camera right from the start.
          They also changed entering vehicles from select to triangle, I had to search a while before I got it^^' but I think it's more comfortable now.

          As said there's no 60Hz option, but after patching the game to NTSC it ran fine in full screen & speed.

          It's really nice to be able to read all those weird stuff like mission briefings and weapon descriptions. The only thing that really irks me is that the "new" tag, that highlited every new weapon you found, seems to be absent or am I missing something?
          So after a mission, how do you tell which weapons you already have and which ones are new, apart from remembering all those hundreds of names?


            Anyone got a Japanese -> English translation (for the Simple Vol 81 game)... =)

            Just started playing this, far far far far far better than EDF2017, it just feels a lot bigger and better and actually has different enemies bar EDF2017's usual 3...


              I have to laugh, spent 20 minutes in the final mission (was taking down all the guns, being exact), then ran in front of a lamp post with a rocket launcher and died :0

              Still the greatest game ever ! I've used my PS3 for about 15 hours, 13 of this is playing this game, insane !


                Favourite bosses? Enemies? Weapons? Stages?


                  And why are you called Kendra, its a girls name


                    Sorry for posting in this thread but I know there are some hardcore fans up in this who might be able to answer my question!

                    Hadn't played this for ages and have got a new swap magic slim PS2 as opposed to a chipped one since I last did. Can't seem to get it working though - is this game on CD or DVD?

