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Guitar Hero

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    sorry this is interesting, as i have this and will get an lcd tv for games one day, like the samsung that they use in 360 kiosks, will they suffer lag with this? as I do have this game too.
    Last edited by Guest; 05-05-2006, 18:24.


      ill explain as well as I can.

      I have the same sort of LCD as they use in the 360 pods, only the 26" version.

      assume that each normal note you have a bit of leeway either side of the note. Well, you do on a CRT, you dont on my sammy. you can hit the note a silly amount in advance of the "sweet spot" but a tiny fraction after and its a missed note.

      I also have the same issue with donkey konga


        Loving this game so far, trying to 5 star everything in each difficulty before moving on.


          I've never noticed any lag issues on my LE26R41B, Sarkster. In fact, I've often been suprised at how late you can leave hits on GH! Strange.


            Interesting discussion here, I tried playing Amplitude on my Samsing 32 inch LCD TV and I couldn't even complete a bar most of the time. Swapped back over to the CRT and was nearly 100% on hitting notes. I've not had my much trouble with Guitar Hero but I'm just assuming I'm really bad at hard, hence lots of missed notes. I have pretty much five stars for everything on medium though so I don't think I can use that excuse!



              Well knowing that there is some lag with these hdtvs really puts me off the idea of getting one if it affects games, and that is really mostly what it would be used for


                Er, maybe it depends on the HDTV. Can't say I've ever noticed a problem switching between any of a Panny & LG flatscreen or Toshiba & Sony CRT.

                I have noticed a difference in how much my left hand hurts though


                  Does anyone have any tips on how to do the scales in the solo on the Hendrix song a little better? This is comming from a guitarist myself


                    Just got this at the weekend & I'm loving it so far, blitzed through Easy ( think I only had to do each song once to get a four or five star difficulty ), thought I'd be pretty good at Medium but turns out I was quite wrong.

                    The introduction of the fourth chord has completely thrown me out of whack!!

                    Just about managed to get my fourth finger to behave but then I forget there are four chords and start pressing the red chord instead of the green one. I'm having to get the three chord sections spot on so that when I struggle through the four chord section it doesn't harm my score too much.

                    Can't even contemplate when all five chords are in use!

                    Do you guys use all your fingers or just use three and move them up & down the chords as & when necessary?


                      I use all four fingers, however once the orange button gets thrown in I normally slide down and the just stretch my finger up to green when I need to.


                        Depends on the song. Most of the time I'll use all 4 fingers, moving the hand one position up or down to cover green or orange as required.
                        When a song has repeated chords of, say, red+blue followed by yellow+orange, I'll tend to use the same pair of fingers and just move them down the fret. I find that the notch on the yellow button helps finger placement, as does the fact that you can see what you have depressed before the note comes.

                        What I'm saying is... you'll get used to it.


                          I use three-four depending on the song, and move my hand a lot - this stops you getting RSI, and sometimes, your pinky just isn't strong enough. It actually gets easier when you start moving your hand.

                          And yeah, it's easy to perform repeated shapes (eg: green/yellow->red/blue) by moving your hand than by trying to alter your fingering. Similarly, on the five-note scales you'll need to move your hand, often more than once. Cochise is a fairly good one to practice this one - I finger orange/blue/yellow/red with my fingers (5-4-3-2) and then i slide my forefinger (2) onto green. Works fine.

                          Just keep playing. You'll soon find you can do it - just don't lock up your left hand. It certainly is easier to locate your hand at yellow as home, and then slide either up or down when necessary - rather than using green as "home" and always ending up stretching. Certainly on the later songs, most solos abuse yellow/blue/orange a lot and rarely dip down to blue/yellow.

                          Good songs for learning to move your hand on: Cochise, No One Knows. The latter absolutely demands it on later difficulties - the alternating chord riff goes Green -> Blue/Red, and I can only do that by fingering it 2 -> 2/4.

                          I'm currently running through hard. Not getting the best scores but doing OK, but cripes, Crossroads is tricky. You bastard, Clapton.


                            Question for the experts... is the pull-off/hit-on technique (or whatever it's called) where you hold down more buttons than you need and just roll across them? I'm not getting these expert solo sections which have a mass of colours because - I think - I'm trying to finger each note individually.
                            Is this a skill I need to master to finish expert? So far I'm blagging it with star power.


                              If you need a blue followed by green (indicated with the white spot on the note) you can press and hold blue, strike the note, then while keeping blue held, hold down green. You can play the second note without having to press the string button a second time.

                              I think


                                Yeah I know the theory, it's just a case of putting it into practice.
                                There are tutorials I think, but it doesn't look like it lets you skip the easy stuff.

